Thinking Patterns

Part of the process of a settling mind is noticing the incessant thinking patterns that cause you and others harm and changing them in ways that is beneficial to you and to all beings…

For years I had thinking patterns and acted in ways that weren't beneficial to me or anyone else. I was perplexed by this for many years because I didn’t understand why this was so. I didn’t get why anyone would do anything that wasn't a true benefit to their life, but it goes on all the time; just watch the news. Forget it don't watch the news because there isn't much benefit to that. We act in ways that harm others and ourselves, to me this is truly mind boggling, but it’s where my passion to assist others in exposing thinking patterns is derived from. I don't blame me or anyone else for the way I developed; it‘s just the way I became conditioned.

If there is fault anywhere it’s with society as a whole, that’s the collective conditioning as opposed to individual conditioning, but there really isn't fault anywhere because becoming conditioned is just the way life is. The type of conditioning is what needs to be focused on. If we were all conditioned to love the world would be much different. Since this isn't the case we need to learn to develop thinking patterns that make us act and think in ways the are beneficial to our well being and our planet as a whole…

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