A lie is nothing more than a decision made by a mind that’s conditioned to self-serve. There’s no truth to a lie because there isn’t anything factual to back it up…
As life happens, it’s mostly interpreted by a decision to suit a Conditioned Mind lie. For me, it’s very difficult to take things serious because I understand the lies so well. There are so many decisions made to form a lie that someone has about something, but where it becomes humorous to a degree is because lies really have no value. People think they have value and will state them adamantly, but they don’t. They are given more credibility and have more effect on things the higher the position one has in society or is held in esteem, but the value of any lie should always be questioned because all they’re are a decision derived from someone’s Conditioned Mind, not from facts.
I know this was how most of the decisions were made in my life, there wasn’t much factual thought in them. And whatever the lie was about the decision made really only had value to me because my conditioning was based to self-serve; my decisions were all based on self-serving conditioning. This self-serving lie decisions took years to develop. It seemed that something occurred and it was placed in a category of like or dislike as quickly as it occurred. There wasn’t a thought process to this, there was no thinking, it was a decision that went automatically into its preconditioned assigned category.
All lies are valueless even though a person may think they have value, they don’t because there’s no factual evidence to them. When something isn’t based in truth, it’s pretty much valueless. Decisions based on lies always makes things worse because destruction is the only option when decisions are based on lies instead of facts. Because of this, things shouldn’t be taken too serious. Enjoy the humorous lies without their factual evidence and know it’s truth that sets you free because without it the self-serving truth-less mind remains in control…
A Decision to Lie
Form Attachments
Attachment to form creates a prison that blocks love from being the guiding energy of daily living. And although you may be alive, to be without love is to be without life…
As attachments are formed so is a self created prison formed. How controlling this is determines the degree that your attachments have a hold on you; make no mistake, attachment is attachment regardless of what it is. Alcohol or drugs are only different than soda because of their devastating consequences; no matter what’s attached to it keeps you in prison. Something much more subtle than some substance or object is the attachment to your own mind; this is the real prison.
A substance or object can hold you in captivity, but it’s the mind that makes you attach to something. Without the mind telling you something is needed, attachment would be non existent. The subtleness of attachment is literally mind boggling. Take an alarm clock as an example, as soon as the alarm rings, if the snooze button is hit instantly the mind wants the moment to be in some other way. If this mind set isn’t altered to bring about awareness of this, it’s off to the races of being controlled by a mind that’s attached to satisfying form.
This takes on many forms: talking about others, eating habits, pouting or sulking, social status, being miserly (cheap), trying to control situations and people, judging, lust, greed, envy, self righteousness, false pride, and the list goes on, but what all these have in common is they are all external solutions of the Conditioned Mind to fix an internal problem of lack. Until something is done to allow the mind to settle, this will probably go on til the day you die. If this happens you‘ll see how most of your life was never truly experienced in the way that it could have been. This may not seem as devastating as say using alcohol or drugs, but it is because either way life is experienced from a formed attachment and is never truly lived…
False Thouights
When truth is revealed no longer do you listen to your false thoughts because you understand there’s no reason to believe anything without the facts…
Don’t believe everything you think because your thoughts tell you things that are false. Your false thoughts will tell you the past is real, yet the only place it exists is in the mind. Your false thoughts will tell you to fear, yet the only thing you have to fear is fear itself. False thoughts tell you to hold onto the belief of a self that’s a solid entity, but the form that’s being occupied needs no such attachment to exist as it’s always changing in a constant state of flux. False thoughts will tell you I think therefore I am, but thinking has nothing to do with I am. False thoughts make up a belief that everything desired on the outside is needed, but if none of those desires comes to pass, nothing happens. Even if the desires do get fulfilled, the satisfaction is fleeting at best. Then there’s the false thoughts of the so called ego, this is like the bogeyman under the bed, it’s real until one looks under the bed.
There’s the image in the mirror with a name given for identification purposes. If the name is different we think we are someone else, but that’s only a false thought because the form remains the same. There will be many false thoughts held onto that just aren’t true. Unfortunately, the more they are attached to, the more real they seem. To be free, your false thoughts will have to be exposed. This doesn’t you don’t exist, you just don’t exist in the way your false thoughts tell you. When this truth is revealed, no longer do you listen to your false thoughts because it’s understood, you shouldn’t believe everything you think because most of it is false…
Memory Anomaly
The anomaly of how we remember things and constantly use them to change the present is simply that, an anomaly. Although this happens without it being realized, when it is realized it changes the way existence is viewed. The memory of how things truly are gets distorted in a way because they are viewed through the conditioning in place; conditioning that mostly manifests in constantly seeking pleasure. Think of this, when someone dies no one gets up and says the person was mean, what's usually said borders on making the individual a saint; this is the memory anomaly in place. Until this is realized, life is spent constantly seeking making up pleasurable memories; the mind doesn't like unpleasant memories. This is part of the survival instinct engrained in us. Those who remember painful events also use them to find something pleasurable, even if to just push them away; hence this is why one reaches outside themselves for comfort.
