The Love of Jesus

The love of Jesus is the love of our own heart, but if the human self is attached to and becomes the default setting of life, it will be impossible to understand the love of your own heart…

When life begins, there aren’t any blocks developed to our heart of love. Slowly though as we age we develop these blocks to our heart of love by forming the attachment to a human self. It’s not to deny our humanness, but non attachment is key to truly experiencing a heart of love. The more thought that is applied to our humanness, the less in touch we are with our true essence to love. This is the love that Jesus spoke of and what he taught. The love of existence that through him would bring us to God, or the term he used “Father.”

You may ask, why do we need Jesus, why not go directly to God? Because through Jesus we are taught how to have a heart that is pure in love. Very few people have a heart that is pure because of the way that our self is attached to and developed. Without a genuine heart of love it’s virtually impossible to go to God directly, to me this is what Jesus taught. Without getting wrapped up in the religious aspect look at this take from a practical level. Jesus has a heart that is pure love, he is divine in nature as we all are, but as it is told, his attachment to a human self was never developed and his heart remained in a state of purity. He mediated, prayed, and ceaselessly submitted to God. His entire being, every waking moment of his existence was for the soul purpose to love. So there was no attachment with a self to block the purity of his heart. Love isn’t a belief in something, it’s our birthright, it’s the true essence of existence without the nonsense that the Conditioned Mind makes up.

To understand the love of your heart, study what Jesus taught. For many, the human self is conditioned to a point where prejudice is formed and the love that Jesus spoke of is blocked. It will be very difficult to truly have a heart of love if this is the case. The human conditioned self is a block to our true essence. Because of this the heart will not be pure enough to see its own love. So the moral of this story is, don’t attach to the human self so it becomes the default setting of life, and the pure love of the heart of Jesus will be the love that is of your own heart…

Loving Yourself

You can only act in ways that arise from within you. A trigger activates your Conditioned Mind and you act accordingly. Love yourself and as the mind settles what’s within you will change…

Unity with others is dependent on learning to love yourself unconditionally because if you judge yourself there’s no way you won’t judge others. In your judgements, your unity with yourself and others will be fleeting at best. Unity with humanity doesn’t start with humanity, it starts with you because if you can’t love yourself there’s no way you’ll will be able to love anyone else. You may be able to love people for a time if they’re as you want them to be, but they remaining that way will also be fleeting at best. This ability to love yourself will only occur when you know our own mind, and only in the sense of how it’s the cause of not loving yourself.

Think of this, when you act in a way that’s not in your best interest, it comes from you. You unconsciously act in a way that isn’t beneficial to your own well being; this is done all the time. These acts come from your own mind. It’s not the way that you act that causes the problem, wanting it different causes the problem, even though it being different is impossible because its already been done. So love yourself and the next time something triggers your Conditioned Mind to act in a way that’s not in your best interest, you may be able to pause and not do it, but if you do act in a way that’s not beneficial, move on. When the mind settles enough through loving yourself, what’s within you will change with the understanding you are enough just as you are because it’s what’s there. Just know there’s always room to change what’s not loving or beneficial…

Conditional Suffering

The conditional way of the world is to cope with suffering by suffering. This is the conditioned delusion in place that keeps one suffering by attaching to the conditioning that causes suffering…

When you wake up and see the delusion of the attached conditioning that’s in place, it’s freeing, but only to the extent that the conditioning is let go of. This basically means going against the way that most people view life, and although waking up doesn’t make a person special, it does make one seem odd or peculiar because they aren’t in line with the conditional way everyone else responds to life situations.

