Giving Everything Space

Enlightenment doesn't make you free, Enlightenment is you giving everything its space. The more space that’s given to what arises the less chance there is of returning to some previous state of inner discontent…

Years ago as my day would begin, at some point I would become discontented and reach for something to quiet it. I would be satisfied for a little while, become discontented again, reach for something, be satisfied again. Over and over this cycle was repeated. Basically this controlled the way I lived my life. The objects mean little except for the fact that the more destructive the thing reached for is, the more it affects life in a negative way. This is going on today for millions of people. It’s why I have such a passion to get the message of what happened to me out to as many as people as possible; because it doesn't have to be this way. There aren’t many people who aren't affected by this cycle; this is the puppet on the string cycle. The origin of the discontentment needs to be understood if this cycle is to cease. Its origin is the self-serving mind which doesn’t allow space and keeps a person entrapped to the self-serving mind.

Imagine this, for forty nine years my life was spent in this cycle, but it isn't this way today. It doesn't mean the cycle doesn’t happen, but just the awareness of this fact creates space; it’s so important to remain aware of this fact. I have no idea what others have gone through in their life so it matters little if what I see is what someone else sees. The important thing is to know that it was my own mind that created the cycle that kept me discontented for far too many years, and it’s not enslaving me the way it did. I have learned many things in the last few years and one of them is to not compare my life with anyone else's. Whatever someone sees I may or may not see, but regardless what is seen is through the view the universe has given me. What I have found as a valuable understanding to keep me from returning to this previous cycle is "Enlightenment doesn't make me free. Enlightenment is me giving everything its space." The more this is lived by, the less chance there will be of returning to a previous state of discontentment…

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