Steadfast Light

When there’s awareness that all opinions are a made up story, contentment takes their place. This contentment is a steadfast light and it’s always there, but it’s not experienced because of the stories that blocks it...

Without opinions everyone would view life through the light of contentment which by the way is a light of peace; because of opinions the light isn’t seen. The view of opinions are made up by the energy of unconsciousness, this makes everything that happens in life seen through the unawareness of your made up story. Through this view what is true is missed; this makes life about nothing in particular except the opinions that’s are formed by the Conditioned Mind.

Opinions are what makes the mind attach to thoughts and those attachments are the cause of the unaware thoughts that control your life. What’s factually happening is this, life just happens it’s not personal, it’s not about anything you think it is. It’s not about right, wrong, love, hate, good or bad, it‘s mostly about learning to understand your minds true nature of quietness and not being lead around by your made up story, whatever you happen to make them. When there’s awareness of this you’ll truly be content. This is a contentment that’s always been there in the steadfast light, but it was never experienced because of your opinions not allowing you to see it...

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Lack of Love Void

Creating a void is due to the misunderstanding of what love is. If you fill the void with the things of the world it will never be filled. If you fill the void with love for others it will never exist…

This came to me the other day, I had a void in my life that always needed to be filled. I didn't know this at the time, but it was the absence of love that created this void. This is a very simplistic yet profound explanation of the underlying nature of this void. Without love this void is the cause of every dysfunctional behavior in life. It makes you view life from the material realm and the void cannot be filled from this realm. It uses whatever it can to be filled, and until it’s filled with love you will keep searching to fill it. This is why dysfunctional behavior manifest because when your view is from the material realm it’s self-serving and isn't based in love. You will use whatever you become conditioned to use. You will even use a false concept of love to fill this void.

This viewed is developed because you think your answer to fill the void is in the form of some object. Nothing this void is filled with is lasting because whatever you use is limited. Think about this, any object that you use from the material world has a limit to it. Nothing of this world will last forever, except eternal love. So how can the void be filled forever with anything materiel? Any object used is limited so the amount of time the void is filled will be limited. It will never stay filled for long unless it’s filled with love…

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Completeness Balance

The realm of the spirit is usually what’s missing when there’s incompleteness in your life. Without the spirit all you have is the physical and intellect and they’re not enough for life to be balanced and thus complete…

Life consist of three facets that are needed for it to be balanced, physical, intellect, and spiritual. For most of my life only two of these were utilized, the physical and the intellect. This lack of the third facet led to much confusion and suffering. This is what is lacking in far to many lives today. Sometimes something happens to open this third facet, but for many people it doesn’t seem as though it ever occurs. There’s so much pull against the spiritual that nothing short of a modern day miracle will bring it to the forefront of one’s life.

It isn’t that some have this spirituality and others don’t, we all are spiritual beings by nature, but some are more aware of this and that’s what the third facet allows, awareness. So much has been put in place to keep people unaware of this, but because it’s our true nature, we do seek it, but we don’t understand what we are truly seeking. Since the seeking itself is part physical the spiritual is very difficult to see. The physical is relied on way to much. You cannot find a spiritual solution when using physical tools. Spirituality manifest when we are aligned with the physical and the intellect. The song by Meatloaf says two out of three ain’t bad, but not in this case.

Our world is out of balance because our human instincts are out of balance. We need all three facets to be in sync with the Universe. When we live in balance with all three facets, we are complete. If one is missing, we are out of balance. If two are missing, we are in trouble, our life will not have any balance and all kinds of nonsense arises. To live life in this way is dangerous to all those involved because it’s unstable. We are like a time bomb waiting for our fuse to be activated.

