A mind that needs to do is a mind that has premeditated ideas based on a sense of self, and because of this there’s no space to see what’s truly going on…
As long as the mind needs to do, it can’t be at peace; at the core of this doing is the sense of self. The sense of self may be the hardest concept to let go of because it’s interwoven with just about every thought. It has also been in place since your existence began, but it’s not the sense of self that’s controlling, it’s the attachment to it. I have a sense of self, how can I not, there’s existence, but the attachment to it has lessened significantly in the last few years. This has opened enough space to allow what’s in place today. This is not to say I don’t sometimes attach to the sense of self, but never like the first forty nine years of my life.
What most people who question what I write about don’t realize is, I understand how my mind works because I’ve sat and investigated why I reacted and did the things that I did. Very few truly investigate their Conditioned Mind and this leads to a mind that needs to do. This doesn’t make me better or smarter than anyone knowing this, but by having an understanding of the lies that controlled me for so many years, this does allow me to not attach to them. I would have to say therein lies the difference between having the need to do or being free to just be. This also creates the difference between the need to do limits or the unlimited expansion of just being…

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