Thinking is neither right nor wrong, but there is some that’s more beneficial. If thinking is observed and not attached to, the non-beneficial thinking will dissipate as passing clouds…
Thinking comes and goes just as a passing cloud. If you've ever sat and observed clouds, you’ve noticed the clouds just dissipate; here one minute and gone the next. It's the same when thinking is observed, it arises there's no denying that, but unless there's attachment to it, the thinking dissipates. The question to ask, is your thinking beneficial? Your answer is a key factor in how you will live your life. Let's say you’re thinking to do something unhealthy, if your not observing the benefit factor of the thinking and it’s attached to the next step becomes an unhealthy action.
There's no way to be in the thoughtless realm continuously, at least this has been my experience, it's more so to learn if thinking is beneficial or not. If your thinking isn’t observed this won't be noticed and non-beneficial thinking will be more in control. This is because most minds are unconsciously defaulted to satisfy yourself which doesn't allow the objectivity one gets from simply observing your thinking. So when thinking isn’t observed there's thoughts one right after the other and the mind gets cloudier and cloudier. Eventually there will be attachment and most likely it will be to non-beneficial thinking. Only with a settled mind can thinking be observed and when it is it allows for the energy to live life in the most beneficial way…

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