Now contact with life simply occurs because you’re alive. As a matter of fact it even occurs when you aren’t alive, there just isn’t awareness that Now contact is happening…
Because of the way the conditioned mind operates, Now contact with life is put into a category of pleasant and unpleasant. There are also times it seems Now contact is something else. The only reason anyone has an issue with life is because it’s desirable to have Now contact that’s always pleasant, but this is impossible because life isn’t designed this way. Not that life does anything to anyone, but things do happen that can be considered downright nasty. Case in point, having a toothache, death of a loved one, and so on. I can attach to what’s going on, but it wouldn’t change it, it would only change the degree of suffering. The suffering would be a direct result of attaching to wanting it different. This doesn’t mean I like what’s happening, but I can be with the state of it being unpleasant and not attach that label to it.
Life just rolls along, it stops for nothing, Now contact is one continuous motion. It may seem like individual things happen, but that’s only because of the way we have been conditioned to use time and break life up into segments. The unpleasant is constantly pushed away to try and make room for the pleasant as if when one decides it’s pleasant it makes life perfect. For there not to be suffering, life has to be seen as perfect with what’s happening Now because that’s what’s there. The Conditioned Mind wants life pleasant all the time and until you can be with the unpleasant the same as the pleasant, there will be self-created suffering. This is because you will always be trying to arrange Now contact the way you think it should be (pleasant) and not be with what’s actually happening…

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