I was talking to a friend yesterday and it just hit me that my entire life I’ve been adding things to try and fill an inner void, but today because the need to add feeling isn’t there, there is peace. This not adding is the difference between being at peace or not. This insight also helped me understand why I find it challenging to talk to certain people at times, it’s because most people have the conditioned mindset of adding and what has been revealed to me is in the space of not needing to add there is peace. This will not be seen by many people.
As I look back I was always adding the next whatever. It’s really funny how life is, I spent the first forty nine years of my life trying to add something to it because I was led to believe this was the way to enhance it. Ten years ago I found out this adding is what kept the need to add in place. I see now that it was actually in letting go that I found peace. From the time we are infants we’re told we need to add things if we want to feel good about ourselves. Adding starts out when we’re very young, we add education, add sports, add a degree, add another degree, add a new car, money, a career, social activities, our parents religion as it becomes ours, a family, and on and on, add, add, add, but no matter what’s added the adding never ends; for most people this adding will go on until their life ends. Here’s the thing, adding anything to life doesn’t truly enhance it one bit. When the need to add ceases, that’s when life is enhanced. Investigate this for yourself, there are many who have added much in their life, but the need to add is still there. Until this is seen adding will always be, just understand regardless of what you add it won’t enhance life one bit.

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