The seeking of pleasure is so deep and misunderstood that it actually leads many down the road of self-destruction. Until the mind settles and this is seen, pleasure seeking will continue its control…
There’s nothing inherently wrong with pleasure, but when the driving force is to satisfy your pleasures, it will most likely lead to some kind of destructive reaching. Understanding the destructive reaching to quench the thirst of pleasure is where the difference lies in one being at peace or constantly needing to reach for the next pleasure. For me there was always a thirst for peace, but it was seen as seeking pleasure was the way to peace. What I used to quench this thirst is where the my destructiveness arose. My tools to quiet this thirst to be at peace became different some years ago. Prior to that time everything I used was based in the material realm. Today this isn’t the case because I understand the pleasure seeking enough to see its delusion.
As the story is told, Jesus went into the desert to meditate for forty days with nothing but the clothes on his back. This was done to confront his inner demons by meditating. It took the Buddha six years to become enlightened as he roamed the country side meditating along the way. He went from house to house for his food. These are two people who left us with great examples of how to manifest a peaceful state of being without anything from the material world. This is key if you are to ever be free from the bondage of the pleasure seeking mind and open the doorway to true peace that’s not dependent on anything from this world. When this is truly understood, pleasure will no longer be reached for in a destructive way as you will actually live life in the most beneficial way possible…

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