Only your valued assets can be beneficial to others. Being selfish or of love is what determines this. To have values that are based in love is to ensure an existence that’s beneficial to all beings…
When there’s a clear view of the valued assets in your life, it’s at this point that you’ll see what’s truly beneficial. If your values are based strictly for self-serving purposes, this is the cause of all the so called issues you have with life. Your valued assets direct the course of your behavior and if they’re of love you’ll behave in ways that are beneficial to all beings. If your values are self-serving being aligned with a self-serving direction will manifest in the ways you behave. It has to be this way, but if love is what’s valued in your life, you’ll have love based assets and you’ll behave in ways that are aligned with love.
You can only act in the ways that are valued, you can’t be anything else. You can never be what you aren’t, your values determine this. It’s so important to have a clear view of your values so you can see if they’re assets that align with Universal Love. This is when existence can be of maximum benefit to yourself and also the Universe. If this isn’t clearly seen this won’t be clearly known and you’ll behave in ways that aren’t clearly understood. So what‘s valued is how a person will behave and to know that your values are assets that are based in love will ensure your existence is a benefit to all; it has to be this way…

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