Blocks to an abundant life are created by a mind that’s conditioned to be selfish. The mind creates these blocks by keeping you under the spell that the selfish mind is needed for abundance…
The closed mind is one that‘s conditioned to be this way; it can’t get over its own created blocks so truth is hidden from its view. This blocks the ability to see the abundance that’s available so instead of being in the presence of what is, what isn’t is the minds defaulted view. Learn to be with what’s actually occurring and the default setting of the mind becomes one of abundance because the created blocks cease to exist. When this occurs the selfish mind isn’t in control and you’re free to live without blocks; the blocks which are created by your own mind.
Only a Conditioned Mind creates blocks. To create blocks is to put a limit on something or to control something, this is what a Conditioned Mind does. Even though it seems like we choose to do what we do, when anything is done that is based in selfishness, it limits because no one not even the one doing exactly as wanted benefits. This is because not only is one out of alignment with the Universe, but one is out of alignment with themselves. When you go beyond this conditioning, you go beyond your mind created blocks as abundance is naturally seen. To be without blocks is to be aligned with the Universe and to be aligned with the Universe is to be aligned with yourself; without the block of needing anything different than what it is…

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