Truth Awareness

Awareness of attachment is based in truth, and truth is based in stillness. A noise based mind produces lies which is the nature of noise; only in truth can there be awareness…

You will not learn to live by truth if you’re not using tools that allow truth. Many have gone before us and left us tools of truth, but what we do with them is look for loopholes so we can do what we want and ignore their teachings. There are so many tools that point us to truth’s awareness, but it’s ignored because of our I Self. So many have left us teachings of truth, but we’re not aware of their messages because we judge the messages and the messenger with the Conditioned Mind. We hear our own message and interpret it as truth so we can satisfy our I Self.

What we think truth is isn’t truth; it’s perception. There’s my perception of truth and there’s your perception of truth, but neither of them provides the awareness that allows truth. Only the stillness beyond all thought allows truth, but you will never understand it or see it until you are quiet enough to know it’s right in front of you and has nothing to do with what you think. That’s the thing about truth, it’s always there and it’s always right in front of you, but because of the “I” generated noise it’s perception you’re most likely seeing, as truth is something that only a very settled mind will be aware of…

Deep State View

If you can develop some awareness of inner stillness, the Deep State view will have less control as your mind distractions subside; without these distractions you will understand truth intuitively…

If you’re always seeing life from a Deep State view, what is seen will be judged accordingly and what’s truly going on will not be noticed. Although with a Deep State view life still goes on, but it’s very limited to the point of being delusional; I say this because it’s how I lived for forty nine years and it caused my life to be a constant struggle. The constant struggle was self-created and controlled by the Deep State view, although this wasn’t understood at the time. A Deep State view is one where there‘s constant reaching, the reaching is caused by the mind distractions which aren’t seen. This is why someone will reach for something without giving it much thought regardless if it’s beneficial or not. In that moment the Deep State conditioning declares it beneficial, but this is a big fat lie.

The Deep State view will only be noticed when you wake up and see the incessant distractions. You will have to be able to just be for the distractions to subside; you will not see the essence of the forest from the trees if the view is distracted from being focused on the forest. This Deep State view is strictly mind based, hence the reason it’s not conducive to your well being; there is so much conditioning that causes these distractions one right after another. This is why the big fat lie is in the forefront of most lives and stillness takes a back seat. If you can develop some awareness of inner stillness, less and less the Deep State view will be in control because the mind distractions will subside. It will be at this point that the need to reach for something will be lessened as it’s probably the first time in your life that the Deep State view has taken a back seat…

Observer of Life

Be the observer of the occurrences that happen in your life and be the recipient of a peace that’s not understood. Or not and stay trapped in the judging and labeling process of the Conditioned Mind…

There are times when life can seem as though it’s such a struggle, but really life itself is never a struggle, it’s the perception that makes it so. There are different ways to live life, one way is from a perception of everything that happens is personal. This requires constant judgements as each situation occurs, instantaneously things are labeled as they happen; this makes life personal. This is the way most people have been conditioned so this is the only way that most live.

Another way that life can be lived, but this must be learned, is to observe what happens without making it personal. This is much different because you don’t get directly involved in what happens. You’re a participant because you exist, but you learn not to judge and label what happens. If you‘re in traffic you observe it, but that’s all you do. You acknowledge the fact that there’s traffic and that’s it. You don’t have to take it any further because it doesn’t add anything to the situation. In this case you are in traffic, but by observing being in traffic instead of making it about you, there’s a freedom that’s not there when the situation is judged and labeled instead of just being observed.

To me there is so much more benefit in being an observer of what happens in life as opposed to making it personal. If you can learn how to do this you will experience life in a way as never before. This is not something magical, it’s simply an observation instead of judging and labeling. Just think of the many scenarios that this can be directly applied to and see how different each situation affects you when it’s observed instead of judged and labeled. It’s amazing how much more peace there is in your life when it’s not made personal. Don’t take my word for this, see this for yourself how the situations that occur don’t change, just the way they affect you does. Become the observer of the occurrences that happen in your life and be the recipient of a peace that’s not understood. Or not and stay trapped in the judging and labeling process of the Conditioned Mind…

Now Contact

Now contact with life simply occurs because you’re alive. As a matter of fact it even occurs when you aren’t alive, there just isn’t awareness that Now contact is happening…

Because of the way the conditioned mind operates, Now contact with life is put into a category of pleasant and unpleasant. There are also times it seems Now contact is something else. The only reason anyone has an issue with life is because it’s desirable to have Now contact that’s always pleasant, but this is impossible because life isn’t designed this way. Not that life does anything to anyone, but things do happen that can be considered downright nasty. Case in point, having a toothache, death of a loved one, and so on. I can attach to what’s going on, but it wouldn’t change it, it would only change the degree of suffering. The suffering would be a direct result of attaching to wanting it different. This doesn’t mean I like what’s happening, but I can be with the state of it being unpleasant and not attach that label to it.