Nobody reaches for anything for any reason except to provide comfort, in this comfort seeking there’s so much unconscious suffering. Desiring pleasure and suffering go hand in hand, until this is understood desiring pleasure will continue to cause unconscious suffering. Understanding the anomaly of memory is very important in breaking the chains of bondage because it's the attachment to “I“ that makes one only remember what's pleasurable. Even to the points of its own destruction “I” seeks pleasure, just look in any rehab or detox. Every drug or drink of alcohol taken had the lure of pleasure associated with it or it wouldn't have be taken. Understanding this isn't limited to just those things, this goes for anything that's reached for. The mind defaults to what's familiar and it uses pleasure as its lure. Until this is realized you will continue to use memory to desire pleasure, even to the point of your own destruction…
Directed by Principles
Just as there are physical principles that direct the universe, there are spiritual principles that direct our lives; make no mistake, there are consequences for not following them...
We are our own judge, we’re not condemned by others as much as we condemn ourselves. By not following certain principles, the price paid is in not being in harmony with life. When we aren't doing things that cultivate love most likely we’re cultivating selfishness; this is a consequence. Selfish is selfish as love is love, there is very little middle ground. This is why when a person is unconscious, there’s much discord and very little harmony because the nature of unconsciousness is selfishness.
When loving principles are followed the flow of life happens without resistance. When the base of life is love life is free flowing; non restricted. Our relation to love is seen through our relationship with life manifesting as the base of our behavior. This is reflected in our relationships with others and the decisions we make. Our life is measured by the principles or lack of what is followed, and our behavior reflects this. If the behavior is self seeking, there aren't many universal or spiritual principles being followed. If the behavior is to love, we’re in harmony with life and with others. This is reflected in the energy that’s given out in the daily choices that are made because universal and spiritual principles are being followed. Do what you may in life, but do not blame anyone for what happens to you and what is happening in the world because it’s each individuals choice what principles are being followed...
Your Own Guidance
The view that’s developed over the course of time makes life what it is, but this isn't to say one view is right and another is wrong or that one is better than the other. I'm just stating a fact that we’re mostly a product of someone’s guidance and what view we have in place is only there because of that guidance in our life. Not one single moment that's in the past can be changed so there's no reason to ever give that view a second thought. Giving it a second thought is just a waste of our limited precious time, and unfortunately that's the base of the guidance most people have. The past will always be the past and nothing will ever change it, but we don't have to be guided by it.
There comes a time in every life when you know the only place to find what you've been looking for is within yourself. When there’s awareness of this, what's usually revealed is what's been sought has always been there. This is the inner view that needs to be cultivated if you’re to ever be free of the guidance that was put in place by others. There’s so much that molds and shapes our entire existence and until there’s awareness of this, the view in place will be someone else's. Truly look at this, mom, dad, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, teachers, friends, tv, radio, and so on, everyone of them had some guidance on our current view; no belief, idea, concept and view can truly be called your own.
The importance of awareness is it allows the breaking free of this conditioned guidance. How you do this is by sitting and allowing a settled mind to become your guidance. This won't happen overnight, but with perseverance the guidance of others will slowly lose its grip and the guidance of the heart (love) will become your new direction. This just so happens to be who you truly are without the guidance of anyone else, and this is the view where you can begin to truly live your own life…
Inner Voice
If you seek what you think is needed to wake up, you’ll probably remain asleep. An awakening is from the Universe, but this will not be known if you’re listening to head noise instead of your inner voice…
We are all a product of the Universe, we are not a product of ourselves. We didn’t call for our creation nor do we call for the time when it ends. Our existence is a product of the Universe and the energy transformed to awaken is from the Universe. This is why we can’t really do anything to transform ourselves. We can only do the necessary practice that allows the heart to open so the Universe can do its thing. This is not our doing, this is a calling from the Universe; we practice because we’re listening to our inner voice from Universe. The reason some practice and some don’t is because the noise in the head doesn’t allow you to listen to the inner voice within. Even though it seems an awakening is from the outside, it can only be heard from the inner voice within.
Through our Conditioned Mind we become trapped in a very self-centered direction. This is also from the Universe, but it doesn’t produce love. Energy always is, it’s just a matter of listening so you can go where you’re directed. We seek because the Universe nudges us, but we’ll only hear when the veil of a Conditioned Mind is removed and our energy is guided by the heart. Spirituality is not magical for a select few who think they‘re special, it’s available to anyone who listens to the inner voice within. The Universe is always calling, but are you listening? If you think you’re listening, are you hearing the true message or are you making up your own message to fulfill some self-centered desire? It takes much quietness to hear the Universe’s call, but the alternative is to listen and follow a made up call which is scary. Why may you ask is it scary? Because people are trapped in fulfilling self-centered desires that prevent listening to their inner voice call…
Closed Mind Energy
As long as there’s closed mind energy in place, it will be the operating energy controlling your life. This operating energy arises as unconsciousness and it doesn’t allow you to see what’s truly going on…
Unless you have an open mind, how things appear isn’t how they actually are. If you truly want to see what’s going on, getting beyond your closed mind will have to happen. If two people are looking at same thing there are usually two different opinions of what is seen. There’s two sides to every story. There’s the view of a closed mind and there’s the view of consciousness; this is the truth. To stop seeing from closed mind energy, you will have to stop labeling what is seen. Stopping the labeling process allows the mind to slow to a point when consciousness takes over. It’s imperative for this to happen if the closed mind energy that’s been formed over the years lessens its grip.
