Holding on to anything is a prison, but the thing being held is only the sentence, the prison is the lie the Conditioned Mind creates that tells you holding on is needed to make life different…
The reality of life is impermanence and because of this when there is holding on to anything, there has to be suffering. So suffering is directly related to what one holds on to and how tight the hold is. Impermanence is a natural phenomenon of life and since the nature of it can’t really be changed, the only way for the suffering not to occur is to learn how not to hold on to things. You can still enjoy all that life has to offer, but if true liberation is to be experienced, holding on will have to fall away. I say fall away because many hold on to not holding on and thus stay glued to their suffering. Letting go isn’t really a doing, it’s why many remain trapped to the bondage of self. If true liberation is to be experienced, there will have to be awareness of the conditioned mind holds that are in control. Few have this willingness because the conditioning in place to doesn’t allow it, hence the need to hold on to things constantly rears its ugly head; this causes suffering.
There’s holding on because the conditioning in place is based in a lie. When this lie is let go of that’s when truth is revealed. It’s not a truth that can be explained. The moment it’s explained there’s holding on because it becomes an idea, concept, or belief. This is why in stillness truth is revealed. All I know today and it’s not much, has been revealed to me. To truly stop holding on to the lie, it has to be seen that all holding on is a lie. If this isn’t seen, holding on continues along with its associated suffering. This moment needs no idea, concept, or belief to be. If you can see this, holding on is naturally lessened because right now exists free of its lie, and without the holding on lie there’s simply no reason to make life different…

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