This writing stems from the fact that a woman I know is going through the stages of Alzheimer’s. What has arisen in me is seeing how much suffering this situation is causing all those who are involved with it. Although the suffering is optional, it’s not seen in this way because of the coping mechanisms caused by attaching to the delusional conditioning the world has in place; this is delusional thinking even though it seems in line with the world. Understanding this affords you the awareness of not being pulled into the suffering, but it’s perceived by others as though a person doesn’t care about what’s happening. It’s only the delusional conditioning of attachment that causes one to suffer with any situation. The conditional way of the world is to cope with suffering by suffering. It’s seen as suffering causes more suffering. Although the one who wakes up from the sleep of this conditional delusion may be looked upon by others as being peculiar, odd or not caring, the alternative is to attach to the conditional way that suffering has to cause more suffering. Insanity to say the least…

Need To Do Mind

A mind that needs to do is a mind that has premeditated ideas based on a sense of self, and because of this there’s no space to see what’s truly going on…

As long as the mind needs to do, it can’t be at peace; at the core of this doing is the sense of self. The sense of self may be the hardest concept to let go of because it’s interwoven with just about every thought. It has also been in place since your existence began, but it’s not the sense of self that’s controlling, it’s the attachment to it. I have a sense of self, how can I not, there’s existence, but the attachment to it has lessened significantly in the last few years. This has opened enough space to allow what’s in place today. This is not to say I don’t sometimes attach to the sense of self, but never like the first forty nine years of my life.

What most people who question what I write about don’t realize is, I understand how my mind works because I’ve sat and investigated why I reacted and did the things that I did. Very few truly investigate their Conditioned Mind and this leads to a mind that needs to do. This doesn’t make me better or smarter than anyone knowing this, but by having an understanding of the lies that controlled me for so many years, this does allow me to not attach to them. I would have to say therein lies the difference between having the need to do or being free to just be. This also creates the difference between the need to do limits or the unlimited expansion of just being…

Love Transforms

If you want evil to change, learn how to change yourself, but understand it’s not going to happen by believing in something. It will happen when your heart opens to connect with Universal Love…

Evil has been a part of humanity for thousands of years. Look at the Bible which portrays the evil throughout history. To me the story of Jesus was meant to bring humanity a message of love. No doubt it is Spirit led, but to those of that region who were lost, not only to Roman rule, but also to the doctrine of the Old Testament, they didn’t care. Jesus pointed directly to the father and said, only through him (his love) could one see the love of the father in their heart, and thus be able to love their neighbor. Love is magical in its ability to transform, but it’s not magical for a select few to experience. The teachings of Jesus are second to none when it comes to a direct path from the evil of the bondage of self. The message from Jesus wasn’t about Jesus, it was about finding the love in your heart through his love so you could connect with Universal Love. You can call that God if it makes you feel better, but to me it’s simply love and doesn’t need a label.

Regardless if you believe in the story of Jesus or not, love is his message. The evil of humanity is no different today than it was over 2,000 years ago. All that has happened is there are different beliefs being held onto; everyone still thinks theirs is right. The Pharisees were scared Jesus was going to make their profits less, they were of the evil of the world and that’s why they did what they did. What Jesus taught wasn’t of the world so they just wanted to get rid of him. I don’t hold onto beliefs so I don’t get into the story of what happened to Jesus as being true or not. All I know is the message of love left behind has the ability to transform and it doesn’t take a belief to have this occur. Love is what humanity is missing. So many are lost and have missed the mark. If you want the evil of the world to change, learn how to change yourself. Just understand it will only happen when your heart opens and connects with the love that Jesus taught…

Imagine If...

Imagine if…everything you have been taught is a lie…

Imagine if…all the things in place are distractions to keep you from experiencing your own innate divinity…

Imagine if…you truly let go of the way you think things should be and don’t need things different…

Imagine if…you understood how people are conditioned to do what they do instead of judging them…

Imagine if…you are the giver of light (spirit) instead of the taker of darkness (selfish desires)…

Imagine if…you realize God is real, is in your heart, and is the creator of all creation…

Imagine if…you understood the oneness of God as actually uniting humanity instead of causing separation…

Imagine if…the energy of love is the default setting of your heart and the heart of all humanity…

Imagine if…you saw everything through the eyes of innocence such as a child, where love is all that’s seen…

Imagine if…all these things were true, so for you they won’t have to be imagined because they will be true…

Imagine If…

Imagined Feelings

Feelings that aren’t based in facts are just a figment of the imagination. Stick with the facts and stay connected to life, or not and live an imagined state of existence…

There are times that it seems there’s more of a connection with life than at other times, but it isn’t life that changes, life just is. It is something in us that causes our disconnect. This is the same when we feel disconnected with people, it is always something within ourselves that causes our disconnect. Even if there’s interactions with the most notorious person alive, when you are connected to life you will have compassion for them because you will understand the prison they are in. When a disconnect does occur, compassion is non existent and the emotion turns to whatever your conditioning calls for. The more conditioning there is the more there’s a feeling of being disconnected, and what you’re disconnected from is Love. 