A closed mind is so misunderstood and how this is known is because of the behavior that’s exhibited. I look to my own reactions to know this and in the process I can see it in others. This isn’t a judgement, it’s factual. Know your own mind and you will know the mind of others. This is because we are all of the same energy. Creation is creation anyway it’s looked at. When closed mind energy is seen for what it is, it begins to transform in a direction that allows consciousness. As long as there’s a closed mind of this, its energy will remain as the operating energy of your life. This operating energy arises from a closed mind and takes on many forms, but the bottom line is a closed mind doesn’t allow you to see what’s truly going on…
Commitment to Change
People don’t change because the commitment to investigate why you do what you do isn’t given 100%: 50% commitment doesn’t get it done…
The idea of doing what puts you in alignment with love is much different than actually putting it into action. It’s not because it isn’t how you truly want to be, there’s just so much conditioning against you that without a 100% commitment, it‘s difficult to sustain a connection to love for a substantial amount of time. We all have times when it’s easier, but we also have our times when we say screw it and self-seek. Don’t be to hard on yourself, a lifetime of living one way will not change with a few sittings. The key is to remain committed on a practice that allows the self seeking behavior to become less and less and for love to be more reflected in your actions.
Although love is natural, a commitment is needed so there’s alignment with it. Sometimes it will seem like” what’s the use” but understand this is all part of the conditioning, the noise, the story, the unconsciousness, whatever you want to call it. Being constantly committed is a necessity if there’s to be change because the old behavior is so deeply ingrained to let go of its control on its own. Why people don’t change is because the commitment o investigate why you do what you do isn’t given 100%. It‘s impossible to get more out of life than what you commit to putting into it. If you commit 50% that’s what you’ll get and change will be minimum at best…
A Settled View
When there’s awareness of a settled view and you don’t engage in what comes from the unsettled mind, it makes for a view of life most people will never experience…
A view from an unsettled mind is very different than a settled one; the unsettled mind has a much different agenda than being settled. Every conflict known to mankind has been because of the unsettled mind. You cannot have a conflict when a mind is settled. Although a settled view aches at times, it’s where all compassion comes from. This is an understanding from a settled view that the conditioned view can’t grasp. Mind seeing is strictly from the way one is conditioned. A settled view arises from the space of Now. I can tell right away when someone comes from stirring mind view because there’s attachment with what’s being said. Usually the sentences starts with my, I, me or it will be said, I see what you’re saying, but.
A settled view doesn’t make you smarter than anyone, all it means is you’ve been granted the vision to see clearly. A settled view is difficult to see from because of all the distractions in place. These distractions keeps you trapped to the reaching of a view from the mind. Reach, reach, reach, a settled view needs no such reaching, it realizes its completeness as it is. When your view is settled you become more of an observer than a reactor, at least that’s been my experience. I had an unsettled based view existence for many years. Even today the old conditioning resurfaces, but because of the awareness there’s less engagement with what comes from the mind. This naturally allows a settled view to arise. When you live from here it makes for a view of life much different than most people will ever experience…
Enticement to Reach
The most important thing to understand about the enticement to reach is the less attachment to “I” there is the less you will be enticed to reach for something you think is needed for satisfaction…
The enticement to reach is so powerful because what’s reached for is actually satisfying; this is why the enticement is so addicting. The only issue with this is because of the impermanent nature of being satisfied. Satisfaction simply will not last, it has no staying power so something will always be needed following the attainment of whatever is reached for. Think about it, with all the things you have been entice to reach for throughout your life regardless of what it was, it doesn’t bring the satisfaction now that it brought at that time. Most times, even if the same exact thing is physically repeated it’s usually not as satisfying as the first experience. I used so many things as I was enticed by my reaching conditioning, but it never lasted; the next reach always arose. This went on all the time, reaching for one thing after another and never staying satisfied.