This is the state of many and unless one is living in balance with the physical, intellect, and spiritual, there will be problems in life and there will be unnecessary suffering; this is basic life 101. No one facet can be left out if we are to live a life of completeness. One will still be alive without all three, but life will not be balanced and it will never feel like it’s complete. This will cause you to keep searching for the very thing you already possesses, completeness. So please live in balance with the instincts you possess and remember you’re complete just the way you are, you just have to have balance to be aware of it…

Non Factual Feelings

Feelings will arise, they’re part of being human so to feel is human, but taking them to the next level to form a concept is when attachment arises and the feeling takes control…

If it's not learned that feelings aren’t factual they will control you. This is because of the conditioned mind that wants to grab hold of the feeling. How this works is, let's say someone walks up to you and says something that you don't particularly don’t agree with, immediately there's attachment as there's the feeling of not agreeing with what is said. Where there's attachment, you will react the way you always react when someone says something that's not agreed with. This is done again and again because of the conditioning in place. Someone says something you don't agree with and you wind up saying something back to them. What you do is take their dissatisfaction and make it your own and throw your dissatisfaction back at them. Now basically you are at war.

Feelings aren't right or wrong, there's very little facts as to why they arise. The main thing is to allow their energy to remain free flowing so it doesn't get bottled up and form a conditioned concept. These concepts are formed by attachment to mind patterns that change a simple feeling into a story; the story being you don’t agree with what’s happening. The story isn’t true nor is the feeling, but that's what the conditioned energy does, it makes you believe a feeling is factual. This is conditional energy that wants to grab hold of a feeling when it arises because it doesn't understand there isn’t any true right or wrong, there’s just what's there and you don't have to allow the feeling to control you…

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Thinking Observed

Thinking is neither right nor wrong, but there is some that’s more beneficial. If thinking is observed and not attached to, the non-beneficial thinking will dissipate as passing clouds…

Thinking comes and goes just as a passing cloud. If you've ever sat and observed clouds, you’ve noticed the clouds just dissipate; here one minute and gone the next. It's the same when thinking is observed, it arises there's no denying that, but unless there's attachment to it, the thinking dissipates. The question to ask, is your thinking beneficial? Your answer is a key factor in how you will live your life. Let's say you’re thinking to do something unhealthy, if your not observing the benefit factor of the thinking and it’s attached to the next step becomes an unhealthy action.

There's no way to be in the thoughtless realm continuously, at least this has been my experience, it's more so to learn if thinking is beneficial or not. If your thinking isn’t observed this won't be noticed and non-beneficial thinking will be more in control. This is because most minds are unconsciously defaulted to satisfy yourself which doesn't allow the objectivity one gets from simply observing your thinking. So when thinking isn’t observed there's thoughts one right after the other and the mind gets cloudier and cloudier. Eventually there will be attachment and most likely it will be to non-beneficial thinking. Only with a settled mind can thinking be observed and when it is it allows for the energy to live life in the most beneficial way…

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Lower Vibration Distractions

Lower vibrations are what causes the mind to become distracted and what it becomes distracted from is the ability to live life aligned with the love of your heart provided by the Universe…

Subtle distractions are what the ego uses in the form of lower vibrational energy for its fuel. It needs this energy to be in control and it only uses lower vibration energies because in the present moment this energy doesn’t exist so there are no distraction, there’s only the energy of what is. What each and every distraction does is remove the ability to remain in the present moment which removes the ability to love. The objects used for our distractions are what needs to be identified so we don’t give into their lower vibrational enticing pull. And I say it in this way because without the awareness that these distractions exist, the pull is too enticing not to give into it.

Even with awareness it’s still very difficult to not give in to this pull. The mind will need to be very quiet to become aware of and overcome these lower vibration distractions. The lower vibration energy of the distractions are all the same, but they themselves differ from each other. The very nature of a distraction is to take one from the present moment, that’s how you knows it’s a lower vibration energy.

To be without distractions one must learn to quiet their lower vibrations because without them distractions would never arise. When lower vibrations are non existent the only thing that remains is quietness or peace. So the understanding of this is where you will experience a place of peace, but don’t expect the ego to cooperate because to be without distractions is for the ego to relinquish its control and the ego will not relinquish its control quietly; with awareness of this you don’t have to give into the lower vibration energy the ego needs to be in control by creating distractions…

False Self

We don't give names to nature’s creatures, they're identified by their form, but humans are given names for identification purposes and this is the beginning of a false self as an individual…