No matter the circumstances, we only internalize our feelings and allow them to control our emotions when we come from a place of self. The more the self is our minds default setting, the more disconnected we feel from Love. Our connection to life is related to living in the present moment and how we rightly relate ourselves with that moment. The connection is because in the present moment the mind isn’t allowed to roam around in the past or future. So by being present, you are in full cooperation with what is, which puts you in cooperation with life. When you cooperate with life you are connected to Love which connects you to life. So live now and live life, or not and live life in the imagined state of feelings…

A Storied Reality

The mind becomes conditioned to create stories because it’s believed they’re needed to make reality. The created stories used to make reality are the exact reason life is delusional…

What are you going to create today and tie it into your storied reality? You are the creator of the story of who you think you are. You can create any story you want, but understand this one valuable truth, if you don’t create a storied reality you will not shrivel up and disappear. All that will happen is you will exist in a non-storied reality. The story you create about life is nothing more than that, a story. After all is said and done, if you don’t create a storied reality, you will still exist, you just won’t be living a delusional life because there won’t be a story.

We’re always the main subject of our stories. In one way or another our stories always come full circle and are about ourselves. When the stories stop, you will notice a gateway to a freedom that has no lock on it. If you think this doesn’t pertain to you, that’s just another story because if you stopped creating your stories, you would see you still exist; all you will do without a storied reality is be at peace. The reason the stories are used to create reality to begin with is to be at peace, but you already are at peace, it’s just not realized because of the need to create a storied reality…

Agitated Disturbances

All disturbances arise from within yourself, they arise from internal mind agitations. Without discipline the mind will never settle nor will the agitation of needing to reach for something externally…

The world is in a state of disturbance, but not with each other as you may think, it’s with ourselves. The lack of understanding of your own mind is the cause of all inner agitations; most people haven’t a clue this is the cause of all disturbances. We lash out at people, have road rage, try to change people, constantly seek to alter the way that we feel because we were never taught how to just be with life as it is and accept who we are as we are. There would never be a need to have anything or anyone different if you had the ability to just be with life. If you don’t have contentment with the way things are, what makes me think that if things were different there would be contentment; you would still have inner disturbances that make you reach for things externally.

There’s external reaching because you want to alter how you feel. My mind was always agitated because there wasn’t an understanding of the Conditioned Mind so the agitation wasn’t understood. It didn’t matter what happened, by not having the ability to just be, the mind becomes agitated and disturbances arise. Nothing causes a disturbance unless it’s allowed. If something bothers you and it can be changed by all means change it, but it needs to be looked at why there’s a disturbance to begin with. Even if the thing is changed, without an understanding of your own mind, you will just move on to the next thing which will cause you to become agitated and disturbed once again…

Entrapment of Thought

If you keep allowing the entrapment of the past to control the present, the entrapped past will be where you live your life. This is unfortunate because of all the emotional pain this entrapped past carries into the present…

Reliving something that causes emotional pain is mind boggling because it’s your own mind that does this and it probably happens thousands of times throughout your life. This is why most people suffer endlessly because what happened in the past becomes the entrapment that’s constantly allowed into the present. Although the body is always in the present moment the mind is constantly entrapped somewhere else. Entrapped in thought is the constant state of most people, and if nothing is done to change this, you will continue to be entrapped in thought until existence in this form ends. This isn’t a philosophy or theory nor is it something I made up. You need only look at this for yourself to see this truth. If you don’t look at it, you will most likely remain stuck entrapped to your thoughts with no way out.