Life just rolls along, it stops for nothing, Now contact is one continuous motion. It may seem like individual things happen, but that’s only because of the way we have been conditioned to use time and break life up into segments. The unpleasant is constantly pushed away to try and make room for the pleasant as if when one decides it’s pleasant it makes life perfect. For there not to be suffering, life has to be seen as perfect with what’s happening Now because that’s what’s there. The Conditioned Mind wants life pleasant all the time and until you can be with the unpleasant the same as the pleasant, there will be self-created suffering. This is because you will always be trying to arrange Now contact the way you think it should be (pleasant) and not be with what’s actually happening…

Light of Surrender

Our inner light shines to the degree of the surrender that allows loving energy to be our guide. The more one surrenders the brighter the light, and the brighter the light, the more it will be seen…

I know for many years I wandered aimlessly through life controlled by a Conditioned Mind that led me around like I was a puppet on a string. My entire existence was based in a self-serving mind and until this changed nothing was going to change. Our society is out of control because of this self-serving mind.

Until a person understands how conditioned and controlled they are, and that it’s their own mind that makes this happen, nothing will change regardless of what is done to try and help a person. I am not sure if anything can be done to instill this change in a person, but we must try. Although it has to come from within the individual, we must plant the seeds or there won’t even be the chance for someone to change.

I can love the person by understanding the conditioning is not them. This may not change them, but at least I will not be pulled into their conditioned energy; I could write another book on this pull alone. Watch very closely how subtle the Conditioned Mind is. I know for me it is not my responsibility to change anyone, but I do have an obligation because of the insight that has been bestowed upon me; I do know I can only change myself. When I change, that is how others change by allowing loving energy to be my guide. All I can do is be willing to keep looking within to expand the light of surrender…

Delusional Answers

Because of the way we become conditioned, life is seen as if answers are needed that fit into certain spots, and because of this we are constantly looking for these answers…

The issue with having to constantly arrange life as if there were certain answers is it’s delusional. Even if you make up a story the answers sought will make life complete, the mind begins searching for new delusional answers almost immediately. Life is continuous, it’s broken up into segments (delusional answers) by a mind that’s in a constant state of flux. If this wasn’t true life would be seen as complete and you wouldn’t constantly need to arrange it to your liking. It isn’t because of anything right or wrong that makes life this way, it happens because the mind has been programmed this way, so it’s only doing what it’s been programmed to do.

The Conditioned Mind makes up delusional answers all the time. The shortest lines, traffic, weight, to do list, politics, and so on, all this is strictly seen to find another delusional answer; which one thinks will make life perfect. Let’s say everyday you need to find a new answer, that would mean I found roughly 22,630 answers during my life and all for the purpose to constantly have life the way I thought it should be. After all, nobody likes when things don’t go their way, but even when they do, life doesn’t change all that much…

Christmas Gift

Our greatest gift is the gift of life, even though the Conditioned Mind wants to make it about something else, it’s simply the greatest gift because one day it will not be so…

Enjoy the splendor of this day, not because it’s Christmas, but because you are alive today to simply experience it. The true gift of Christmas or whatever holiday is celebrated is being alive because one day this will not be so. Obviously if this is being read today isn’t that day, so enjoy whatever today has to offer in all its splendor. Not because of the material possessions, but simply because you are alive. If being alive isn’t enough there’s nothing that will make it so. Since today is the day you’re given, make it the masterpiece you so deserve, and more importantly keep your inner light lit on this day, and everyday hereafter so you can be a light to the world. Remember the greatest gift you will ever receive is the gift of life, and it’s simply because one day it will not be so. Enjoy your gift…Merry Christmas…

Repeating Thoughts

If you keep allowing past thoughts to repeat in the present, those thoughts will be what controls your life. This is unfortunate because all the emotional pain of those past thoughts will also be repeated in the present…

The amount of times you repeat a thought that causes emotional pain is mind boggling because it’s your own mind that does this; it probably happens thousands of times throughout your life. This is why most people suffer endlessly because what happened in the past is repeated in the present and although the body is always in the present moment, the mind is constantly somewhere else. This is the constant state most people live their life from and if nothing is done to change this the mind will repeat thoughts until existence in this form ends. This isn’t a philosophy or theory nor is it something I made up, you only need to look at this for yourself to see this truth, but if you don’t you’ll keep repeating your thoughts without a way out.

As a species we seem to be lost in repeated thoughts and it’s because looking at ourselves in an investigative way is not something that many people are willing to do. It’s so much easier to point the finger at someone else, but unfortunately when you point your finger there’s three pointing back at you; check this to see this truth. You can ignore this and keep repeating the same thought that everything will work out, or you can take control of your life to some extent and stop attaching to the repeating thoughts that cause your own suffering. After all, the same thoughts are constantly repeated, but if there isn’t attachment to them, eventually they’ll stop and so will the repeated emotional suffering they cause…

Looking Inward

Looking inward and learning from what is seen, allows for one who was lost to now be found, and one who was blind to now see. But only because that’s what looking inward allows…

If there’s not some kind of looking inward process in place for your practice, it will be difficult to proceed in a direction where there will be any expansion in your spiritual life. The first thing to look at is if you even have a practice in place that’s practical and beneficial. I don’t mean a practice of belonging to certain groups, although there’s nothing wrong with that, but if it’s in place to just keep you busy, it’s not really a beneficial practice. Although it is a practice, how looking inward works to quiet the mind or how it keeps the mind agitations in place is what there needs to be awareness of to allow for the continuous expansion of life’s process. I’m sharing this because this is what has allowed me to be as I am today. There’s no magic to this, a beneficial practice (looking inward) has to be in place if one is to experience beneficial results, this is as simple as one plus one equals two.