There are so many stories that go into the making of who you think you are that your true self gets blocked and is seldom noticed. Think about it, from the time you're a child you've been conditioned by parents, relatives, teachers, friends, religions, all media, and whatever is in your DNA to create a false self; you can’t say this isn’t true. Existence in this form begins inside a form labeled woman and with Universal conditions just right this energy is transformed into human form. This form is named for identification purposes and the rest of existence is spent shaping the identity of a false self; there is a self that does exist, it's just not in the way that it's perceived. We don't give names to nature’s creatures, they're identified by their form. Human forms are given names for identification purposes and this is the beginning of the false self as an individual. We attach to the things we think will benefit this false identity; so much of this comes from someone else's idea. Every book that's read is someone else's idea of how they think life should be and if we like what they have to say, it's taken as gospel as we follow them; what is said is taken and applied to make up a false self.

So much nonsense goes into the making of a false self and it's the reason why there are issues and why there’s so much self centeredness. If your focus is constantly on you and your false self how may I ask can there not be issues? An apple tree can only produce apples, as the false self can only produce self created nonsense. This is the self that's mostly perceived by humanity, but there is another self that's been with you your entire existence, there's just not awareness of it because of the focus on the false self. Some say the self doesn't exist, but I say it does, it's just doesn't exist in the way that most people think it does…

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Love or Hate

It’s really quite simple to understand the mind, it can be isolated into two mind states, love or hate; everyone who is alive will be guided by one or the other…

There’s a lot of stuff (thinking) that goes on between the ears that determines what mind state you will be guided by and when they’re isolated you will be guided by either love or hate. To me everything that happens is the result of conditioning so the results of living in a state of love or hate is dependent on this. This isn’t to apply a label that one is right and one is wrong, but if investigated it can be seen how love produces results aligned with, kindness, peace, harmony, joy, and hate aligns you with results of anger, greed, discord, jealousy, unhappiness, discontent and so on. I had a mind state of hate for many years and this resulted in much suffering in the form of constantly being discontented. As a result of this, I used many different things to try and not feel this way, but to no avail because not matter what the hate mind state would always return.

Thirteen years ago I began understanding the differences of these two mind states and started developing certain things that put me more in line with love. A mind of hate is selfish in nature and produces selfish results, desirable results if you’re based in the material world. A mind of love has no selfishness to it and the results speak for themselves. This doesn’t mean the hate conditioning is gone for good, but it has lessened to a large degree and hence there is literally no more discontent in me. If the difference of these two mind states aren’t seen it seems the hate mind state controls more; it’s because of the influences of the material world that make this so. Even though by being alive you are part of the world when you finally wake up what’s seen is you don’t have to allow the selfish collective mind state of hate to control you…

Harmony Within

Harmony with yourself results in the ability to love, it’s a simple decision to be made. A self serving mind generates conflict within yourself, but love generates a mind that’s in harmony with itself and all beings…

The simplicity of life is related to our ability to love which allows for harmony with our own mind. That’s why its imperative to understand your own mind. When the mind is in harmony with itself, it’s in harmony with all that is, it’s as simple as that. It’s the same mind that creates conflict and harmony so which of these we’re conditioned to manufacture determines the outcome of how we live life.

Conflict is generated by the energy of a self serving mind and doesn’t make life conducive to love so if conflict is what’s being created there won’t be much harmony with yourself. What direction the mind goes in is the energy that it generates and to that extent will you be in harmony with yourself; this is harmony with your own mind and only harmony can produce results of harmony.

Harmony is simply the ability to love, this is our hearts direction hence it becomes the direction of the mind. When love is generated it produces much different results when the energy generated is self serving. The results are in the form of being in harmony with yourself and thus there’s harmony with all beings. To love is the simplest form of life, it’s what puts us in harmony with life itself. Harmony is in the ability to love, conflict is in the choice to self serve. It’s up to each individual which energy is generated and what the results of life will be. Simply love and harmony will be, or not and life will remain a struggle, but don’t blame life for this, it’s your own energy that directs what’s chosen. Love is simple to understand, but not easy to generate. When you’re in harmony with life you’re in harmony with love…

A Moment Arising

Your entire life is dependent on a single attached thought; the next moment arising is from here. Learning to skillfully see this so the attachment is at a minimum determines how the next moment arises…

The thoughts that you attach to make up your belief system. This is done because you believe your thoughts are real, if this wasn’t true your thoughts wouldn’t be attached to. If these attached beliefs aren’t seen as erroneous they will remain in place. The more you think your created belief system is the right one, the harder it is to see beyond it. Seeing each moment arise through thought is delusional because there’s no solid foundation to a thought and everyone has different ones, that’s why everyone see things differently.