As a species we seem to be entrapped because looking at ourselves in an investigative way is not something that many people are willing to do. It’s so much easier to point the finger at someone else. Unfortunately when you point a finger at someone there are three pointing back at you; check this to see its truth. You can ignore this and remain entrapped to the story that everything will work out. Or you can take control of your life, at least to some extent, and stop the entrapment to the thoughts that cause your own suffering. After all, the same thoughts constantly arise, but if they’re not attached to them they’ll eventually stop, and so will the repeated entrapment of emotional suffering…

Led by Lies

Whatever leads you that makes you think it’s needed to be happy, it becomes your lie. It’s not right or wrong, but the key is to understand if being led by a lie will truly provide what you think it will…

To me, whoever is looked upon for inspiration or whatever, it should be noted that most likely they didn’t always see things as they do now. I’m fortunate to have experienced two totally different ways of viewing life, it’s where my insights arise from and the reason why I share what I do. Having been led by lies for so many years has actually become my greatest asset. When I write about something it’s always from a lie that’s been exposed. It’s never about being smarter or knowing more than anyone else; what’s there is simply what’s there and it’s what’s shared. When I talk about quietness or stillness it’s because I was led by lies which is a life full of noise. When there’s talk of attachment, it’s because attachment is the master lie.

Everyone who is alive experiences life, it’s what’s done with the experiences that determines if you’re led by lies. An example is if you think you need to have material things to be happy, you will be led by that lie. It’s not right or wrong, but the key is to understand if the lie will provide what you think it will. Deep down inside having material things doesn’t change you. For me I went through a life of much suffering, always led by the lie of what my Conditioned Mind made me believe was happiness; today I see this for the lie that it is. When I write something it’s because I can see the lie I was stuck in; today I have been provided with a view of true liberation. I’m very direct in my approach, but I’m not insensitive to anyone else’s view, it’s just that I’ve been led by lies for far too long, and because of this I can see that way too many are still led by them…

False Thinking

When truth is revealed no longer do you listen to your thinking because it’s understood you shouldn’t believe everything you think because it’s probably false…

Don’t believe everything you think because your thinking tells you things that are false. Your thinking will tell you the past is real yet the only place the past exist is in the mind. Your thinking will tell you to fear, yet the only thing you have to fear is fear itself. Thinking will tell you to hold onto the belief of a self that’s a solid entity, but the form that’s being occupied needs no such attachment to exist as it’s always changing in a constant state of flux. Your thinking will tell you I think therefore I am, but thinking has nothing to do with I am. Thinking will make up beliefs that everything desired on the outside is needed, but if none of those desires come to pass, nothing happens. Even if they do get fulfilled, the satisfaction is fleeting at best. Then there’s the thinking of the so called ego, this is like the bogeyman under the bed, it exist until you look under the bed. There’s also no need to get rid of thinking as it only exist because you think it does.

There’s the image in the mirror who you think is the person given their name for identification purposes. If the name is different we think we‘re someone else, but that’s only thinking because the form remains the same. There will be thinking which is held onto that is false. Unfortunately the more thinking is attached to, the truer it seems. To truly be free, your false thinking will have to be exposed. This doesn’t mean you find out you don’t exist, what you find out is you don’t exist in the way you think you do. When this truth is revealed no longer do you listen to your false thinking because it’s understood, you shouldn’t believe everything you think because most of it is false…

Unwanting Expectations

Unwanting expectations are noticed when things aren’t as they are thought to be needed, but even when things are in your favor, the unwanting mind still controls because of how it clings…

Let go and be free or hold on and suffer, those are the choices. Wanting things a certain way and when they not, produces the next step in the process to react to the results of unwanting expectations. When there’s expectations there’s labeling, and when there’s attached labels, there’s clinging; this is how an unwanting mind is developed. The more you label the more there’s expectations which make you cling. Even when things work out the way they’re thought to be needed, there’s still clinging, but it’s not noticed as a problem because the situation is as it’s wanted. The unwanting mind clings to everything that’s labeled, and it labels everything so there’s clinging to everything, but it’s not noticed because of the focus on the things unwanted.