I’ve come to understand this enticement to reach as the main reason people start using and become addicted to things. If needing satisfaction wasn’t sought, nothing would be reached for so there would never be an addiction. Unfortunately, the enticement to reach has its way with people. It’s deeply ingrained in the subconscious and has been in place since the beginning of human form. I know this enticement to reach is what controlled me for forty nine years and it was directly associated with “I”. Without “I” no one is there to be enticed. Even with this understanding, the enticement to reach doesn’t just disappear, but it does subside somewhat. To me, the most important thing to understand about this is, the less attachment there is to “I” the less you will be enticed to reach because without “I” there’s no one who needs the next satisfaction…
Holding On Lie
Holding on to anything is a prison, but the thing being held is only the sentence, the prison is the lie the Conditioned Mind creates that tells you holding on is needed to make life different…
The reality of life is impermanence and because of this when there is holding on to anything, there has to be suffering. So suffering is directly related to what one holds on to and how tight the hold is. Impermanence is a natural phenomenon of life and since the nature of it can’t really be changed, the only way for the suffering not to occur is to learn how not to hold on to things. You can still enjoy all that life has to offer, but if true liberation is to be experienced, holding on will have to fall away. I say fall away because many hold on to not holding on and thus stay glued to their suffering. Letting go isn’t really a doing, it’s why many remain trapped to the bondage of self. If true liberation is to be experienced, there will have to be awareness of the conditioned mind holds that are in control. Few have this willingness because the conditioning in place to doesn’t allow it, hence the need to hold on to things constantly rears its ugly head; this causes suffering.
There’s holding on because the conditioning in place is based in a lie. When this lie is let go of that’s when truth is revealed. It’s not a truth that can be explained. The moment it’s explained there’s holding on because it becomes an idea, concept, or belief. This is why in stillness truth is revealed. All I know today and it’s not much, has been revealed to me. To truly stop holding on to the lie, it has to be seen that all holding on is a lie. If this isn’t seen, holding on continues along with its associated suffering. This moment needs no idea, concept, or belief to be. If you can see this, holding on is naturally lessened because right now exists free of its lie, and without the holding on lie there’s simply no reason to make life different…
Issues based in deceit can’t be fixed with the same deceit. It’s not that truth has to be known to change this, but the deceit will have to become known if its to cease being in control…
It’s very difficult to explain truth because there’s so many different definitions of it. Instead of trying to prove what truth is, let’s explore where the deceit is. Deceit is something that has no real facts to it. Perceptions aren’t factual, they are usually made up by the perceiver to suit some sort of deceitful belief. I’m often asked if I believe in God, I answer that I believe in what I know which is based in the facts of what I’ve experienced. That’s why I share only what has been experienced. I don’t see the benefit of making up a deceitful story about something to suit a mind made need. In my case I know love is more beneficial than hate so I learn what the deceit is to living my (factual) life so it’s of maximum benefit to myself and to all beings. Truth will be known when deceit is understood.
The biggest deceit in place is that stuff will satisfy you, this is reinforced everyday. It’s a deceit which is at the core of our entire misaligned society. It creates all our issues as a society. Everyone claims to know what truth is, no facts, just their truth. Politicians try to fix problems based in deceit with deceitful solutions. The entire entertainment and sports industry create the deceit of the haves and have nots, which creates separation in our society not unity. There’s also the deceit of social and career status. Deceit after deceit, and what happens to a society when this is its base, it becomes a society of deceitfulness. Not because we want to, and not because we can’t know the truth, but simple because we don’t understand the deceit in place…
Instinctual Reality
An instinctual reality only occurs in the present, self-serving desires disrupt this from being seen. Only a mind that’s settled in the present can understand an instinctual reality…
Sometimes it’s difficult to know what the right thing to do is. I’m not talking about clearly recognizable things, sometimes it isn’t so clear as to what should be done. It’s especially difficult when it involves other people. For myself letting go allows for me to have a more instinctual reality with some of my responses to people. This is all part of the learning curve of letting go. It matters little what the intentions are if what comes out of the mouth isn’t from an instinctual reality.
This learning curve isn’t to be held to strict adherence, it’s more so used to stay open minded to the expanding instinctual reality and not get caught up in a self-serving reality. Instincts have to be at the forefront when others are involved. It’s not always easy to understand where others are coming from so it’s better not to judge and to try and deal with situations from an instinctual reality. This is much easier said than done, but by practicing quietness it gets easier to decipher what the right instinctual action is. We shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves because of the Conditioned Mind, the slow process of awakening has to be accepted if there is to be peace. On the other hand our conditioning is not to be ignored because we won’t learn from it and the same reactions will be repeated over and over again.
Although life may seem mundane at times, it’s only a self-serving reality that makes it so; life can never be mundane. Each moment is new unto itself, and when it’s lived instinctually, it’ll be realized what a gift life truly is. It’ll be understood that what your learning curve affords you is not the mundane life of living in the past or future, but the ability to live in the present, and respond to life from an instinctual reality instead of reacting to it from a self-serving reality; the more this is done the less your reality will be mundane…
Lost in Your Story
When there’s a story you need something to provide peace, you’re lost in this story. Until this is understood you’ll remain lost in the story that peace is outside of you…
There will never be peace in your life as long as you’re lost in the story that peace is outside of you. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way our minds are conditioned we get lost in the story that peace is something to find. Unfortunately stories are what makes the very thing you’re seeking elusive. Stories are the reason one is constantly reaching for something outside and until these stories are no more, you’ll remain lost in the story that peace is in the next thing reached for. This can’t be stressed enough as these stories have to be seen if you’re to ever experience true peace.