There’s only one truth (I do know what it isn’t) and until this is seen in each moments arising life will remain delusional. To get to a point where it’s not delusional you have to get beyond the attached thoughts that hold your belief system (conditioning) in place, regardless of what it is. Each moment arises as one single thought and then a person’s conditioning determines what happens next and how the next moment will play out. Attaching to it or not is the difference in how the next moment arises and if there’s going to be unity or separation with it. The truth is one is never separated from life, but it feels this way when there’s attachment to a thought that makes you think you are. Your entire life hinges on a single attached thought; the next moments arising is from here. Learning to skillfully see this so the attachment is at a minimum determines how the next moment arises…

Inner Silence

It’s the outer view of satisfying “I” that keeps you from the inner silence of seeing your own innate beauty. This silence will only occur when your view comes from looking inward…

Although no one is more special than another in this existence, there are some who do see things quite differently than the outer view. What makes this happen for some and not for others. I wouldn’t label some as chosen, but I would say some are more inclined to not attach to a outer view which allows for much more inner silence than if you are in the grip of a mind based view. I have lived two existences, one which was in the outer direction where there was much self created suffering and the one I’m living now which is a inner view in the direction of silence. The differences in the two views is one created suffering and was done in ignorance and the one today is lived in awareness of the ignorance. Today my view is as it is because the outer distractions don’t control me as they once did. I’m still in the world, but I’m not as controlled by it.

The silence that occurs is a by product of awareness as the outer view is let go of. This opens up space to allow wisdom, insights, and silence to occur. This opening is directly linked to the letting go of “I”. It’s “I” that attaches and it’s the cause of all suffering. Ever so slowing when one begins to look inward the outer distractions of “I” fall away. To me this is what was revealed to the great mystic’s; they were considered special, but all they did was look inward. This looking inward is available to all, but you will have to overcome the outer view of “I” to not be distracted from it. It is the outer view that keeps you from the silence of seeing your own innate beauty and it will only be seen when you begin to look inward…

Addicted Reaction

 Most reactions that occur in life are from addicted energy and put in place by your conditioning. If your life isn’t lived to its fullest potential of love it’s your own addicted energy that’s blocking it from being so…

Although things appear to be a certain way it’s not always as it seems. It’s difficult to see beyond your own mind when addicted energy is brought into play. So much of what the mind holds onto is addicted energy that’s put in storage to be used at particular times; this is how most lives are lived. It’s as though we already have in place the way things are going to be handled; addicted reactions are formed in this way.

Advertisement is a billion dollar industry because of this. Politicians have people write speeches using certain words which they know are going to sway people in certain ways. Stores know exactly where to place products. It’s all based on putting things in a certain place so addicted reactions are triggered. This goes on constantly because the Conditioned Mind makes it so. If you had no previous conditioning, none of the above methods would work, but this is not the case. One of the keys to not living an addicted life is to a develop some way to be anchored in the present as much as you can. The more you’re present in the moment, the more you’re with what life has to offers. When this occurs there’s peace because the addicted reactions that have been put in place by the Conditioned Mind are no longer making it appear that things are different than what they are…


When the mind isn't understood, there's very little intuitive living from the heart, thus you live through made up mind stories which are only created because you think something is missing…

The one thing I see that blocks truth and undeniable freedom is the inability to let go of made up mind stories. Any moment that's lived outside the realm of the present moment is a story and if you’re not careful, even the present moment will be made into a story. Without awareness there’s not much that can done about this, it's just an observation; it shows up in the way one speaks and behaves. People disagree with some of the things I write and that's because it's what's in place in them as it is with what I write, but until what I see is seen, the story that there’s a disagreement ensues, but it’s only a story.