Life is one continuous expectation; it’s the disappointing ones that most think their mind clings to. Most people are unaware of the moment by moment labeling process. When the mind quiets enough to understand this, the labeling process of everything as this or that lessens and so do the unwanting expectations. This results in a mind that is free of clinging to the effects of unwanting expectations; without these unwanting expectations it’s impossible to suffer…

Intuitive Voice Within

If you seek what you think is needed to wake up, you’ll probably remain asleep. An awakening is from the Universe, but this will not be known if you’re listening to head noise instead of your intuitive voice within…

We are all a product of the Universe, we are not products of ourselves. We didn’t call for our creation nor do we call for the time when it ends. Our existence is a product of the Universe and the energy transformed to awaken is from the Universe. This is why we can’t really do anything to transform ourselves. We can only do the necessary practice that allows the heart to open so the Universe can do its thing. This is not our doing, this is a calling from the Universe; we practice because we’re listening to our intuitive voice from within. The reason some practice and some don’t is because the noise in the head doesn’t allow listening to the intuitive voice within. Even though it seems an awakening is from the outside, it can only be heard from the intuitive voice within.

Through our Conditioned Mind we become trapped in a self-centered direction. This may also be from the Universe, but it doesn’t produce love. Energy always is, it’s just a matter of listening so you can go where you’re directed. We seek because the Universe nudges us, but we’ll only hear when the veil of a Conditioned Mind is removed and our energy is intuitively guided by the heart. Spirituality is not magical for a select few who think they‘re special, it’s available to anyone who listens to the intuitive voice within. The Universe is always calling, but we don’t always listen. If you think you’re listening, question if you’re hearing a true message or if you’re making up your own message to fulfill some self-centered desire. It takes much quietness to intuitively hear the Universe’s call. The alternative is to listen and follow a made up call which is scary. And why it’s scary is because people are trapped in fulfilling self-centered desires that prevent listening to the intuitive voice within…

Deceptive Reality

To expose your created deceptions, why they’re being created needs to be understood. If this understanding doesn’t occur the deception remains as your reality which in turn makes your life deceptive…

The way the base of your thoughts are formulated determines if you see what actually occurs in life or if life becomes a deceptive reality of your formulated thoughts. Because of the lack of clarity of truth in most peoples lives, this creates two realities occurring at the same. One is what is actually occurring and the other is your deceptive thoughts of what’s occurring. The more unaware a person is of this the more their thoughts make up a deceptive story of life instead of living a life of what’s actually occurring.

If this is how you’re living it makes for a very unproductive existence because a deceptive life is being lived; when this is done your entire existence is deceptive. It’s like a magic trick, no matter how real it seems, it’s not. To expose what makes a deception seem real and how the trick is done needs to be understood. It’s the same with our life, to expose the created deceptions, why it’s being created needs to be seen. If this doesn’t occur the deception remains as your reality.

Thoughts are the base of all deceptions because without the belief of something, it’s impossible for the deception to exist. All deceptions start with a thought that it‘s real, but the thought isn’t what’s actually occurring so two realities are happening at the same time; one is created (the deception) and one just is. The one you live your life by determines if it’s based in what’s actually occurring or if you’re living a life of deceptions created by the Conditioned Mind. There’s living your given life (what is) or there’s life made up. It can be a deceptive creation of your thoughts or it can be the reality of what is. There are always two realities to choose from, the deceptive one needs to be exposed. If this doesn’t occur the deception remains as reality which in turn makes life deceptive…

Fabricated Truth

Events based in fabrications can’t be fixed with the same fabrications. It’s not that truth has to be known to change this, but the fabrications will have to become known if they’re to cease blocking truth…

It’s difficult to explain truth because there are so many fabrications of what it is. Instead of trying to prove what truth is, let’s explore where the fabrication is. A fabrication is something that has no real facts to it. Fabrications aren’t factual, the usually made up by the fabricator to suit some sort of belief. When I’m asked if I believe in God, I answer that I believe in the experience of what I know as factual. That’s why I share only what has been experienced. I don’t see the benefit of making up a fabricated story about something to suit a mind made need. In my case I know love is more beneficial than hate so I learn what fabrications block me from living my (factual) life so it’s of maximum benefit to myself and to all beings. Truth will be known when your fabrications are understood.

