All the conditioning in place that makes you do what you do “It’s not your fault”. Every time you use one of the defense mechanisms you have developed over the years that offer you a way to protect yourself “It’s not your fault”. You may think in ways that aren’t truly beneficial to you “It’s not your fault”. You may get angry without understanding why and put yourself down for it, but understand “It’s not your fault”.
The Conditioned Mind is a devious foe, one that causes much suffering. The more it’s allowed to penetrate the inner psyche the more it will make you think the way you are is your fault, but “It’s not your fault” how can it be, you don’t make you thoughts happen. You didn’t choose your name, parents, the school you go to, religion, aunts, uncles, teachers, your upbringing, or any of the other attachments that make you think the way that you do. Your life regardless of the manifested behavior and how it is, is not the fault of anyone and definitely “It’s not your fault”.
I know some will say this makes no one responsible for their actions, and to a large degree this is correct, but how can someone be responsible for something they had nothing to do with “It’s not your fault”. The “It’s not your fault” tool is not something that’s reinforced by society because finger pointing is one of societies main tools, it’s always looking to lay blame; this isn’t societies fault, it’s just the conditioning in place. Until one can see the conditioning for what it is, the belief that you have control over what you do and it’s your fault that you are the way you are will remain firmly in place, but please be easy on yourself and put away the hammer because I’m telling you “It’s not your fault”.

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