I don't profess to know it all and I only write what I've had direct experience with so when it's written it's usually intuitively from my heart. For me what was missing for far to many years was the inability not to make up stories. These stories occurred for only one reason, something was missing, if it wasn't the stories wouldn't have been created. This is why self investigation is so valuable because if you don't know what's going on inside you, there will be no way of understanding others and that's a huge part of the what's missing that makes people make up their stories.

Sometimes I respond to things from my conditioning, but for the most part the moment is where I Am. And if I'm not there it's because my conditioning that needs a story is in control. Hold on to whatever you think is needed to form an identity, but understand this identity is used to fill your void and it’s why created because of the delusion of I. Until this is understood you will live a thought based existence and create made up mind stories that’s something is missing which blocks out living life from your innate intuitiveness…

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Thought Attachment

Knowing the secrets of the Universe isn’t a guarantee you will be at peace. Peace is in the simple understanding that a thought possesses no power whatsoever except what your own mind gives it…

There are things we don’t want to happen, but they happen anyway, and they have to be accepted or there will never be peace in your life. At least where you can be with what is happening instead of getting bogged down in wanting it different. Although the small stuff can seem difficult the life altering things can seem devastating if there isn’t an awareness of how it’s your Conditioned Mind that makes this so. Loss of loved ones, homes destroyed; along with all our possessions and memory’s, accidents, illnesses, these are just some of the life occurrences that can alter our state if they’re not accepted for what they are. And what they are is nothing but a thought.

Life happens, but it’s your own mind through the thought process in place that makes it what it is. Our mind creates our entire world through the attachment to thought. The awareness of this breaks the hold by the understanding that a thought is nothing more than that, a thought. It doesn’t have possessing power it only has potential possessiveness which the Conditioned Mind uses to create the world we live in, but this world is only in the mind. It’s not that things don’t occur, they’re just not as our thoughts make them appear.

Life occurs and through thought attachment it appears as our mind makes it appear. There is nothing to life except what the Conditioned Mind makes it out to be. Our own mind uses thought to create an entire existence that is only real to your own mind. The more life is lived in this manner, the more difficult it is to accept life’s daily occurrences. This lack of acceptance is only because of a lack of understanding of your own mind. It’s your own mind that creates the appearance that life has difficulties and this happens because you become attached to the thought that everything is as it appears, but only because you have been conditioned to do so…

False Comfort of Faith

Life will always be as it is regardless of your story of faith. Faith is used to provide false comfort and it’s really not needed if you simply live your given life of what arises…

The definition of faith is a strong belief or trust in someone or something. Is faith wanting things to work out the way you think they should be or is it accepting things as they are and not wanting them to be different? The lack of being able to live by the accepting principle caused my entire struggle with life. Faith is a word attached to a story, there are many interpretation of what faith is. They are the two ways that the word faith has been associated with my life. The way I used faith was I thought it meant things were going to be as I wanted; it’s not a big surprise that with this kind of faith causes many problems. I only had faith in the material world and I had to use things in order to feel good, which meant I only had myself to rely on to get what I thought I needed for satisfaction.

At the time though it is what was inside me. I firmly held onto a faith that if God didn’t grant me my wishes where was the need for it. If I didn’t get what I desired I didn’t need faith for this; I could be disappointed without it. So this was the path that was laid before me so I took care of things myself; I might as well after all God wasn’t doing anything for me, but what I truly wanted was a magician.

It’s not this way today, but not because there is a belief in something. Today the faith lie has been exposed and my trust lies in what is. Truth of what is isn’t faith that everything is going to go my way, it means it’s the way it is and that’s the way it’s going to be. There’s no longer the need for a story in my life because I live life as it arises. Through the practice of being with what is there’s a knowing that life will work out in life’s way, not mine; this is a faith that truly works. I have stopped using faith as the story of getting something or having someone that’s going to take care of my life. Life is life it takes care of itself. I am just one part and whatever happens life is as it is not as I think it should be. This is the acceptance of being with the reality of what is. I don’t need faith to live my life because life will always be as it is regardless of what the Conditioned Mind wants to use to make me think it should be different; faith only changes what is to what isn’t…

