Memory Anomaly

Understanding the anomaly of memory is very important if the chains of suffering are to be broken because it's the attachment to “I“ that wants to remember only what's pleasurable...

The anomaly of how we remember things and constantly use them to change the present is simply that, an anomaly. Although this happens without it being realized, when it is realized it changes the way existence is viewed. The memory of how things truly are gets distorted in a way because they are viewed through the conditioning in place; conditioning that mostly manifests in constantly seeking pleasure. Think of this, when someone dies no one gets up and says the person was mean, what's usually said borders on making the individual a saint; this is the memory anomaly in place. Until this is realized, life is spent constantly seeking making up pleasurable memories; the mind doesn't like unpleasant memories. This is part of the survival instinct engrained in us. Those who remember painful events also use them to find something pleasurable, even if to just push them away; hence this is why one reaches outside themselves for comfort.

Nobody reaches for anything for any reason except to provide comfort, in this comfort seeking there’s so much unconscious suffering. Desiring pleasure and suffering go hand in hand, until this is understood desiring pleasure will continue to cause unconscious suffering. Understanding the anomaly of memory is very important in breaking the chains of bondage because it's the attachment to “I“ that makes one only remember what's pleasurable. Even to the points of its own destruction “I” seeks pleasure, just look in any rehab or detox. Every drug or drink of alcohol taken had the lure of pleasure associated with it or it wouldn't have be taken. Understanding this isn't limited to just those things, this goes for anything that's reached for. The mind defaults to what's familiar and it uses pleasure as its lure. Until this is realized you will continue to use memory to desire pleasure, even to the point of your own destruction…

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