Truth isn’t something made up so life fits nicely into a mind story of the way you think life should be. Truth is always in place and doesn’t need to be made up to make it so…
Although awakening is a process of becoming aware of what blocks the heart from truth; it only opens and expands each day by developing daily mindfulness . For me because of this, no longer does the world revolve around my “I” it more so revolves around all of humanity. Each day I bring a vision of how I can be a benefit to others, writing and posting daily articles is what arises; this has been done everyday for the past eight plus years. There’s a mindfulness of this in my day to day existence and although there‘s still some selfishness present because the Conditioned Mind is relentless, the process is a continuation into the expansion of truth; with this expansion of truth comes the expansion of love into my day to day life and the life of others.
This expansion doesn’t take thought, it takes a settled mind. The subtitle of my book: You Are Not Your Thoughts was chosen for this reason. All made up stories of truth are only attached thoughts. When this is understood “I” is understood and it’s the beginning of the end of a life based on lies. This will bring you to the realm of the unknown (truth). This realm is not something that can be brought about by thought; thought blocks truth. Stillness is where the realm of the Spirit and truth manifest. It’s where one connects to all of life and feels the warmth of the Sunlight of the Spirit. It’s our home, our place of the peace; it’s the truth of existence. This needs no story to be, you only need to stop thinking to allow this truth to arise…

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