A mind that’s conditioned makes automatic conditioned decisions. It’s only through a view of love that true decisions are made; decisions guided by the Universe that come from the heart…
Most decisions you make in life are made based on how much the Conditioned Mind controls you. You may think you’re making decisions, but you’re only doing what you’ve been conditioned to do. This is the way a person who is conditioned has to be, there really isn’t a choice. You may think you’re making decisions based on thinking you have free will, but this is just part of the conditioning. Look at the nonsense that goes on between your ears, it’s truly mind boggling how the Conditioned Mind is controlling ever decision made…
If you don’t think this is so, try sitting still for a half hour, if you can’t do it don’t be discouraged, not many people can. If you can’t control your own mind when you’re consciously trying to do it what makes you think you’re in control when you’re not trying. Why it’s so hard to do is because the unconscious mind has a worldly view with eyes based in worldly things.
An awakened mind is an awakened heart and with this comes the view of love. With this view no one controls you but the universe. Unconsciousness is everyone’s misgiving. With a view of love life is always exactly the way it’s suppose to be because it’s the way that it is. When it’s time for it to be different it will be; understand though even when it’s different, it’s still the way that it is.
No one controls what is, but one is controlled by their conditioning until the view of life is through the eyes of love. It’s only through the eyes of love that you can be free of the Conditioned Mind and thus have your automatic decisions be guided by the Universe. If not, there really aren’t decisions being made because there is no choice but to be automatically controlled by the Conditioned Mind. Break free of this conditioning by viewing life through the eyes of love or light, the eyes of the spirit, or the eyes of God if you’d like, or not and remain automatically controlled as if you were a puppet on a string…

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