Look inward at your behavior, reactions, attachments, annoyances, and whatnot, and see what the driving force behind them is. This driving force may be the block to expanding beyond the nonsense of the Conditioned Mind. Without looking inward that allows this to be seen, you might as well not practice at all because it’s just a waste of time and energy. Either do what’s beneficial or don’t anything. One can only be free by being free, and only a practice that puts you in harmony with life allows harmony with life. I practiced wrongly for many years and it produced results that weren’t beneficial. I’ve since looked inward and learned where I was once lost I’m now found, and where I was blind I now see, but it was only because of looking inward that allowed this…

False Identity

Creating a false identity is all part of the Conditioned Mind with life setting the stage for it to be played out. In silence you’re still on stage, but the false identity isn’t needed…

Most of the things that are reached for throughout life are used to create a false identity. It’s as if you’re on stage and your identity is being created, taking on whatever the assigned identity may be at the time. Each person studies their lines and creates the false identity in whatever way their conditioning has been developed; there are many roles used in creating your false identity. This false identity is associated with the things reached for to make your part in the play more interesting; not many want to be in a play where everyone sits around in silence. It would seem there is needed drama for life to be more interesting, but this is the false identity the Conditioned Mind creates.

Only in silence can life be lived to the fullest. Without the false identity, you’re still present on the stage of life, but you’re not controlled by the rehearsed conditioning. It’s this conditioning that makes you need a false identity, but in silence with the stage already set, a false identity doesn’t have to be taken on nor do you need to create one in the puppet show of a conditioned life…

True Guidance

Our true guidance is from the Universe. If you think it’s something else, you will probably run around in circles because that’s how the guidance of the world works…

It seems to me that my life has been a preparation that has led me to this exact moment. Growing up I always had these feelings of not quite belonging to any particular group of friends. I seemed to bounce from group to group until I settled with the so called, social outcast, the loners, the people who drunk excessively. I was always looking for things to be different, but I never understood why. This urge to find my place in life, was all part of my preparation. Without this I would have never learned what has led me to this moment. I would probably still be alive, but my usefulness to the humanity would be much different.

This path of preparation has had more downs than I care to remember, but they were all part the process of shaping me to be the useful being I am today; this is what my preparation was for. None of this had to do with me personally, but it has everything to do with my usefulness to other people. This usefulness is manifested as the love I was always searching for. This is what anyone who has had this urging and tried to satisfy it with some kind of substance or object from the outside is reaching for. Although the preparation doesn’t seem like it is something that I would have ever chosen, it was necessary to get to a place of unconditional usefulness. When we rightly relate ourselves to the Universe, the Universe becomes our guide. If not, we will always have an urge, we will always be looking, and we will always be guide-less because we will always be going in circles…

Different Mind Patterns

If the world is ever going to be different the mind patterns in place will have to be different. This will only happen when it’s seen the current mind patterns aren’t providing loving results…

Mind patterns develop to do certain things and they will do just that whether you want them to or not; they have to do what patterns it has developed. Our mind becomes programmed the same way and unless the programming is different, the original mind pattern will remain. It’s imperative to understand this so first the mind patterns in place can be identified and second so the patterns that may not be serving you in the most beneficial way can be different. Mind patterns controlled my life for many years and most were of a self-serving nature. After a long period of time (forty nine years to be exact), I realized these patterns weren’t really benefitting me or anyone else for that matter. This realization is the beginning stages for the possibility of the mind patterns to be different. This will take some effort because of how ingrained they are, but the effort is more of about awareness than an actual exertion.

Once one becomes aware there may be a different way to live, the process of creating different mind patterns has begun. This is difficult because the patterns want to hold onto the familiar even if they’re not providing much of a benefit. It’s how the dog chasing its tail syndrome remains in place; even at the point of its own destruction. Mind patterns have many tools and influences to do this, some inner, some outer. This is why when a person acts in a particular way, they‘re more accountable than responsible for what they do. If anything is ever going to be different in our world, the mind patterns in place will have to be different. This will only happen when it’s seen the mind patterns in place, although doing what they were programmed to do, aren’t providing loving results…

Your Way Story

Until you can be with life as it is without needing it your way, a story disguised as truth will continue its control and unfortunately so will the suffering of needing life your way…

Just because you think it that doesn’t make it true. It may be what you want to be truth, but upon further investigation it’s probably just a made up story providing you with the way you think things should be. We use a your way story of love in this way, but it’s really only to pat ourselves on the back because we make up the story that love is a good thing; we get satisfaction out of any story labeled as a good thing. We use God in this way to strictly provide satisfaction, nothing more; like there’s really something out there that cares about what we do. All these made up your way stories block you from seeing the truth of what’s really going on. If a story is being used to make up what truth is, I guarantee you it’s not truth, it’s only a your way story.

