When a story is needed feel better it transforms energy from stillness to noise. This doesn't allow for the peace that passes all understanding because the reliance to feel better is on a created story…
To start the day in stillness is of immense value because if stillness isn't embraced when the day begins, it will be very difficult for it to be the default setting when the stories of daily living takes over. Sit in the morning and take periodic breaks throughout the day and one day you just may notice there is more stillness than noise. Without noise the need for a story doesn't exist, but it starts in the morning because for most it’s when the noise begins.
Every story made up is for your own satisfaction, regardless of how it plays out in your head. Even if it's to help others, if investigated deeper its to make you feel better; this holds true for any story. Twelve step programs are based on a story of helping those who are still suffering, so that means suffering is needed so you can feel better, that’s crazy. Giving away clothes that no longer fit, are worn out and aren't wanted anymore is a story that makes you feel better. Volunteering for a cause is a story. I'm not sure if there's a meaning to life, but I do know it's not to make up story that used to justify existence just so you feel better.
This is what the unconscious mind does, it creates story after story, all to make you believe they will make you feel better. Life isn't about feeling better by manufacturing some story, to me it's really about nothing in particular, except to learn how to be with what’s occurring now. Just being with what happens and not resisting it stops the need for the rearranging of life to make you feel better. When this occurs you will rest in the peace that passes all understanding as there won’t be a need to create a story to make this so…

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