Past Future

Because of your conditioning the past is held onto as if it’s needed. This creates an identify formed mostly by scars of the past which show where you have been, but they don't have to dictate where you are going…

Scars only show where you have been, they don't show where you’re going. Everyone has a past and there's plenty of things that have happened that will leave some kind of energy pattern, but when you awaken to how this energy holds you in bondage, for that millisecond it's as though it's a lifetime. This is because in that millisecond existence becomes different. This is why it's so important to understand the conditioning that’s taken place over the years because without this understanding it will be impossible to change the conditioning that's creating bondage. "The only way one's life will ever change is when the conditioning that makes it so changes"

The most misunderstood thing about the process of life is living with the scars of the past and letting them dictate the future. It doesn't have to be this way, but until you stop listening to their Conditioned Mind this won't change. This doesn't mean those scars are to be ignored, on the contrary they need to be faced so they can be identified for what they truly are; energy patterns of things from the past that are being held onto. They only exist because of this and they're only in control because of this. The conditioning is so subtle that it prevents you from seeing there's only a past because your mind attaches to it.

The Conditioned Mind creates your entire identity and attaches it to the form that exist as the body. This is influenced mostly by things outside yourself. Without this created identity the body still exist, just not in the way the Conditioned Mind creates. This is the difference in being free or being held in captivity to the scars of the past, and although the scars are there and should be used for reflective purposes, they will control your life as if you were a puppet on a string until the Conditioned Mind is understood for what it truly is; energy that creates attachment to the past which forms scars that create a false identity. These scars may show where you’ve been, but they don't have to dictate where you are going…

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A Unique View

The uniqueness of life can only be seen if that’s the view you have of the world. The world can only be seen through your own eyes and how quiet the mind is determines if the view is unique...

The world is unique if you only take the the time to see its uniqueness. You don't have to go to a place like Niagara Falls or some other wonder of the world to see it, how about your own back yard or just taking a walk in the park. But if the mind isn't quiet it will not matter where you are, you will not see the uniqueness of the moment.

So much of life is missed because of the noise in the head. Take the time to smell the roses before the roses are gone. If you keep saying tomorrow my heart goes out to you because literally tomorrow never comes; regardless of what goes on in your head it’s always today. You may dream of tomorrow, but the dream can only happen today. You can hope or wish for tomorrow to be different than today, but at some point it will become today. It’s always today and that’s where the mind needs to be if you want to be with the uniqueness of the Universe.

Take a step back before you miss one more second of your life. There are many distractions, that’s why if the mind isn't quiet you miss the uniqueness of life which is always right before your very eyes. It’s up to each individual alone to see the uniqueness that life has to offer, but if you’re too busy to slow down, life will be over before you know it. You can accomplish many things in life, but that doesn't necessarily equate to seeing how unique life is. It may allow you to see how unique you are, but it’s the Universe that gives you the sense of awe, and it will only be seen by a mind that is ready and quiet enough to see the uniqueness that is right before your eyes, if the time is taken to see it…

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To be aware is to recognize, to be mindful is to understand. When it is learned to be aware of life as it unfolds you will be mindful of truly living life…

Often awareness and mindfulness are used as synonyms, but they are very different especially when they are used in describing the space of what is. Awareness is the recognition that something is occurring, you can be aware that you’re feeling a certain way, but it doesn't necessarily equate to being mindful of the feeling itself. To know you are angry is not the same as being with the anger. When you are with the anger you’re mindful of it. Awareness of going to the doctor to get a check up because you are not feeling well can open the door to so many fears, but being mindful that you are not feeling well and making the appointment for a check up quiets the fears, or story you’re making up. Awareness is recognizing what’s occurring. Mindfulness is being with and understanding what’s occurring.

