Dynamic energy controls your life and makes it what it is, but it doesn’t make it what it is because of what you do, it makes it what it is by where your energy is focused. If your focus doesn’t put you in harmony with life, then there won’t be any and hence your life will be the way that it is because it’s the way you are unconsciously making it. It’s actually a beautiful thing when one becomes aware of this because it puts your responses to life in your hands; to me that’s all a person could ask for. When one isn’t controlled by things from the outside, therein lies your peace, but there isn’t peace because life is the way that it’s wanted, there’s peace because your dynamic energy is focused on life as it is.
What happens with a mind that has dynamic energy that’s not based in love is it gets kidnapped by its own conditioning and then you are held hostage by your own mind. I know this sounds crazy, but this is exactly what’s happens with a mind that becomes conditioned, and it’s all because of the dynamic energy based to self serve. When the dynamic energy in place focuses on a me, me, me mind, crazy becomes the norm or so it seems, but it’s only because of the dynamic energy making it so. When the dynamic energy changes, the craziness subsides. So when you sit and see what the base of your energy is, you just may be able to change it by refocusing. It will take some time though because of the conditioning in place, but the alternative is to remain the way you are; being controlled by dynamic energy that holds you hostage to it.

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