Just as there are physical principles of the universe, there are loving principles of life. Adhering to these principles determines the way one lives; there are also consequences for not adhering to them…
We are our own judge, we’re not condemned by others as much as we condemn ourselves. By not adhering to loving principles there’s a price to pay and that price is the way we live our life. When we aren’t doing things that cultivate love most likely we are cultivating selfishness; this is a consequence. Selfish is selfish as love is love, there is very little middle ground. This is why when a person is unconscious there is much discord and very little harmony because the nature of unconsciousness is selfishness.
When loving principles are adhered to, the flow of life happens without resistance. When the base of life is love, life is free flowing; non restricted. Our relation to love is seen through our relationship with life manifesting as the base of our behavior. This is reflected in our relationships with others and the decisions we make. Our life is measured by the loving principles or lack of we follow and our behavior reflects this. If our behavior is self seeking, there aren’t many universal or loving principles being followed. If the behavior is loving than we’re in harmony with life and with others. This is reflected in the light we give out in the daily choices we make because universal and loving principles are being followed. Do what you may in life, but do not blame anyone for what happens to you and what is happening in the world because it’s each individuals responsibility what principles are being adhered to…

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