Where most people get stuck is in staying in the awareness of the situation, but not going beyond to the state of mindfulness. Whenever you are mindful instead of just being aware, it changes the entire dynamics of a situation. Mindfulness is the deeper aspect to life. It allows for a connection that awareness doesn't. This is a large part of the problem within our society, people are aware there are certain behaviors that are based in satisfying the self, but they don't go deeper to find out why this is and how to change it. So you stay locked in the self-serving behavior, aware it’s occurring, but not mindful of the behavior. When you become mindful of the behavior, you will see how it affects so many more people than just yourself and you will want to instead act in the appropriate manner of love. It’s very difficult to be mindful and still behave in a self-serving manner. So when it is learned to be mindful of the life you are living, you will be mindful of living the life you are given…

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Thinking Patterns

Part of the process of a settling mind is noticing the incessant thinking patterns that cause you and others harm and changing them in ways that is beneficial to you and to all beings…

For years I had thinking patterns and acted in ways that weren't beneficial to me or anyone else. I was perplexed by this for many years because I didn’t understand why this was so. I didn’t get why anyone would do anything that wasn't a true benefit to their life, but it goes on all the time; just watch the news. Forget it don't watch the news because there isn't much benefit to that. We act in ways that harm others and ourselves, to me this is truly mind boggling, but it’s where my passion to assist others in exposing thinking patterns is derived from. I don't blame me or anyone else for the way I developed; it‘s just the way I became conditioned.

If there is fault anywhere it’s with society as a whole, that’s the collective conditioning as opposed to individual conditioning, but there really isn't fault anywhere because becoming conditioned is just the way life is. The type of conditioning is what needs to be focused on. If we were all conditioned to love the world would be much different. Since this isn't the case we need to learn to develop thinking patterns that make us act and think in ways the are beneficial to our well being and our planet as a whole…

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Beneficial Being

 In the space of doing what’s beneficial to all beings you are free to love because love will be a direct result of the benefits of your thinking and the way you act...

One of the most difficult things to learn in life is to align your thinking so the way you act is beneficial in all aspects of your life. If this was done there would not be suffering as a society. We are a gluttonous society and although there’s nothing wrong with having things or enjoying yourself, there comes a time when enough is enough. The noise in the head blocks this from being known because the noise itself tells you more is better and it keeps the mind in a state of agitation that reaffirms this; this is vital in understanding when something is beneficial or something is gluttonous. This is to be decided as an individual, not anyone else. That's why there's no one to blame because although you didn't condition yourself, it’s up to each you to recognize if your thinking and actions are a benefit or not. Not a made up it’s all about me benefit, but one that puts you in harmony with yourself and in the process with life.

You will know what's truly a benefit if there's no discord within yourself. It’s never the fault of someone else that causes your discord, it is always from within yourself. And it is your own thinking that causes your discord. Learning to be in harmony with life is doing the things that are truly a benefit to you and to all beings. When this is done you will know it because your thinking and actions will no longer be based in doing things that cause you or others harm. In this space you will be free to love because that will be a direct result of the benefits of your thinking and the way you act...

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Endless Story

When a story is needed feel better it transforms energy from stillness to noise. This doesn't allow for the peace that passes all understanding because the reliance to feel better is on a created story…

To start the day in stillness is of immense value because if stillness isn't embraced when the day begins, it will be very difficult for it to be the default setting when the stories of daily living takes over. Sit in the morning and take periodic breaks throughout the day and one day you just may notice there is more stillness than noise. Without noise the need for a story doesn't exist, but it starts in the morning because for most it’s when the noise begins.

Every story made up is for your own satisfaction, regardless of how it plays out in your head. Even if it's to help others, if investigated deeper its to make you feel better; this holds true for any story. Twelve step programs are based on a story of helping those who are still suffering, so that means suffering is needed so you can feel better, that’s crazy. Giving away clothes that no longer fit, are worn out and aren't wanted anymore is a story that makes you feel better. Volunteering for a cause is a story. I'm not sure if there's a meaning to life, but I do know it's not to make up story that used to justify existence just so you feel better.

