The body is an anchor for the Now, when this alignment occurs there’s harmony, but if the body isn’t used as an anchor, the mind will continue to reach for objects and the Now will remain elusive…
Although life only happens Now, Now is probably the most elusive place for one to not only remain in, but also to get to. To me the reason for this elusiveness is because of trying to get there with the mind and most minds aren’t disciplined enough to get there, let alone stay there. Because of the way we have evolved as a species most minds are in a state of constant flux trying to figure out how to make life more pleasurable; although pleasure is attained at times it never last for long. This is how the mind views Now, it knows it’s where life happens intellectually and there’s much pleasure here, but it doesn’t fully grasp what this means so it never settles. It’s one of the reasons objects are used and until there’s a shift that allows Now to be seen through the body, the Now which allows peace remains elusive.
The body becomes the source of light for the awareness of Now when this shift happens. There’s nothing more to do with this shift except to practice becoming more aware of the source of light of the body. There are many objects the mind uses to keep Now elusive, but the body regardless of the object the mind reaches for is always in the Now. When a thief cases out a place to rob it’s happening Now, but he’s in the mind. The body is what anchors you in the Now; when this alignment occurs there’s harmony. This is as natural as life itself, but if the body isn’t used as an anchor for Now, the mind will continue its reaching for objects and Now will remain elusive…

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