What you see is what you get, but is what you see truth? Things on the surface are never as they appear, but without truth things always seem as they appear…
Most of us have lived a greater part of our lives as surface dwellers, meaning we never went below it to notice what our reason of existence was for. We weren't taught to look for this, so we didn't. But what happens when the time comes to go below the confines of our Conditioned Mind, the surface? What is it that's discovered and why is it so difficult to go below this surface living?
When we start to go deeper within, what is discovered is truth. A truth that isn't notice when living life from the surface. That's why everyone has their own opinion about everything, because its all part of the delusion when one lives on the surface instead of below it; Bottle half empty half full, who's right, is anybody right? Take the worse tyrant ever, if you examine them you’ll find they thought what they were doing was right. One of the main issues with surface living is truth of existence remains unknown. Something will be made up by the Conditioned Mind, but unfortunately it will only be a conditioned truth. To learn truth a deeper understand of existence is needed, but truth revealed will not be what you expect because what you expect is on the surface…

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