The saying “Justice is served” makes one feel content as if someone has gotten what is deserved. Many people look at karma and use it in a way to provide themselves with some kind of comfort for the injustices done in the world. A popular belief is someone who is mean will eventually get theirs, whether in this life or the next, but looking deeper into this belief, it can be seen how it’s just a story of wanting to get justice to provide yourself with comfort; mean people get rich, prosper and die without any so called “getting their justice”. Suffering is caused by attachment, but many stay ignorant to this fact and thus don’t seem to suffer all that much, but this isn’t about what others do, it’s to see within oneself how the story is created of justices that need to be done to others; these so called justices keep one in bondage to “I”. “I” needs the story that others are no good so it can pat itself on the back for not being like them.
The wheels that you oil are what makes you roll as you does. These are the base of your intentions and they shape your life. Although many things are done out of selfishness, if the heart is in the process of awakening, one can’t be to hard on themselves because the Conditioned Mind Patterns run deep. Have the intentions to love and that will be your justice, whatever other intentions there are, it will just take time to over ride. Life isn’t about being a perfect robot, many will fall short of the intention to love because of the conditioning place, but justice is never served by wanting to get even or wishing ill will on someone because when this is done, the only justice served is against yourself.

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