Nothing arises randomly so if there isn’t awareness of the processes in place that determine your view of life, you will blindly live your life as if you were a puppet on a string…
Awareness of your processes in place is what allows you to be aware of what’s truly going on in your life. It’s very difficult to decipher what’s real and what isn’t, but it’s not all that difficult to innerstand the processes that make you view life as you do. Most people are led around blindly without any awareness of why and this is the reason most never break free from their Conditioned Mind; as the same energy patterns remain in place. If something has you in its grip and you don’t have awareness of the process in place that causes this, you will not have the tools to break free from it; it will mostly fluctuate throughout your life. This unawareness of what’s truly going on makes you pursue things that are not truly beneficial to your own well being, and as stated before this is strictly because the process in place isn’t allowing it.
None of our behavior is random, it manifest in the way that it does because it’s what’s in place, you can’t get oranges from an apple tree. Certain Universal Laws are in affect throughout life and regardless if the behavior associated with them is wanted or not, it will arise depending on the process that’s in control. If the process in place makes you see things from any place other than love, this will cause problems. The world is exactly the way it is because the processes in place make people act as they do. Until the processes change that make it this way people will continue to get apples from the apple tree even though oranges just may be better suited…

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