A Journey Toward Perfection:
Deny Yourself, Take Up Your Cross, and Follow Me
Christ invited us to deny ourselves, take up our crosses and follow Him. He encouraged us to take A Journey Toward Perfection, toward a loving God who extends His open arms to us even as Christ’s arms were extended on the cross. Christ came to repair the brokenness of our relationship with God. He became the sacrifice required for our forgiveness. This was a pure act of divine love. Yet, God’s love for us extends beyond His one act of sacrifice on the cross. To fully comprehend God’s love for us, it is necessary for us to understand Jesus, God’s beloved son, who left His throne of glory to live among us, to become vulnerable like us and to be crucified for us. To fathom God’s love for us, it is essential for us to experience Christ’s journey through life, what He endured, what He suffered. To truly grasp His love for us, we must understand the essence of Christ’s nature.
A Journey Toward Perfection will guide you into a deeper understanding of Christ and the love of God through the Beatitudes of Matthew 5. You will learn how profound His love for you truly is. God will become real for you. You will learn how to cultivate an intimate relationship with God, how to communicate with Him in a two-way dialogue, not only speaking to God, but also being attuned to His voice. Christ commanded us to love God and love our neighbors as ourselves. The in-depth study of the Beatitudes in A Journey Toward Perfection teaches you how. Jesus called the lost, the oppressed and the broken-hearted. He called the sick, the forgotten and the sinners. Christ called you to enter into His love. He gave us a road map to follow through the Beatitudes. By following this path toward Christ, God is revealed to us in an unprecedented way and becomes a beacon in our lives.
Two thousand years ago, a fire humbly and meekly exploded into our reality, which changed the world. That fire was Christ. Take the Journey Toward Perfection and be transformed. By knowing the love of God, you will undergo a metamorphosis. You will become the butterfly that God always meant for you to be.
© 2017 Helen Kamenos All rights reserved
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