You can only see things from what is within you, and although it can’t be any other way, this doesn’t mean it’s truth that’s seen. It just means you see things as you have been conditioned…
Unless you truly investigate yourself to the point where you see your conditioning, truth will continue to be something made up. Knowing this makes it difficult at times interacting with people as many don’t come from a place of stillness (truth); a lot of people only know the noise of the Conditioned Mind. I don’t say this because I know everything, matter of fact I know very little, but what I do know doesn’t seem to be understood by most people there’s interaction with. I know this simply by the way people use the distractions of the world. This isn’t a popularity contest, and what people think of me is not a concern; planting seeds of truth is all that matters. I’ve been shunned by many because my articles are misinterpreted as me stating my truth, but I never profess to know what truth is, I only talk about what remains after the conditioned delusions are known.
Someone wrote there are seven billion truths in the world because there are roughly seven billion people. This is a false statement and what the major issue is with humanity. Everyone perceives things their way, and because of the conditioning in place it’s thought to be truth; there’s only one truth, and no I don’t know what it is. Just because you think it, see it, someone else writes it or you attach to it and believe it, it means nothing. Truth can’t really be known, but one can see the delusions in place. When this happens creating truth isn’t needed because it naturally arises; no delusional story necessary. Whenever I write about emotions, forgiveness, hope, and so on, it always stirs up the conditioning in others because it usually reveals some delusional attachment. I will never waver from what has been revealed to me because I can’t. Popularity is not what I seek, selling books is not what I seek, matter of fact there’s nothing that I seek. This is because I know there’s only one truth, and when seven billion people start understanding their conditioned delusions, just maybe there will be peace on earth…

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