So many people worry about getting to heaven and because of this life just passes them by. A belief isn't needed to see this, but it will take a very settled mind not to make it into one…
We believe in everything we have in place because we ourselves have decided (even though it was probably done unconsciously) that our beliefs will make life better. There's no other reason to form a belief except for the purpose it will provide pleasure in some way. Look into this very carefully to see how this manifest in your life. God, money, material possessions, love, programs, spirituality, social status, enlightenment, and so on, are all formed to provide a fictitious pleasure based in a belief. If this isn't questioned, the belief will continue its control even though it will not truly provide the pleasure that it's being created for. It can't because the nature of any belief is bondage and bondage to anything is suffering, even if it's not seen as so.
Many call a belief faith, to me they're basically used in the same. I haven't found one iota of usefulness in having faith or believing in something that would truly benefit my life. I live in the space of now and since there isn't anything that needs to be different, a belief wouldn’t be beneficial. This is true liberation to be in the space of not making up stories. It doesn't take any effort or a story to be liberated. The reason why so many don't become liberated is they try to create it by forming a belief about it; if I do this or that, liberation will follow. Too many people worry about getting to heaven and because of this life passes you by while you are here on earth. It doesn't take a belief to see this, but it will take a mind that's settled not to make it into a belief...

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