Truth is not something to know. It can’t be defined with words because it’s only seen when the mind is settled. When you judge regardless of what it is, you’re applying a your way story of how you think something should be. This is the same with every situation, the judgements are only there to provide yourself with the way you think things should be. Life is always as it is and until you can just be with it instead of always making up a your way story, truth will never be experienced. Thus the story of your way will continue its control, and unfortunately so will the suffering of constantly needing things your way…

Two Available Views

There are always two available views to choose from, one view is from “I” where you run away from life, but that follows you everywhere. The other view is to be willing to face life which is the one that brings freedom…

Suffering in some form is pretty much a given because of the Conditioned Mind, but it doesn’t have to be this way. There are many lessons to learn in our life, until it’s realized there are two available views, you’ll most likely to be stuck in the one where suffering follows you everywhere. This is the dog chasing its tail suffering and it never ends because it can’t. Its controlling energy is immersed in the view of “I” and as long as this is in place, it will follow you everywhere. An “I” view keeps a one view limit firmly locked in place. Nothing satisfies the unquenchable thirst of “I” so this is why the suffering follows you everywhere; “I” is always thirsty. Even though this is the view that’s in place for most, there is another view that’s beneficial to your well being and this is because it brings you to a state where there’s freedom.

This freedom is from letting go of the view of “I” not from the suffering it causes because without “I” there’s no one to suffer. This view leads to freedom because as agitated energy arises and it will, instead of attaching to it, you allow it to bring you to new insights and revelations; you are with whatever arises instead of pushing it away. There’s no reaching to mask it, there’s no running from it or using something as a distraction. What happens when you make a stand with what arises is the lies of “I” are exposed, and if there’s no “I” there’s nothing for the suffering to follow; liberation naturally occurs. Read this very carefully and if the full meaning of this can be grasped, freedom from the suffering that’s been following you around for most of your life will begin to fall away, but understand this will only occur when an “I” view isn’t the only view available…

Camouflaged Void

The Conditioned Mind creates a lie camouflaged as a void, this void is a lack of love. Until this is realized, one will constantly need to reach for something to try and fill this camouflaged void even though it doesn’t truly exist…

For many years I had a camouflaged void in me that was created from a lack of love. That’s why I constantly reached for things to fill it, but I have since come to understand this. This camouflaged void isn’t a true void at all, it’s emptiness; this emptiness is the essence of love. It’s where life truly happens when one is busy making other plans. By not understanding this, I spent most of my life trying to fill a camouflaged void with whatever I could get my hands on. This is an endless list as to what can be used, so each individual has to investigate for themselves what that is. It’s ironic though because now most of my life is spent in the space that for so long was camouflaged as a void; the truth of this has been revealed to me.

This camouflaged void is the reason why anyone reaches for anything or wants life to be different. If this was understood for what it truly was, humanity would be much different because contentment would be the way of the world. The void is a camouflaged lie of the Conditioned Mind and it keeps one constantly needing the present moment to be different, so it keeps you reaching to fill it. This will need to be understood if the reaching is to ever end. When it is understood, the camouflaged void transforms to love because the present moment doesn’t need to be different. When the present moment doesn’t need to be different, life reveals its true essence which doesn’t ever need to be filled with anything because the camouflaged void is seen for the lie that it is…

Grasping Not Required

The inner grasping that keeps you searching for answers arises from the thought realm and keeps the grasping in place. Only when the mind settles will the grasping subside, and presto therein lies your answers…

Many people are on a so called spiritual quest to find answers, for me this something was an inner gasping to be at peace. I say was because the grasping is no longer there. For many years I didn’t truly understand this grasping and so it was always there as was the search to quiet it. This grasping manifested in many different ways and none provided much of a benefit. What a merry-go-round ride this produced, hence there wasn’t much peace in my life. This lasted for forty-nine years and then one day through a tiny crack in my ego, there arose the possibility of a different view of life which was revealed to me, this gave me some real answers of the true nature of my grasping…

Fifteen years ago it began as just a crack, but has been expanding ever since. For the most part the grasping for peace is no longer there as it has been replaced with daily contentment; at times the mind does become agitated and the grasping briefly returns because of the Conditioned Mind Patterns that are in place. I’ve learned to see it from the “I” perspective that it arises from and not attach to it. Attachment to “I” keeps the grasping in place so one has to search instead of being at peace. The search for peace will never result in peace because the search is what keeps you grasping. In this moment right now is where peace is so there’s no need to search for what already is. It’s only when the mind settles and “I” is let go of that the grasping subsides and presto just like that, there’s peace…

Many people are on a so called spiritual quest to find answers, for me this something was an inner gasping to be at peace. I say was because the grasping is no longer there. For many years I didn’t truly understand this grasping and so it was always there as was the search to quiet it. This grasping manifested in many different ways and none provided much of a benefit. What a merry-go-round ride this produced, hence there wasn’t much peace in my life. This lasted for forty-nine years and then one day through a tiny crack in my ego, there arose the possibility of a different view of life which was revealed to me, this gave me some real answers of the true nature of my grasping…

