Everyone is a product of some influence in their life so no belief, idea, concept, or view can truly be called your own. These are all derived from some outer influence so a life is lived that’s not truly your own…
The view that’s developed over the course of time makes life what it is, but this isn’t to say one is right and another is wrong or that one is better than the other. I’m just stating a fact that we’re mostly a product of influences and what view we have in place is only there because of those influences in your life. Not one single moment that’s in the past can be changed so there’s no reason to ever give that view a second thought. Giving it a second thought is just a waste of our limited precious time, but unfortunately that’s the view most people have. The past will always be the past and nothing will ever change it, but it doesn’t have to influence your life.
There comes a time in every life when you know the only place to find what you’ve been looking for is within yourself. When there’s awareness of this, what’s usually revealed is that what’s been sought has always been there. This is your own view that needs to be cultivated if you’re to ever be free of a view that was put in place by others. There are so many influences that mold and shape our entire existence, until there’s awareness of this the view in place will be someone else’s. Truly look at this, mom, dad, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, teachers, friends, tv, radio, and so on.
The only thing that will make your conditioned view different is awareness of how the influences have controlled you. This is the importance of awareness, it allows the breaking free of this conditioning. How you do this is by sitting and allowing a settled mind to become your influence. This won’t happen overnight, but with perseverance the influences in place will slowly lose the grip and the influence of the heart (love) will become your own. This just so happens to be who you truly are without the influences of anyone else, and this is the view where you can begin to truly be your own influence…

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