The love of Jesus is the love of our own heart, but if the human self is attached to and becomes the default setting of life, it will be impossible to understand the love of your own heart…
When life begins, there aren’t any blocks developed to our heart of love. Slowly though as we age we develop these blocks to our heart of love by forming the attachment to a human self. It’s not to deny our humanness, but non attachment is key to truly experiencing a heart of love. The more thought that is applied to our humanness, the less in touch we are with our true essence to love. This is the love that Jesus spoke of and what he taught. The love of existence that through him would bring us to God, or the term he used “Father.”
You may ask, why do we need Jesus, why not go directly to God? Because through Jesus we are taught how to have a heart that is pure in love. Very few people have a heart that is pure because of the way that our self is attached to and developed. Without a genuine heart of love it’s virtually impossible to go to God directly, to me this is what Jesus taught. Without getting wrapped up in the religious aspect look at this take from a practical level. Jesus has a heart that is pure love, he is divine in nature as we all are, but as it is told, his attachment to a human self was never developed and his heart remained in a state of purity. He mediated, prayed, and ceaselessly submitted to God. His entire being, every waking moment of his existence was for the soul purpose to love. So there was no attachment with a self to block the purity of his heart. Love isn’t a belief in something, it’s our birthright, it’s the true essence of existence without the nonsense that the Conditioned Mind makes up.
To understand the love of your heart, study what Jesus taught. For many, the human self is conditioned to a point where prejudice is formed and the love that Jesus spoke of is blocked. It will be very difficult to truly have a heart of love if this is the case. The human conditioned self is a block to our true essence. Because of this the heart will not be pure enough to see its own love. So the moral of this story is, don’t attach to the human self so it becomes the default setting of life, and the pure love of the heart of Jesus will be the love that is of your own heart…

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