Femine Beauty

Feminine Beauty 
There are infinite examples of awe inspiring things on this planet, but I find flowers to be the non negatable  proof of a Higher Source of Creation. The endless variation of shape, color and structure, and the intricacies of detail and design stir wonder about the imagination that conceived of such an array of uniquely appointed beauty. Each generic green bud of a rose conceals all evidence of the nature of what is about to emerge from inside with no hint to the offering of color, fragrance, or display of visual splendor this flower will bring.
We as females are the same. Girls are traditionally more tightly guarded, restrained from full expression, and therefore very unaware of the power we actually hold within us. The blossoming of the female into womanhood, emerging from the protection of her youth,  discovers the freedom to present and explore the full expansion of her gifts. But it is only when she awakens to her truth, and accepts her own unique beauty and abilities beyond comparison to others that she can tap into the unlimited potential of self confidence.
Women are often described by the characteristics of flowers, delicate as an orchid, skin as soft as rose petals, even our reproductive parts are referred to as “our flower” and we can thank Georgia O’Keefe for illustrating why that comparison might be made! How could we ever be in doubt of our own individual radiance when it is unfathomable to deny any flower its vibrant impact on a landscape?

“The Awakening”
Original-20x20 Acrylic on canvas  $850
Giclee- 20x 20= $175

Available at www.designsbyteri.com

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