The value of knowing yourself is priceless because it allows the mind to settle instead of needing to make up some story masquerading to be something that you’re not…
One of the insights revealed to me is having the awareness of my own presence. What is meant by this is to be aware of who I am and not try to be who I am not. When my book was published I was thinking of ways to get its message to people. Just by the fact that it was written I knew there was a valuable message to share about how my view of life became different. Shortly afterwards I started writing and posting articles on social media sites. One day I was contacted by a site to write articles for them, I thought this was a great way to get my books message some exposure. After about six articles the admin of the site said people were contacting her about my articles, saying they were like teachings and asked if I could make them more inspirational. I thought about it and decided I couldn’t compromise the message revealed to me. I told her I wouldn’t change my style; I didn’t write another article for them.
It was important for me to stand my ground on what was revealed to me then and it’s just as important now. The value of knowing who you are is priceless because it allows the mind to settle instead of needing a masquerading story. I don’t pretend to be this loving spiritual head in the clouds person; I am what I am. If there was such a thing as a spiritual labors union, I would be the head of it; I’m a blue collared spiritual person. I understand many things, but my feet are always planted in the present moment so if it’s not happening now, it doesn’t really matter all that much to me. I’ve learned early on not to live between my ears trying to be something I’m not. What this allows is to not have any masquerading energy within myself and in the process just be at peace with who I am. Not everyone agrees with my style of writing or what I write, but at the end of the day it’s me who I’m with and I’m grateful there’s no reason to masquerade around trying to be something that I’m not…

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