The story of being at peace isn’t peace. What has to happen if peace is to ever be experienced is there has to be an understanding of how stories block your peace. The reason why peace is elusive is because of the inability to just be. When the need to reach for something arises, becoming lost in a story begins; this is a conditioned cycle that’s very difficult to break. Peace isn’t something that can be manufactured so it’s in doing less that peace arises. Many get lost in the story of trying to find peace, but since it’s already within the story associated with finding it needs to be discarded so you can uncover the reason why you’re lost in the story you’re not at peace…
Divided Within
Existence is continuous until one day it’s not. It becomes divided within because of the attachment to self. Without this attachment, the beauty of life unfolds as the divisions within fall away…
The real cause of any issue with life is not with what actually happens, but how we attach a self to rc. Life occurs regardless of the self, butn what attachment does is it makes it divided within by isolating it and making it personal. Life is neutral until it’s attached to, then it becomes an event that’s all about the self. Without self, division within doesn’t happen, life just occurs. I’m not insinuating a self exist or not, all I’m saying is the attachment to self is at the root of all division within, and if you want to be free of this division within, you‘ll have to be free of the attachment to self…
Mind Distractions
A distracted mind can’t quiet itself regardless of the belief system in place. Beliefs actually reinforce the distractions because they block out the awareness of inner presence…
If your distracted mind is in control and running your life, it doesn’t matter much what’s going on, it’s going to be difficult to be aware they’re there. It’s such a distracted world because most people look for answers outside themselves when the answers are within. What the distractions actually are and how they’re created is by not being aware that you already have your answers. With a mind that’s conditioned to want answers you have to constantly look for them, hence the mind distractions. This is how Conditioned Mind distractions are formed and how they block awareness of your inner presence. It’s distractions created because if you knew you had your answers, the need to look for them would be non existent and so would the mind distractions.
The ability to understand the mind distractions lies in being aware they’re there, but it’s not something that’s going to happen on its owns. It’s a beautiful thing that your awareness is in your hands and that it’s totally up to each individual how much awareness there is in your life. A little quiet equates to a little awareness so it’s up to each individual to do what’s necessary to become more aware of the mind distractions. As you become more aware of being in the present moment the mind distractions lessen and what remains is inner presence. If you’re waiting for anything else, you’ll be waiting a very long time because it won’t happen while your mind distractions are in control…
Follower Mentality
There’s so much follower mentality energy in our society that it’s almost impossible to break its hold. The reason for this is because the thing being followed is attached to by the follower mentality of “I”
The follower mentality will drag you along unconsciously unless there’s some awareness that it’s happening. To me the only thing that allows this awareness are your thoughts slowing down enough to where there’s a millisecond of space between them; in this space the pull of a follower mentality lessens. The only thing I’ve found that allows this space is being present. It’s very important to understand this because people sit for hours with other intentions and the moment they’re finished, the follower mentality returns. Understanding this is beneficial because it allows for a clear vision which keeps the mind open to lead. If everything stays in the head as follower intellect, it will be difficult to break free from the energy of this. The more attachment there is to what’s being followed, the harder it is to pull away.
One example of this is in the Bible, the masses grew and grew as the Pharisees publicly tried Jesus. As more people were pulled into the follower mentality to crucify, the energy intensified. If you research some of the conquerors of the past, you will see exactly how the follower mentality works. As their reigns widened and their tyranny expanded, the follower mentality deepened. There’s so much of this energy in our society right now, and it’s reinforced daily. It’s so hard to break free because of the attached follower mentality of “I” that keeps it in place. This even includes many trying to help others if the followers mentality is focused on “I” instead of the intuitive love of the heart. Until “I” is addressed, few people will ever truly break free from the follower mentality energy because the attached mentality won’t allow space between your thoughts as the energy of “I” remains in control…
Consciousness Energy
Consciousness energy is naturally free flowing because there’s no resistance. Unconscious energy stops the flow because it’s based in trying to manipulate what is…
Being aware of consciousness energy at the precise moment it happens, minimizes the unconscious stories that are needed to make life the way you think it should be. Consciousness stops the made up stories of the way you think something should be and allows the consciousness of the way it is; this becomes the beautiful view of the way it should be. After all, wanting the present moment different is where all unconscious discontentment arises from. When you’re simply aware of consciousness as it arises there isn’t a need for a story and selfish energy doesn’t come into play as the love of your heart naturally becomes the beautiful operating energy of life.
