Knowing the secrets of the Universe isn’t a guarantee you will be at peace. Peace is in the simple understanding that a thought possesses no power whatsoever except what your own mind gives it…
There are things we don’t want to happen, but they happen anyway, and they have to be accepted or there will never be peace in your life. At least where you can be with what is happening instead of getting bogged down in wanting it different. Although the small stuff can seem difficult the life altering things can seem devastating if there isn’t an awareness of how it’s your Conditioned Mind that makes this so. Loss of loved ones, homes destroyed; along with all our possessions and memory’s, accidents, illnesses, these are just some of the life occurrences that can alter our state if they’re not accepted for what they are. And what they are is nothing but a thought.
Life happens, but it’s your own mind through the thought process in place that makes it what it is. Our mind creates our entire world through the attachment to thought. The awareness of this breaks the hold by the understanding that a thought is nothing more than that, a thought. It doesn’t have possessing power it only has potential possessiveness which the Conditioned Mind uses to create the world we live in, but this world is only in the mind. It’s not that things don’t occur, they’re just not as our thoughts make them appear.
Life occurs and through thought attachment it appears as our mind makes it appear. There is nothing to life except what the Conditioned Mind makes it out to be. Our own mind uses thought to create an entire existence that is only real to your own mind. The more life is lived in this manner, the more difficult it is to accept life’s daily occurrences. This lack of acceptance is only because of a lack of understanding of your own mind. It’s your own mind that creates the appearance that life has difficulties and this happens because you become attached to the thought that everything is as it appears, but only because you have been conditioned to do so…

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