Fifteen years ago it began as just a crack, but has been expanding ever since. For the most part the grasping for peace is no longer there as it has been replaced with daily contentment; at times the mind does become agitated and the grasping briefly returns because of the Conditioned Mind Patterns that are in place. I’ve learned to see it from the “I” perspective that it arises from and not attach to it. Attachment to “I” keeps the grasping in place so one has to search instead of being at peace. The search for peace will never result in peace because the search is what keeps you grasping. In this moment right now is where peace is so there’s no need to search for what already is. It’s only when the mind settles and “I” is let go of that the grasping subsides and presto just like that, there’s peace…

Observed Thoughts

Thoughts are neither right or wrong, but there are some that are more beneficial. If thoughts are observed and not attached to, the non-beneficial ones will dissipate as passing clouds…

Thoughts come and go just as passing clouds. If you’ve ever sat and observed clouds, you’ve noticed the clouds eventually dissipate; here one minute, gone the next. It’s the same when thoughts are observed, they arise, there’s no denying that, but unless there’s attachment to them, they dissipate. The question to ask, is are your thoughts beneficial? Your answer is a key factor in how you will live your life. Let’s say you have a thought to do something unhealthy, if you’re not observing the thought, the benefit factor of it and the next step becomes an unhealthy action.

There’s no way to be in the thoughtless realm continuously, at least this has been my experience, it’s more so to learn if your thoughts are beneficial or not. If your thoughts aren’t observed, this won’t be noticed and non-beneficial actions will be more in control. This is because most minds unconsciously default to satisfying yourself which doesn’t allow the objectivity one gets from simply observing your thoughts. When thoughts aren’t observed they arise one right after the other and the mind gets cloudier and cloudier. Eventually there will be attachment; most likely it will be to non-beneficial thoughts. Only with a settled mind can thoughts be observed and when they are it allows for the energy to live life in the most beneficial of ways…

Repeating Behaviors

We repeat the same behavior again and again as we constantly respond to the same triggers and react out of the habit of what’s known; this is done without even realizing it…

Why is it so difficult to awaken? There are many reasons for this, the one that sticks out the most is how the Conditioned Mind holds onto and repeats known behavior, even if it causes extreme suffering. When I was twenty five my oldest brother passed away from an addiction related incident. This forced my parents to make me look at my alcohol and drug use. His death opened my eyes somewhat, but even though my life was a mess, it didn’t mean I was willing to go into unknown territory without my pacifiers to cope with life. This behavior was repeated again and again even though I knew alcohol and drugs were the cause of all my problems. It took another two years before a decision was made that I had enough. Even though I was going into unknown territory, I figured it had to be better than the way I was living.

The reason it took two years was because although I was suffering, my conditioning repeatedly led me to believe facing the unknown was scary and the known was the way to go; the lies of the Conditioned Mind run deep. This is why we repeat the same behavior, and it’s also why we constantly react to the same triggers; we react out of habit without even realizing it. The conditioning in place dictates what is repeated and it’s obeyed without question. Here’s the real irony in all of this, people actually believe they have free will and a choice. The only thing one can do is submit to what’s known because that’s what’s in place. Once there’s awareness of this, succumbing to the repeated behaviors can be stopped, and the choice to live life freely becomes a possibility along with the free will not to give in to the repeated behaviors of the Conditioned Mind…

Non-Attachment Peace

The only way you will ever be truly at peace is without the attachment that something other than this moment will provide peace. When this is understood so too will your peace be understood…

Everyone has attachment, no one goes through life without it, but attachment isn’t the real issue, the issues arise when the attachment becomes your controlling energy. A few years ago my mom was sick so I wrote the story of my mom not doing well. How it affected me is how I could have made it into an attachment, but there wasn’t attachment, I understood it was just what was happening. Since there are five siblings in my family, we all have a different attachment to my mom, none were the right or wrong one, they were just what each of us perceived.

Here’s why the controlling energy of attachment creates an issue. Someone posted how happy they were that in a few days they were going on vacation; this means right now they’re not happy. Although this seems innocent, it’s not because this simple statement blocks out truly living life and being at peace with what’s here now. This is the issue attachments energy creates, it doesn’t allow you to be with the fullness of the life you’re actually living in this moment. It’s always the attachment to this or that; fill in your own attachment. I will be at peace when, whatever is added is the attachment energy that’s blocking your peace. The only way you will ever truly be at peace is without the attachment that something other than this moment will provide peace; when this is understood so will your non-attachment peace be understood…

Conditioned Delusions

You can only see things from what is within you, and although it can’t be any other way, this doesn’t mean it’s truth that’s seen. It just means you see things as you have been conditioned…

Unless you truly investigate yourself to the point where you see your conditioning, truth will continue to be something made up. Knowing this makes it difficult at times interacting with people as many don’t come from a place of stillness (truth); a lot of people only know the noise of the Conditioned Mind. I don’t say this because I know everything, matter of fact I know very little, but what I do know doesn’t seem to be understood by most people there’s interaction with. I know this simply by the way people use the distractions of the world. This isn’t a popularity contest, and what people think of me is not a concern; planting seeds of truth is all that matters. I’ve been shunned by many because my articles are misinterpreted as me stating my truth, but I never profess to know what truth is, I only talk about what remains after the conditioned delusions are known.

