If you want evil to change, learn how to change yourself, but understand it’s not going to happen by believing in something. It will happen when your heart opens to connect with Universal Love…
Evil has been a part of humanity for thousands of years. Look at the Bible which portrays the evil throughout history. To me the story of Jesus was meant to bring humanity a message of love. No doubt it is Spirit led, but to those of that region who were lost, not only to Roman rule, but also to the doctrine of the Old Testament, they didn’t care. Jesus pointed directly to the father and said, only through him (his love) could one see the love of the father in their heart, and thus be able to love their neighbor. Love is magical in its ability to transform, but it’s not magical for a select few to experience. The teachings of Jesus are second to none when it comes to a direct path from the evil of the bondage of self. The message from Jesus wasn’t about Jesus, it was about finding the love in your heart through his love so you could connect with Universal Love. You can call that God if it makes you feel better, but to me it’s simply love and doesn’t need a label.
Regardless if you believe in the story of Jesus or not, love is his message. The evil of humanity is no different today than it was over 2,000 years ago. All that has happened is there are different beliefs being held onto; everyone still thinks theirs is right. The Pharisees were scared Jesus was going to make their profits less, they were of the evil of the world and that’s why they did what they did. What Jesus taught wasn’t of the world so they just wanted to get rid of him. I don’t hold onto beliefs so I don’t get into the story of what happened to Jesus as being true or not. All I know is the message of love left behind has the ability to transform and it doesn’t take a belief to have this occur. Love is what humanity is missing. So many are lost and have missed the mark. If you want the evil of the world to change, learn how to change yourself. Just understand it will only happen when your heart opens and connects with the love that Jesus taught…

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