The biggest fabrication in place is that material possessions will satisfy you, this is reinforced everyday. It’s a fabrication which is at the core of our entire misaligned society. It creates all our issues as a society. Everyone claims to know what truth is, no facts, just their truth. Politicians create fabricated problems to fix them with fabricated solutions. The entire entertainment and sports industry does this to create them and us; this creates separation in our society not unity. There’s also the fabricated lie of social and career status. Fabrication after fabrication, and what happens to a society when this is its base, it becomes a fabricated society. Not because we want it to, and not because we can’t know the truth, but simple because we don’t understand the fabrications in place…

Blindfold Ignorance

As long as there’s a blindfold in place, there will be ignorance energy in your life. This energy arises as what’s seen through the surface eyes of a blindfold mind and blocks what’s truly going on…

Often how things appear to a blindfold mind isn’t actually how it is. If you truly want to see what’s going on, going beyond your blindfold ignorance will have to happen. People looking at same thing usually have different opinions of what is seen, but there’s the truth of what’s beyond the blindfold ignorance of the formed opinion. There’s two blindfold sides to every story, and there’s the truth. To see what’s beyond the blindfold ignorance you only need to stop labeling what is seen. Stopping the labeling process allows the mind to slow to a point where truth space opens. It’s imperative for this to happen if the blindfold ignorance that’s been formed over the years is to lessen its grip.

Blindfold ignorance is so misunderstood, how this is known is because of the behavior that’s in place. I look to my own reactions to know this and in the process I can see it in others; this isn’t a judgement, it’s a fact. Know your own blindfold ignorance and you’ll know the blindfold ignorance of others. This is because we are all of the same energy, but not the same blindfold. Creation is creation anyway it’s labeled. When blindfold ignorance is seen for what it is, its energy begins to transform in a direction that exposes truth. As long as there‘s a blindfold in place, ignorance remains as the operating energy of life. This energy arises as what’s seen with surface eyes and takes on many forms, but the bottom line is it’s the blindfold ignorance that blocks one from seeing the truth of what’s going on…

Inner Struggle

Life as form is continuous until one day it ends. Inner struggles occur because of the attachment to self. Without this attachment the beauty of life simply unfolds and the inner struggle falls away…

The real cause of any issue with what happens in life is not with what actually happens, but how there’s attachment to a self which causes an inner struggle with yourself. As long as there’s existence in your current form, every moment of every day is a life occurrence. It becomes an inner struggle once it’s labeled and a self is attached to it. This transforming energy from an occurrence to attachment happens because of who it is that’s doing the labeling. If the self didn’t label life it would still occur, there just wouldn’t be an inner struggle. It would just be a continuous occurrence without a self attaching to it, and giving it the transforming energy it needs for there to be a struggle.

This self seems to cause so many issues, but it only does so because of the attachment to it, that’s the cause of the struggle with ourself. Life occurs regardless of the self, but what attachment does is it makes inner struggles by isolating it and making life personal. Life is neutral until it’s attached to, it then becomes an event that’s all about the self. Without self, inner struggles don’t happen, life just occurs. I’m not insinuating a self exist or not. All I’m saying is the attachment to self is at the root of all inner struggles, so if you want to be free of this you will have to be free of the attachment to self…

Spirit/Heart Connection

The spirit and heart are the instruments we’re given to use in this mystery called life. If the spirit and heart aren’t connected with each other, it will make life much more difficult…

If a car is driven without the proper care and maintenance, eventually it will not work properly. It’s the same if the spirit and heart aren’t taken care of, they also will eventually not work properly. Whether it’s eating, sleeping, working out, recreational activity, and so on, there’s a certain way of doing things that allows both spirit and heart to be connected with life. When they’re connected with life there’s a connection with oneself. This maximizes the ability to reach our natural potential. Nature never lies so the more things are done that are connected to nature, the more natural life is. This involves all aspects of our life, garbage in equals garbage out as love in equals love out. If the spirit and heart are taken care of, one will naturally be taken care of. At least to the extent that our potential can be maximized, whatever that may be.

