It’s the love of your own heart that provides the opportunities for life lessons to be learned. Judgements don’t provide this, all they do is disconnect you from the love of the heart…
Follow your heart no matter what others say. People judge, it’s what they do, but never give in to their judgements. Even if someone thinks they know you because of similar experiences, it means little because everyone has their own interpretations of the way things are. Following your heart doesn’t mean you will always do what is right, but it does mean what you do is of love and really that’s all that what matters. Even if what you do seems self serving, there will be lessons learned as long as there’s love in your heart.
I have been called a wanna be guru, a know it all, an ego maniac, amongst other things and whether they’re true or not isn’t really a concern of mine because it’s the love of my heart that judges me and provides life lessons to be learned not the judgments of people; as long as the heart is followed the lessons learned will allow for the removal of your blocks to love. By staying true to your heart you’ll stay true to yourself and your life’s base will be of love.
Not everyone will agree with what someone does because not everyone can see the love of another’s heart; unless they have the same love in their heart. Love is the energy of the Universe not of individuality so all hearts of love are connected, but when there’s judgment it breaks the connection. Why can’t people allow others to learn their own lessons, it’s because the love of their own heart is blocked which breaks the connection to each other. This is what judgements do, they disconnect the unity provided by the love of the heart…

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