Unconscious energy becomes a created prison because it doesn’t allow for the natural flow of consciousness energy; you become entombed in the energy of unconsciousness. It’s the Conditioned Mind that cuts off the energy flow of consciousness as it becomes the energy of the lower nature of self centered nonsense. Why unconscious energy causes issue is because it bombards you with an unnatural energy flow and doesn’t allow harmony. Consciousness naturally free flows because there’s no resistance, there’s no trying to make life different than what it is. Unconscious energy stops the flow because it’s based in trying to manipulate the moment so what’s there is resisted to the point where its natural flow of energy is cut off. The only thing needed for liberation is awareness aware of awareness, there’s no unconscious energy here, there’s just the energy of what is…
Unconscious Reactions
Most reactions that occur in life are unconscious as they’re put in place by your own conditioning. So if your life isn’t experienced to its fullest potential, it’s your own unconscious reactions that block it from being so…
Although things may appear to be a certain way, it’s not always as it seems. It’s difficult to see beyond your own mind when unconscious conditioning is brought into play. So much of what the mind holds in storage is used for particular times, this blocks life from truly being experienced. We already have in place the way things are going to be handled, unconscious reactions are formed in this way.
Advertising is a billion dollar industry because of this. Media uses certain words they know are going to sway people in a predictable way. Stores know exactly where to place products. It’s all based on putting things in a certain place so your unconscious reactions make them more attractive.
This goes on and on because the unconscious Conditioned Mind determines it. If you had no previous conditioning none of the above methods would work, but this is not the case. One of the keys to not reacting unconsciously is to develop some way to be in the present moment. The more you’re in the present moment the more life is experienced. When this occurs there’s a peace that passes all understanding because there’s awareness of your unconscious reactions, and you no longer see them as beneficial…
Blindly Conditioned
When you’re blindly under the control of a Conditioned Mind you behave in ways not because it’s the way you want to be, it’s because it’s the way it has to be…
It was a lack of understanding of my blindness that caused me to remain unaware of the control my mind had over me. I wasn’t aware of how my mind was blindly conditioned to self serve. The problem with this blind conditioning is it causes your own demise because destructiveness is disguised as pleasure. This pleasure is pursued by many to their death. It was pursued by me in this way and I was at its mercy. It said to me to use drugs, alcohol, gambling, womanizing, lying, cheating, stealing and so on. This is how the blind conditioning is reinforced daily by many; there are those who are fortunate to wake up and see this at a young age.
The way I was blindly conditioned wasn’t the fault of anything in particular. It happened indirectly by the loveless distractions influencing my life which molded me to behave in the ways my blindness dictated. This was not because this is how I wanted to be, but by not understanding blindness this is the way I had to be. You cannot behave in any other way except in the way you have been blindly conditioned. Change the blindness and change your entire existence, or not and remain blind. The value of not being blind is in the understanding there’s nowhere else to turn but inward; not to God, support groups, therapy, self help books, positive thinking, and so on. What I learned is when blind conditioning is understood, it’s no longer in control. I also learned its control slowly dissipates as discipline is developed; the mind actually slows down. Once this slowing occurs, the possibilities are endless because the distractions that keep you blindly conditioned are revealed. With this understanding of what you’re truly up against, you’re able to develop the discipline necessary so the blind conditioning eventually falls away…
Pleasure Seeking
The seeking of pleasure is so deep and misunderstood that it actually leads many down the road of self-destruction. Until the mind settles and this is seen, pleasure seeking will continue its control…
There’s nothing inherently wrong with pleasure, but when the driving force is to satisfy your pleasures, it will most likely lead to some kind of destructive reaching. Understanding the destructive reaching to quench the thirst of pleasure is where the difference lies in one being at peace or constantly needing to reach for the next pleasure. For me there was always a thirst for peace, but it was seen as seeking pleasure was the way to peace. What I used to quench this thirst is where the my destructiveness arose. My tools to quiet this thirst to be at peace became different some years ago. Prior to that time everything I used was based in the material realm. Today this isn’t the case because I understand the pleasure seeking enough to see its delusion.
As the story is told, Jesus went into the desert to meditate for forty days with nothing but the clothes on his back. This was done to confront his inner demons by meditating. It took the Buddha six years to become enlightened as he roamed the country side meditating along the way. He went from house to house for his food. These are two people who left us with great examples of how to manifest a peaceful state of being without anything from the material world. This is key if you are to ever be free from the bondage of the pleasure seeking mind and open the doorway to true peace that’s not dependent on anything from this world. When this is truly understood, pleasure will no longer be reached for in a destructive way as you will actually live life in the most beneficial way possible…
Conditioned Hurts
Because the past is held onto as if it’s needed, it creates an identify formed mostly of hurts from the past. These hurts show where you have been, but they don’t have to dictate where you are going…
Hurts only show where you have been, they don’t show where you’re going. Everyone has a past and there’s plenty of things that have happened that leaves hurt energy patterns, but when you awaken for a millisecond, it’s a breakthrough of a lifetime; in that millisecond your entire existence becomes different. This is why it’s so important to understand the conditioning that’s taken place over the years because without this understanding it will be impossible to change the conditioning that’s creating hurts. The only way life will ever change is when the conditioning that makes hurts changes.
