When life is viewed with common sense it’s seen that things are as they are mostly because of the lack of discipline that a quiet mind provides. Common sense allows the mind to settle into a state that’s pure, innocent, and free…
When we apply common sense to life it’s so much more beneficial than relying on the made up stories the defy common sense. Simply stated; for all of us, a man and woman performed a deed many years ago and life began. The common sense here is a deed was performed that allowed transforming energy to manifest and you were the result. Nothing magical; a condition was satisfied that allowed birth. At the start of existence there’s nothing yet developed as far as the Conditioned Mind is concerned, so we’re pretty much pure, innocent and free.
The common sense here is there’s nothing yet developed for life not to be pure, innocent, and free. But as we grow older and influences begin to mold and condition the mind, the pure, innocent, and free state slowly gets replaced by the conditioned influences we’re surrounded by. This is the beginning of our Conditioned Mind Patterns, and unfortunately the base of most of these influences are self-serving. So we develop a Conditioned Mind that revolves around satisfying a conditioned self that has been influenced to be this way.
The Conditioned Mind considers this common sense approach as too simplistic so it can hold onto its story. The truth is the most beneficial way to live is inward, but this only occurs if one is quiet enough to see it. If this isn’t seen the mind will use a conditioned story of why living inwardly isn’t for you and your approach to life will not be from a common sense view. This prevents you from returning to the pure, innocent, and free state. Unfortunately because of this, life remains based in making decisions from an influenced mind and it will remain a struggle regardless of what changes are made…

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