Learn to never hold onto the conditioning that arises which makes you act and feel a certain way. Who you think you are is not who you truly are nor is it who someone else thinks you are, so why make it so? This is a very valuable lesson to learn in this process of life, if one is to truly experience peace. We get so caught up in the nonsense of the Conditioned Mind that instead of being able to remain present and not attach to our conditioning, we actually give it the energy needed for it to remain in place and block out the underlying peace that’s available. Peace is always there, but it’s blocked out by Conditioned Mind energy that we ourselves allow. You may not always act in a manner that you or anyone else deems appropriate for a given circumstance, but it’s never who you are so there’s reason to hold on to it and make it so. Non attachment to who you think you are has to be the energy one is leaning on if there’s to be any semblance of peace.
Why is non attachment so critical? It’s because there’s so much non loving reactions due to the conditioning in place, that if there’s attachment you will keep going round and round in its circle. You do something, it’s attached to as being who you are, so now it’s labeled accordingly and hence there’s no peace. This is attachment energy and there’s no peace here because the energy creates bondage to who you only think you are; not who you truly are. Learn to let what happens to remain where it occurs. Once something is done it is done, there’s no need to create a burden out of it, that is unless who you think you are needs to do so.

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