One who constantly needs to grasp for things to provide amusement is blocked out from what life truly has to offer which is to be with what’s here right now instead of constantly needing to amuse yourself…
The title of this article refers to becoming so fixated at amusing yourself with outside activity that you’re not truly living life. Probably 99% of our time is spent providing ourselves with some form of amusement; to me anything that is reached for gets the label amusement attached to it. From the morning cup of coffee, or giving up caffeine and not having coffee, both are used to provide the amusement that life being a certain way makes it better. If this was true everyone would be the same because it would be known what the best way is, but this isn’t true so we all amuse ourselves that our way is the best. If we didn’t amuse ourselves with this thought we wouldn’t do what we do; we are our own worse enemy. There’s nothing outside that does the harm to you that you do to yourself, the real issue with this is it’s done because we think we’re amusing ourselves to the point where life isn’t truly lived. We are always seeking to be amused in one way or another.
In our leisure time we are constantly amusing ourselves with things that are considered pleasurable. Food is a main source that we use for our amusement, vacation is another. Watching or going to sporting events, watching tv or going to the movies are also used. Then there’s alcohol, drugs, gambling, porn, sex, using tobacco products, golfing obsessively, the spiritual path, and so on. These are just some of the mindless activities that are reached for to amuse ourselves. Look at the past and reflect upon all the things used that provided amusement; they only exist in the mind. One who constantly needs to grasp for things to provide amusement is blocked out from what life truly has to offer which is to be with what’s here right now instead of constantly trying to fill the need to amuse yourself…

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