Someone wrote there are seven billion truths in the world because there are roughly seven billion people. This is a false statement and what the major issue is with humanity. Everyone perceives things their way, and because of the conditioning in place it’s thought to be truth; there’s only one truth, and no I don’t know what it is. Just because you think it, see it, someone else writes it or you attach to it and believe it, it means nothing. Truth can’t really be known, but one can see the delusions in place. When this happens creating truth isn’t needed because it naturally arises; no delusional story necessary. Whenever I write about emotions, forgiveness, hope, and so on, it always stirs up the conditioning in others because it usually reveals some delusional attachment. I will never waver from what has been revealed to me because I can’t. Popularity is not what I seek, selling books is not what I seek, matter of fact there’s nothing that I seek. This is because I know there’s only one truth, and when seven billion people start understanding their conditioned delusions, just maybe there will be peace on earth…

Space of Awareness

If life is to be lived to the fullest, there has to be awareness of each moment as it is. In each moment you can let go of some of the control of the Conditioned Mind by being aware of the space of what’s truly occurring…

It’s amazing how quickly the days go by. It seems like it’s the morning and before you know it it’s nighttime. All the stuff that goes on in between just seems like a blur, and one day just like that when conditions don’t support life anymore, it’s over. On most gravestones there’s usually the date life begins and the date life ends, in between those dates there’s a small space which is our life. Much occurs in between those dates, but it goes so fast; the small space is the sum total of what occurs.

The question is, can life be slowed down life to a degree? I don’t really think this is possible, but there can be more space of awareness of what’s truly going on. The more space of awareness there is the better chance there is of living of full life. To me, it seems the more awareness there is of the present moment emotional state, the less life is in control, and the less one thinks about how fast it goes by. Emotions are tied into the state of being and the state of being is tied into how quickly it seems life goes by. When emotions are stable so is one’s state of being. And with a stable state of being there’s more space of awareness. Life goes by regardless of the state of being, but at least it will seem to go a little slower when there’s space of awareness of what’s occurring as opposed to living in a state of unconsciousness. In a state of unconsciousness, by the time that you awaken, it may be too late to expand your space of awareness because the day that life ends may not be far behind…

Constant Problems

Because of the way one becomes conditioned, life is seen as if it’s filled with problems to solve, and because of this one is constantly working on solving problems…

The issue with having to constantly arrange life as if it’s problematic is it’s made up, and even if your story of problems is solved, the mind makes up a new problem almost immediately. Life is continuous, it’s broken up into segments (problems) by a mind that’s in a constant state of agitation. If this wasn’t true, you would see your problems don’t exist so you wouldn’t constantly need to solve them. It isn’t because of anything right or wrong that makes you see things in this way, it’s because the mind has been programmed to do instead of be, so it‘s only doing what it’s programmed to do.

The Conditioned Mind sees problems all over the place. The shortest line in the supermarket, traffic, diets, to do list, politics, and so on, all this manipulating is strictly done to solve another problem which one thinks will make life perfect. Let’s say everyday there’s a new problem to solve, for me that would mean in sixty five years roughly 24,000 problems were solved, all for the purpose of constantly have life the way I thought it should be. After all, nobody purposely gets in the longest line at the supermarket, but if you did nothing would really change except for maybe not having to constantly solve a problem to make life complete…

Intuitive Truth

Truth isn’t something created so life fits nicely into a made up story of what you think it is. Truth is intuitive and is already in place, it doesn’t need to be created to make it so…

Although awakening is a process of becoming aware of what the blocks are to intuitive truth; awareness only expands each day by developing a daily mindfulness and sitting practice. For me, no longer does the world revolve around my “I” it more so revolves around the “I” of others. Each day I bring a vision of how I can be a benefit to others by writing and posting a daily article, this has been done everyday for the past nine plus years. There is awareness into my day to day existence and although there are some mishaps because the Conditioned Mind is relentless, the process is a continuation into the expansion of intuitive truth; with this expansion comes the expansion of love into my day to day life, and the life of others.