This is what the unconscious mind does, it creates story after story, all to make you believe they will make you feel better. Life isn't about feeling better by manufacturing some story, to me it's really about nothing in particular, except to learn how to be with what’s occurring now. Just being with what happens and not resisting it stops the need for the rearranging of life to make you feel better. When this occurs you will rest in the peace that passes all understanding as there won’t be a need to create a story to make this so…

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Conditioned Delusions

The beauty of life is in each moment. This beauty isn't observed because of the delusional view developed by the Conditioned Mind. This doesn't mean the beauty isn't there, it’s just not seen…

The greatest delusion is in making the things that you do who you are. No one begins their existence with anything and you don't take anything with you when existence in this form ends. Most of what goes on between your ears is all part of this delusion, it's no ones fault, it's the result of the way your mind has been conditioned. You cannot be anyone other than the person who’s been conditioned, but if the conditioning isn’t a benefit to life, it can be changed; if you want it changed. It isn't something that's permanent, it isn't who a person truly is, it's just part of the Conditioned Mind delusion.

You only become the delusion of who you are because you make it so. This delusion has many influences, they go back to the very beginning of existence. That is how powerful the conditioning is, it's passed on from generation to generation. Look how we hold on to our nationality, but what does it really mean as to what’s going on today. What does it matter what race you are unless it’s made to matter (we are all part of the human one anyway). I'm not saying anything that you do or your race is not a part of your make up, but it doesn’t have anything to do with what’s occurring right this second. Nothing would be different right now if any part of you was different; just something to ponder...

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Egotistical Fuel

The fuel of the ego is selfish energy which is used to make a reality to only suit itself. It can’t see beyond its selfishness so it lives in a made up reality…

Egotistical fuel (selfish energy) is stored energy which doesn’t allow the processing of truth, this in turn creates a lack of humility. When you lack humility as an operative force in your life you’re constantly trying to create a world that is based in a made up reality…

Because of the way the ego (selfish energy) controls, it doesn’t allow humility—you’re blocked from learning to cooperate with Universal Love so you stay absorbed in your self-centered perspective. This probably stemmed from childhood when someone or something hurt you and you vowed to never let that happen again. The vow originates from “I” the ego; it tries to protect you from ever being hurt, but winds up causing more hurt than what was originally experienced. This happens because egotistical fuel (selfish energy) becomes stored energy which does not allow the processing of truth which in turn creates a lack of humility. It’s impossible for your I Self and humility to co-exist in the same moment. When you lack humility as an operative force in our life you’re constantly trying to create a world that is based in relative reality (it’s only real to you) instead of a reality based in that truth; this creates a life of coping instead of one that’s truly lived…

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Life As It Is

When a person begins to understand truth, life is understood like never before. There is freedom in this because the construct of beliefs that life has to be a certain way ceases…

What truth reveals is life can only be the way that it is; it can’t be anything else. The intended purpose of knowing truth doesn't make it about some mystical discovery, it doesn't make it about anything. Truth revealed is being with what is. There isn't anything else but what is and regardless if you believe this or not there’s what is and nothing else.

Surface living doesn't allow truth to be revealed. So much is believed without investigation; this keeps you locked in ignorance. This is your prison and only truth will set you free. Understand it’s the Conditioned Mind that doesn't want truth to be revealed because that will be the cause of its demise. You cannot be controlled and know truth at the same time so understanding this is imperative to stop your surface living and break free of your conditioned thinking. When you cease being controlled by the Conditioned Mind you’ll cease putting conditions on the way you think life has to be. And when this truth is reveal it will be at this point that you will be free…

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Surface Lies

What you see is what you get, but is what you see truth? Things on the surface are never as they appear, but without truth things always seem as they appear…

Most of us have lived a greater part of our lives as surface dwellers, meaning we never went below it to notice what our reason of existence was for. We weren't taught to look for this, so we didn't. But what happens when the time comes to go below the confines of our Conditioned Mind, the surface? What is it that's discovered and why is it so difficult to go below this surface living?

When we start to go deeper within, what is discovered is truth. A truth that isn't notice when living life from the surface. That's why everyone has their own opinion about everything, because its all part of the delusion when one lives on the surface instead of below it; Bottle half empty half full, who's right, is anybody right? Take the worse tyrant ever, if you examine them you’ll find they thought what they were doing was right. One of the main issues with surface living is truth of existence remains unknown. Something will be made up by the Conditioned Mind, but unfortunately it will only be a conditioned truth. To learn truth a deeper understand of existence is needed, but truth revealed will not be what you expect because what you expect is on the surface…

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