The most misunderstood thing about the process of life is how the hurts of the past dictate the future. It doesn’t have to be this way, but until you stop listening to your Conditioned Mind this won’t change. This doesn’t mean the hurts are to be ignored, on the contrary they need to be faced so they can be identified for what they truly are; energy patterns from the past that are being held onto. They only exist and they’re only in control because of this. The Conditioned Mind is so subtle that it prevents you from seeing there’s only a past hurt because your mind attaches to it…
Divine Light Within
A person doesn’t wake up because something from the outside is shaken, it occurs because the divine light within awakens; everyone has this light within…
When a person has an awakening, they wake up from their divine light being turned off and unaware of what truth is. When this first occurs what has happened isn’t truly realized. For me, I knew something happened because my view of life changed, but I didn’t know what it meant. I did know for the first time in my life I was going to be okay. I didn’t wake up because something from the outside shook me, I woke up because I discovered the divine light within that I already possessed. I didn’t know the value of this at first, as a matter of fact I didn’t know I had this divine light in my heart. Even when some do become slightly aware of this, it could very easily be mistaken for an ordinary event. As I look back throughout my life, I had an inkling this divine lght existed, but it was dismissed as just being nonsense. Because of this I kept looking for what was already in me.
Nothing is given to us from the outside that the inside doesn’t already have in its possession, but because of the conditioning in place, there’s no awareness of this. Obviously we’re not talking about material possessions, I’m strictly talking about the divine light of love that we all possess. This is worth more than all the possessions of the world, and it’s also the thing most readily available to everyone. It’s just that the conditioning in place keeps one looking for their light out there somewhere when all along you already have what you’re looking for…
Creation Energy
Creation energy is enough because in this energy we are one, and since creation energy is love we are love. Nothing needs to be added to be enough because you are already all that you can be…
A benefit that you’ll acquire by inner-standing what the practice of quieting the monkey mind does is instead of striving to become, you’ll be guided by the energy of creation and be in harmony with life. You’ll realize you’re complete just as you are and nothing added will make you more complete. This is priceless because when this is experienced there’s an inner-standing of the difference between being and doing, and you’ll stop doing for the sole purpose to be. Right now, even though it may not be known, you’re already all that you can be.
At the base of this inner-standing is the energy of creation because that is who you truly are. Nothing more can be added that would make you something different. Even if you found the cure for cancer, it wouldn’t be enough unless it was derived from love. It wouldn’t be the cure that would be enough, it would be the love behind finding the cure. Love is enough, only the self-serving mind needs something more in the form of an object, but it’s not really needed it’s only the ego that makes life into a belief something is needed. A belief isn’t real, it’s only a story made up by a self-serving mind that needs to become something. There aren’t any facts to a belief, but what is factual is love; a belief or a story isn’t.
Simple realize you are who you are, it’s who you have always been and who you will always be. This is not a belief or a story, this is a fact. You cannot be anything but who you are. If you want to believe you’re a story, that’s who you will make yourself out to be, but it’s not who you are it’s only your story. When this is inner-stood there is peace because you stop striving to become something. This is when the striving to become ceases and love is enough, it’s because you realize love is who you are. Creation energy is enough because in this energy we are one, and since creation energy is love we are love. Nothing needs to be added to be enough because you are already all that you can become…
Changed Mind Patterns
If there’s ever going to be change in our world, the mind patterns in place will have to change. This will only happen when it’s seen the individual mind patterns aren’t providing beneficial results…
A mind develops patterns to do certain things and it will do just that whether you want it to or not; it has to do what patterns it has developed. Our mind becomes patterned the same way an operating system works and unless it’s changed or at least upgraded to some degree, the mind patterns will remain. It’s imperative to understand this so first the mind patterns in place can be identified and second so the patterns that may not be serving you in the most beneficial way can be changed. Mind patterns controlled my life for many years and most were of a self-serving nature. After a long period of time (forty nine years to be exact), I realized these patterns weren’t really benefitting me or anyone else for that matter. This realization is the beginning stages for the possibility of the mind patterns to change. This will take some effort because of how ingrained they are, but the effort is more of about awareness than an actual exertion.
Once one becomes aware there may be another way to live, the process of changing the mind patterns in place has begun. This is difficult because the patterns want to hold onto the familiar even if they’re not providing much of a benefit. It’s how the dog chasing its tail syndrome remains in place; even at the point of its own destruction. Mind patterns have many tools and influences to do this, some inner, some outer. This is why when a person acts in a particular way, they‘re more accountable than responsible for what they do. If anything is ever going to change in our world, the mind patterns in place will have to change. This will only happen when it’s seen the mind
patterns although doing what they were designed to do, aren’t providing the most beneficial results…
A Past Reality
For many the past has way too much control over what is done today. Until this is identified, and the past is let go of, you will continue to be controlled by the past and your future will never truly be…
Understanding that living life today as opposed to living from what happened in the past is the difference in being at peace or being controlled by conditioning. When you’re living today, you’re with true reality not a made up reality. When there isn’t the reality of today, there’s the delusional state of the past which makes for very little if any peace in your life.
The reality of what’s occurring today means if you’re reading this post, that’s reality. There’s nothing else going on beyond what’s happening right now. There may be something going on between your ears, but that’s the created delusional state of the past (what isn’t). The bottom line is the past is not the reality of the present moment.
