The Adhering Mind is noticed when things aren’t the way that they’re wanted, but even when the expectations are in your favor, it’s still the Adhering Mind that’s in control…
Let go and be free or hold on and suffer, that is the dilemma. Expect things a certain way and when they aren’t that way, the next step in the process is the reaction to the different results of what is expected. Peace or suffering, that‘s always the choice. If we adhere to the results that are different than expected it will create suffering. You are the one creating it, because you are the one who is adhering to the different results of your expectations. Disappointment is only unpleasant because it’s made so.
When there’s expectations there’s labels and with attached labels there’s clinging. The more we label the more we expect and the more we will cling; this is the Adhering Mind. Even if the expectation works out the way you think they are suppose to be, there’s still clinging, but we don’t notice it as a problem because it’s the way that it’s wanted. So the Adhering Mind clings to everything that is labeled, and it labels everything so we adhere to everything, but we don’t notice it because we mostly focus on things that don’t go our way.
The only way to be free of the Adhering Mind is to not label things. The labeling process of our mind produces clinging, the letting go process through non-judgement produces freedom. It’s a choice that needs to be made so the moment to moment expectations don’t cause suffering. Life is one continuous expectation, but because it’s only in the disappointing labels that we think our Adhering Mind clings, we are unaware of this moment by moment labeling process. When the mind quiets enough to innerstand this, the labeling process of everything as this or that will lessen, and so will the expectations. This results in a mind the is free of clinging and the effects of a Adhering Mind. Without this adhering effect it is impossible to suffer so the dilemma may be ours, but the suffering is optional…

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