This intuitive expansion doesn’t take thought, it takes a settled mind. The subtitle of my book: You Are Not Your Thoughts was chosen for this reason. All created stories of truth are only attached thoughts. When this was understood “I” was understood, and it was the beginning of the end of the life of lies I lived. This brought me to the realm of the unknown (intuitive truth). This realm is not something that thought can bring about; thought actually blocks intuitive truth. Stillness is where the realm of the Spirit and our intuitive true nature arises. It’s where one connects to all of life and feels the intuitive truth of the Sunlight of the Spirit. It’s our home, our place of the peace that passes all understanding; it’s the intuitive truth of existence. This needs no story to be, you only need to stop thinking to allow intuitive truth to arise…

Unseen Triggers

What the unawareness of unseen triggers do is it keeps the opposite energy of what you’re making a stand for in place, and in the process it doesn’t change anything…

The unseen triggers of life are in place to grab you and pull you deeper into an unconscious state. Not many break free once an unseen trigger is set. But if you know the unseen trigger (generated from your own mind) is there, it’s less likely to grab you; not being aware is what activates the trigger. Not many investigate what their unseen triggers are so they’re set unconsciously. By the time they’re noticed it’s usually too late and you become a prisoner to the unseen trigger. This has been going on since humanity began, today’s world is just as insane as a thousand years ago, there’s just more news coverage and social media to spread the insanity; make no mistake that’s what’s being done. This cause, that cause, I don’t like this or that, all the unseen energy being put out, I have been unfriended by some because they have chosen not to look at this. The insanity in place cannot be seen by the one who is insane; strong language, but true.

Get unseen triggered into the story of the injustices that appear to be going on, but understand this is nothing new. It has been and will continue to occur because of the unseen energy being put out by all. This isn’t to say the injustices aren’t there, but taking a stand against them feeds them with energy to allow them to continue. If you don’t think this is true, what has changed in the last three years or even the last thousand years in the way humanity reacts to things? This article isn’t about the last few years because this unseen energy has been in place for eons. This is what the unawareness of unseen triggers do, it keeps the opposite energy for what you’re making a stand for in place. And in the process although this energy makes one think they have to stand up for what they believe, unseen triggers don’t change a damn thing…

No Belief Freedom

So many people believe in things they think makes life better, but when this is done life just passes you by. A belief isn’t needed to see this, but it will take a very settled mind not to make it into one…

You believe in everything you have in place because you have decided (even though it was probably done unconsciously) that your beliefs will make life better. There’s no other reason to form a belief except for the purpose to provide satisfaction in some way. Look into this very carefully to see this in your life. God, money, material possessions, love, programs, spirituality, social status, enlightenment, and so on, are all formed to provide satisfaction based in a belief. If this isn’t questioned, the belief will continue its control even though it will not truly provide the satisfaction it’s being created for. It can’t because the nature of any belief is attachment and attachment is suffering, even if it’s not seen as so.

Many call a belief faith, to me they’re basically used for the same purpose. I haven’t found one iota of usefulness in having faith or believing in something that would truly benefit my life. I live in the space of now, and since there isn’t anything that needs to be different, a belief wouldn’t be beneficial. True freedom occurs in the space of not making up belief stories. It doesn’t take any effort or a story to be free. The reason why so many don’t become free is they try to create freedom by forming a belief; to believe in this or that is not freedom. Don’t worry about getting to heaven because as you do, life passes you by while you are here on earth. It doesn’t take a belief to see this, but it will take a mind that’s settled not to make a belief about there being a place other than right here…

One View Limit

The view of life one has is neither right nor wrong, but if a person only has one view it limits life, and in the process it doesn’t allow for any other possibility except from that one view…

Having an open view is what makes life different. It doesn’t make what happens in life different, it only makes the view of what happens different. If you’re locked into one view, this only allows you to see things one way. To me, the more you’re locked into one view the harder it will be for there to be a shift to see things openly. Not that there’s anything wrong with one view, it just doesn’t allow for much openness. When you see things from one view, it limits life to that one view. Most times the view you have isn’t even your own, it’s formed from someone else’s opinion, teaching, book, video, or discussion.

To be locked in on one view keeps you trapped to the results of that view; think about how limiting this is. No possibility of anything else, going down the same path, never allowing anything new. Seeing things through one view will not allow you to see how limiting this is. Sitting and developing discipline so the grip of one view lessens can assist in possibly altering a closed mind set. There has to be an inkling there’s another view for there to be an opening. It’s not that any view is right or wrong, it’s just that having only one has limits, and in the process it doesn’t allow for the possibility of other results except for those from that one particular view…

Deep Conditioning

Most reactions that occur in life are from deep conditioning and are put in place by outer influences. If your life isn’t lived to its fullest potential to love, it’s your deep conditioning that’s blocking it from being so…

Although things appear to be a certain way it’s not always as it seems. It’s difficult to see beyond your own mind when deep conditioning is brought into play. So much of what the mind holds onto is from your deep conditioning and is put in storage to be used at particular times; this is how most conditioning operates. It’s as though we already have in place the way things are going to be handled; deep conditioned reactions are formed in this way. They’re all based on putting things in a certain place so deep conditioned actions are triggered.