With a spirit and heart connection life takes on an entirely different meaning because it isn’t being lived from the mode of individuality. It can’t be because love embraces the spirit and heart connection, it’s just the way love rolls. There’s no such thing as separation where there’s love. This doesn’t mean the entire world will love you, but the ones who have love in their heart will because they’re connected to the Universal spirit and heart. A person has no control how others feel about them so don’t take it upon yourself that what others say is true. When there’s a connection with your own spirit and heart, there’s a connection with the Universe because it’s from creation. When there’s a connection with creation, there’s a connection with the spirit and heart that love springs forth from because that’s just the way love rolls…

Habit of What's Known

The same behavior is repeated again and again as one constantly responds to the same urges because reactions arise from the habits of what’s known; this is done without even realizing it…

Why it’s so difficult to awaken is because of many reason, but to me the one that sticks out the most is how the Conditioned Mind holds onto what’s known even if it causes suffering. When I was twenty five my oldest brother passed away from an addiction related incident, this forced me to look at my own addictions. His death opened my eyes to a degree, but even though my life was a mess it didn’t mean I was willing to accept the unknown without my pacifier coping mechanisms. It took another two years before I realized how my addictions were causing problems. At that time, even though I was going into unknown territory I figured it had to be better than the way I was living.

The reason it took two years was because although I was in extreme emotional pain, my conditioning led me to believe facing the unknown was too scary and staying with what was known was the way to go; the lies of the Conditioned Mind run deep. This is why the same behavior repeated, and it’s also why the same triggers constantly cause the same reactions; we react out of habit without even realizing it. The conditioning in place dictates what to do and it’s obeyed without question. Here’s the real irony in all of this, people actually believe they have free will and a choice. The only thing that’s done is you submit to what’s known because that’s what’s in place. Once there’s awareness of this, succumbing to the habits of what’s known can be stopped. This allows the possibility to live life freely, along with the ability to not give into the what’s known habits of the Conditioned Mind…

Present Possibilities

The more one is present of the moment the more cooperation there seems to be with life. This doesn’t mean everything will go your way, but being present makes the possibilities less limited…

Life will occur whether you’re present of it or not. What being present allows is the possibility of a different reaction to what arises instead of a conditioned one which produces a different outcome. Pretty much what arises arises, there’s no much that can be done in that regard, but how it affects you has many possibilities. Years ago for me these were limited possibilities to my conditioned reactions because they were based in a self serving perspective; this was just the way I was conditioned. I wouldn’t have allowed anyone to do half the things I did to myself, but yet because I didn’t know any better the self sabotaging reactions were normal to me. Without the awareness of the conditioning in place today it wouldn’t be possible to be anyway but how I always was.

Although today life is still life and what arises arises, without the self serving perspective being as prevalent as it once was, it has opened up so many more possibilities in my life. What’s truly beautiful about this is the self sabotaging reactions have become less and less on their own. Becoming aware of the way you react to what happens is where possibilities arise from. When you’re stuck in one view you‘re limited to only that view and the present possibility of reaching your full potential is nearly impossible. The more you’re in harmony with the present, the more life cooperates with you. It doesn’t mean everything will be perfect or go the way you think it should, but the imperfections (if life is labeled as so) won’t limit your present possibilities…

Belief Centered Mind

When there’s awareness aware of awareness and you don’t give in to what comes from a belief centered mind, it makes for a view of the heart instead of the head…

A belief centered mind is very different than what is seen from awareness; the belief centered mind has a different focus than awareness. Everything going on today is because of a belief centered mind. You cannot have hate when the space of awareness. Although awareness will give in to the world at times, it’s how lessons are learned. This is an understanding from awareness that the conditioned belief centered mind can’t grasp. The mind sees what its conditioned to see. Awareness arises from the space of the present moment.