The mind has been conditioned to think it has to use the past to create a life that’s better than the one that’s occurring right now; this is what keeps you from truly living life. I’m not sure why this is, but I do know it has to do with influences beyond one’s control. To me what matters is to develop discipline by sitting which allows you to break free of the control of these influences. Control is control so the more you’re controlled by the past, the less reality there will be. Unless you live with the reality of today and learn how to identify past influences, it will be impossible to ever be free because you’ll remain under the spell of what happened in the past…
Self Emotions Concept
Emotions can’t control you if the concept of self isn’t created. This concept of self is the operating system behind your emotions. When this self isn’t attaching to the outside circumstances of life, there is peace…
Emotions are something that most people don’t give much thought to. The self appointed experts with their degrees will say they’re needed and people go along with this without investigating if it’s true. I say the hell with the experts and their degrees because if I followed the nonsense that is spewed from the arrogance of their degrees, I would be dead. For me the turning point in learning about emotions was in being aware of how they all arise from the base of “I”. What was revealed to me is that there’s a conceptual self that gets tied into emotions in many ways. The concept of this sense of self is the operating system behind all emotions. These emotions are tied into how you see yourself. For instance the emotion of guilt arises when you do something you were taught was bad or wrong. Emotional anger arises when this self is hurt in some way. Fear emotions arise when your self is threatened or scared. The emotion of sadness arises when there’s disappointment. All these emotions arise because of very different circumstances, but this is as far as most people get when it comes to understanding them.
The way my emotions were investigated is not in how they were different, but what they all had in common. This was where my focus centered. What this led me to see was there’s one common source of every emotion and that source is the conceptual self; emotions can’t control you if a self isn’t created. Investigate this for yourself, don’t listen to anyone and their view, develop your own. I said earlier that my emotions would have killed me, this is because my reaction tendencies were to reach for things that were self destructive. It’s not this way today because I’ve learned somewhat (nobody’s perfect) not to attach to a self that give my emotions life. When there’s not this self reacting to the outside circumstances of life, there’s much more balance to remain at peace and not do something just because an emotion arises…
Mature Mind
Acceptance of the way things are goes a long way in providing yourself with a mind that allows the maturity of not needing to reach for comfort in whatever form it takes on…
Seeking self satisfaction is a sign of immaturity. It’s the I want, what I want, when I want it mind. Self-seeking is directly linked to your level of maturity. If you don’t think this is so, see how there’s no difference in what you use now to provide comfort as opposed to what was used as an infant. Only the object has changed, the same reaching is in effect. Stop and see the baby in place who doesn’t like what’s written here. So your feelings may be hurt, who cares if this article allows you to see the truth needed to act with a mature mind. And how you will know immaturity is in place is by how you have to reach for things. This reaching takes on many many forms. Unless the mind is very settled, immaturity and reaching which go hand and hand will remain.
Being of a mature mind will only occur when seeking self satisfying comfort ceases. Judging is immature as is jealousy. Greed, hate, and wanting life different (delusion) is immature. Relying and reaching for something outside yourself to provide comfort is immature. Anything that’s reached for is a sign of immaturity because it all falls under the delusion that comfort is needed. A mature mind is in place when nothing in life needs to be different or reached for. Acceptance of the way things are goes a long way in providing yourself and humanity with the stability and maturity of not needing to reach for comfort in whatever form it takes on…
The Inner Addict
There’s only one person who you have to be honest with and that’s yourself. You may do something that no one sees you doing, but you’re not fooling anyone because you can’t hide what you’re doing from yourself. You don’t get away with anything that you do in life. You may be ignorant as to why it’s being done, but that doesn’t lessen the consequences. There are consequences for every action, but it’s not because God is watching and causes it, you yourself cause your consequences and they‘re determined by the base of what your actions are; either love or selfishness.
Human Form Lack
When there’s a need to reach for something, it’s because of an inner lack from attaching to your human form. Until this is understood, you’ll remain attached as you seek to fill the inner lack of your human form…
You will never fill the inner lack of your human form because the human form is the creator of the inner lack. Completeness is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way our minds are conditioned, you get attached to the human form which makes you reach outside yourself for completeness. Unfortunately this attachment to your human form makes the very lack you are trying to fill impossible to fill. This attachment to human form is the reason one is constantly reaching for something from the outside. Until this is seen you will remain attached to a human form that thinks completeness is in the next thing reached for.
It’s impossible to think your way to understanding this. Why you’re attached to a human form is because of the inability to just be. When the need to reach for something arises, the attachment to your human form begins. This attachment to human form is a vicious cycle that’s very difficult to break. Breaking free of and experiencing completeness isn’t something attained or achieved so it’s in doing less that completeness is experienced. To many people get lost trying to find completeness through the attachment to human
form. Since completeness is already within you trying to find it is like a dog chasing its tail. This is not easy to see, but it’s why I share so the attachment to human form can be seen for what it is; the cause of why you think you aren’t complete…