Emotions can’t control you if the concept of self isn’t created. This concept of self is the operating system behind your emotions. When this self isn’t attaching to the outside circumstances of life, there is peace…
Emotions are something that most people don’t give much thought to. The self appointed experts with their degrees will say they’re needed and people go along with this without investigating if it’s true. I say the hell with the experts and their degrees because if I followed the nonsense that is spewed from the arrogance of their degrees, I would be dead. For me the turning point in learning about emotions was in being aware of how they all arise from the base of “I”. What was revealed to me is that there’s a conceptual self that gets tied into emotions in many ways. The concept of this sense of self is the operating system behind all emotions. These emotions are tied into how you see yourself. For instance the emotion of guilt arises when you do something you were taught was bad or wrong. Emotional anger arises when this self is hurt in some way. Fear emotions arise when your self is threatened or scared. The emotion of sadness arises when there’s disappointment. All these emotions arise because of very different circumstances, but this is as far as most people get when it comes to understanding them.
The way my emotions were investigated is not in how they were different, but what they all had in common. This was where my focus centered. What this led me to see was there’s one common source of every emotion and that source is the conceptual self; emotions can’t control you if a self isn’t created. Investigate this for yourself, don’t listen to anyone and their view, develop your own. I said earlier that my emotions would have killed me, this is because my reaction tendencies were to reach for things that were self destructive. It’s not this way today because I’ve learned somewhat (nobody’s perfect) not to attach to a self that give my emotions life. When there’s not this self reacting to the outside circumstances of life, there’s much more balance to remain at peace and not do something just because an emotion arises…

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