This goes on constantly because the deep conditioning makes it so. If you had no previous conditioning, deep conditioned reactions wouldn’t arise, but this is not the case. One of the keys to not living a deep conditioned life is to a develop some way to be anchored in the present. This is important because the more you’re present the more you’re with what life has to offer. When this occurs there’s peace because the deep conditioning in place is no longer making you react to things because they need to be different than what they are…

Storm of Attachment

When there’s attachment to something you think is needed to provide peace, you’re in the storm of that attachment. Until this is understood, you’ll remain in the storm of attachment that peace is outside of you…

There will never be peace in your life as long as you’re in the storm of attachment that peace is outside of you. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way our minds are conditioned, we’re in a storm of the attachment that peace is something to find. Unfortunately, attachment is what makes the very thing you’re seeking elusive. The storm of an attachment is the reason one is constantly reaching for something outside, and until this storm is no more, you’ll remain looking for peace in the next thing reached for. This can’t be stressed enough as this storm has to be seen if you’re ever to truly experience peace.

Being in the storm of attachment will never provide peace. What has to happen if peace is to ever be experienced is there has to be an understanding of how your attachments block your peace. The reason why peace is elusive is because of the inability to see clearly. When the need to reach for something arises, the storm of attachment begins; this is a conditioned cycle that’s very difficult to break.

Peace isn’t something that can be manufactured so it’s in seeing this that peace arises. Many get lost in the storm of trying to find peace, but since it’s already within, the stormy attachment that’s associated with finding peace needs to be discarded so you can uncover the reason why you’re in the storm of the attachment and not at peace…


Worldly Noise

Make a stand for what’s in your heart. Bow down to no one. Idolize no one or no thing. Listen to your heart, and let it be your guide. Ignore the noise of the world because that’s all it is…

No one can rightfully judge you. Most people can’t even rightfully judge themselves. “Put no stock in what others say and what others say will have no stock”. If things are ever going to change in your life, the noise that goes on between your ears has to be exposed for what it is; pure utter nonsense. Live now and forever hold your peace because now is the only place you will ever have peace to hold.

We all have feet of clay, not because we want to, but because very few understand the worldly noise of the Conditioned Mind and how they are in its grip. I will never back down from what I know to be true. Whether others see what I see makes no difference. It matters little what happens to me, it matters less what others think. I only say this because it matters little what I think, so if I don’t take what I think seriously, I certainly am not going take what others think seriously. The story of what life is about is made up. No one can claim to truly know what it’s about; life is too complex to know. The pea brain mind will make noise about some nonsense, most minds have not evolved enough to truly have answers. A lot is known intellectually from our head, but we don’t know diddly when it comes to living from the heart. Until this is understood, one will be controlled by the Conditioned Mind and remain in the prison of worldly noise…

Be Your Own Influnce

Everyone is a product of some influence in their life so no belief, idea, concept, or view can truly be called your own. These are all derived from some outer influence so a life is lived that’s not truly your own…

The view that’s developed over the course of time makes life what it is, but this isn’t to say one is right and another is wrong or that one is better than the other. I’m just stating a fact that we’re mostly a product of influences and what view we have in place is only there because of those influences in your life. Not one single moment that’s in the past can be changed so there’s no reason to ever give that view a second thought. Giving it a second thought is just a waste of our limited precious time, but unfortunately that’s the view most people have. The past will always be the past and nothing will ever change it, but it doesn’t have to influence your life.

There comes a time in every life when you know the only place to find what you’ve been looking for is within yourself. When there’s awareness of this, what’s usually revealed is that what’s been sought has always been there. This is your own view that needs to be cultivated if you’re to ever be free of a view that was put in place by others. There are so many influences that mold and shape our entire existence, until there’s awareness of this the view in place will be someone else’s. Truly look at this, mom, dad, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, teachers, friends, tv, radio, and so on.

The only thing that will make your conditioned view different is awareness of how the influences have controlled you. This is the importance of awareness, it allows the breaking free of this conditioning. How you do this is by sitting and allowing a settled mind to become your influence. This won’t happen overnight, but with perseverance the influences in place will slowly lose the grip and the influence of the heart (love) will become your own. This just so happens to be who you truly are without the influences of anyone else, and this is the view where you can begin to truly be your own influence…

Heart Connections

The greatest gift of life is when there’s a heart to heart connection because this energy not only connects one heart, it connects many. It’s this connected energy that makes a difference and changes the world…

What does it matter if you gain the whole world but in the process you lose your heart connections. What happens if this occurs is you lose your connection to others and without this connection the connection to life is lost. You could be a billionaire, but you would still be broke. A person cannot truly live without a heart connection to others, they can only exist. There’s a connection to every heart when one is connected, this is the energy of unconditional love; loving with no attached expectation. There is no greater gift bestowed upon a person than connecting with another person’s heart and making a difference in their life; no material attainment compares to this.

Connecting a heart doesn’t mean you will automatically be loved back, but when one is connected to the core of their heart, their transformation has begun; there will be transforming energy as one will never be as they previously were. Connecting to another heart and making a difference in their life is the greatest gift bestowed upon a person because it opens the hearts energy to a deep and lasting fulfillment. This energy is not a doing of the human will trying to attain something, it’s a love that’s not truly understood, but is so freely given that it has to be shared. Love energy transforms hearts so when you give love and there’s a connection to someone, it makes their life different and their transforming energy of love is returned to you. This is why and how it becomes the greatest gift because there’s not only one connected heart, but many connections, and it’s this transforming energy that makes a difference and changes the world…