If what you do is done just to satisfy you, don’t be surprise if you have inner struggles; this occurs because selfish energy is never satisfied. What happens when the energy one is living by is based in selfishness is plain and simple, it blocks out loving energy. If you don’t think this is so take your head out of the sand and look around. Me, me me, energy is all around and it will never end as long as you are the base of your focus. Reaching for anything, from tobacco products, sex, alcohol, drugs, self help books, programs, tattoos, and whatnot can be measured by how others benefit from what you are doing. If there’s any attachment to it for your own benefit it becomes a liability to humanity. You may think this will make life mundane, but I say it doesn’t, there is less attachment in my life than ever before and it’s the fullest it’s ever been. Anything I do is done to put my energy in alignment with the Universe. When I come from a place of selfishness which I do at time because I to have been conditioned to do so, there’s nothing beneficial that comes from it.
I’ve learned this the hard way by being controlled by the constant need to reach to nearly the point of my own destruction. Selfish energy is so destructive, but its subtleness makes it that only a very settled mind will see this. All reaching is based in selfishness, this has nothing to do with doing what’s necessary to survive, it goes beyond that. The gauge is if what you are doing puts you in harmony with life or if it put you in harmony with fulfilling selfish cravings. Until the selfish cravings are seen for what they are, doing them will be justified as that’s what the Conditioned Mind does, it locks you into you. Even people who want a better world do it because of some selfish desire to be satisfied. Live healthy, not because it looks good or feels good, do it because the more there’s alignment with Universal Love, the more you can be an instrument to spread that love; not in a way that you think, but in a way the Universe wants it to be…

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