Awareness doesn’t mean you are better than anyone, what it means is a clear path as been revealed to you. Awareness aware of awareness is difficult to see because of all the distractions in place. These distractions keeps you trapped to the belief that something is needed outside of you. Need, need, need, awareness doesn’t need, it realizes its divinity as it is. When you’re aware of awareness, you become the seer instead of the reactor. I had a belief centered mind for forty nine years and even today the old beliefs resurface, but because of awareness there’s less attachment to the belief centered mind. This naturally allows awareness to arise. When you live from awareness it makes for a much different life than living from a made up belief…

Quiet Mind Awareness

When there’s awareness of a quiet view and you don’t engage in what comes from a noisy mind, it makes for a view of life most people will never experience…

A view from a noisy mind is very different than a quiet one; the noisy mind has a much different agenda than a quiet one. Every conflict known to mankind has been because of a noisy mind. You cannot have a conflict when the mind is quiet. Although a quiet view will ache at times, it’s where compassion comes from. This is an understanding from a quiet view that the conditioned noisy view can’t grasp. The way the mind sees is strictly from the way one is conditioned. A quiet view arises from the space of Now. I can tell right away when someone comes from a noisy view because there’s attachment to what’s being said. Usually the sentences starts with me, I, my, or it will be said, I see what you’re saying, but.

A quiet view doesn’t make you smarter than anyone, all it means is you’ve been granted a vision that sees clearly. A quiet view is difficult to manifest because of all the distractions in place. These distractions keeps you trapped to the reaching of a view from the noisy mind. Reach, reach, reach, a quiet view needs no such reaching, it realizes its completeness as it is. When your view is quiet you become more of an observer than a reactor, at least that’s been my experience. I had a noisy based view for many years. Even today the old conditioning resurfaces, but because of awareness there’s less engagement with the noisy mind. This naturally allows a quiet view to arise. When you live from here it makes for a view of life much different than most people will ever experience…

Label Limits

The incessant need to label life limits life. Understanding is different than a label because it allows for the awareness of exactly what’s there instead of the thought of what’s there…

Most of what happens in life is unexplained, but that doesn’t stop the mind from applying labels or continuously trying to find one. I have found the unexplained is best left alone because an answer wouldn’t really enhance life. As things occur, labels that are associated with existence does assist to a degree, but only if they’re not allowed to control your life like a master puppeteer. Most people are limited by the incessant need for labels, but understanding something is different because it allows for the awareness of exactly what you’re up against (your own mind). This awareness allows the mind to settle and lessen the need for labels which aren’t truly needed. The label of addiction doesn’t stop one from being an addict, but an understanding of addiction may; as a matter of fact this is exactly what happened to me.

The Universe needs no labels in its process nor do the origin of our thoughts need to be labeled. The understanding of how thoughts are attached to and what behaviors manifest from their attachment is the difference between being at peace with life or struggling with it. Some will disagree with this and it’s their right, but I know by understanding my behavior and how it was based to self-serve, it gave me something tangible to use to see how much control my Conditioned Mind had over me. Past tense is used on purpose because its control is much less today. A label of why this occurs doesn’t enhance the ability to be free of the Conditioned Mind, but an understanding of this certainly does. It’s through the discipline of sitting that the mind can settle enough to become aware that applying a label of what happens in life will not enhance it in the way understanding our own mind will…

Mindless Rut

A mind that gets stuck in a rut doesn’t just happen, it takes many years of mindless conditioning to create. It’s deeply ingrained in the subconscious and will take much willingness to get out of the mindless rut…

To not get mindlessly stuck in the rut of daily routines of everyday life, each day has to be viewed as new so a message of love can be brought into it. Not a single act from yesterday, good, bad, or indifferent can be undone. Our mistakes, if that’s how they’re labeled, are the results of being mindlessly stuck which have been put in place to cope with things as they occur. If you’re not mindful of love, how can you expect your reactions to be of love? This is only considered bad in the sense that it causes suffering because of the energy emitted from a reaction that isn’t based on love.

This energy is the mindlessly stuck energy of a so called mundane life, but life is anything but mundane. This mindlessly stuck energy doesn’t allow for one to take advantage of opportunities to be the instrument of love. Our mindless perceptions create ruts which take away our objectivity in living life. Things really aren’t as we think. Our life may be lived by our thoughts, but this is the created delusion Buddha described. When we can stop having a mindless stuck in a rut mindset of putting everything in our little perception box, we will begin to fill life up with love and eventually the mindless ruts will not exist. As this happens, each and everyday will be a new beginning because there won’t be any mindless ruts created to get stuck in…