There are different ways to exist, one of those ways is to run away from life, but that follows you everywhere. Another way is to be willing to face life which is the way that allows liberation.
Suffering in this existence is pretty much inevitable because of the Conditioned Mind, but it doesn’t have to be this way. There are many lessons to learn in life, but until it’s realized there are different ways to exist the one you’re most likely to be stuck in is the one where suffering follows you everywhere. This is the dog chasing its own tail suffering and it never ends because it can’t. It’s controlling energy is immersed in the attachment to “I” and as long as this is in place it will follow you everywhere. “I” keeps suffering firmly locked in place, nothing satisfies the unquenchable thirst of “I” so this why the suffering follows you everywhere; “I” is always thirsty. Even though this is the suffering in place for many, there is another way to exist that is beneficial to your well being and this is because it reveals a state of liberation.
This liberation is from the attachment to “I” not from suffering because without “I” there’s no one to suffer. This leads to liberation because as agitated energy arises, and it will, instead of attaching to it you allow it to reveal new insights and revelations; you’re with what arises instead of pushing it away. There’s no reaching to mask it, there’s no running from it or using something as a distraction. When you make a stand with what arises the lies of “I” are revealed, and if there’s no “I” there’s nothing for the suffering to follow; liberation naturally occurs. Read this very carefully and if the full meaning of this can be grasped liberation from the suffering that’s been following you around for most of your life will begin to fall away, but understand this will only occur when there isn’t an “I” to follow the suffering…
Different Ways to Exist
Blind Tools
There’s an energy that occurs in life that keeps non beneficial tools in place without investigating them. The issue with this is these tools are passed on to others so it’s as though the blind are leading the blind…
If there are non beneficial actions and reactions in your daily decision making process without investigation, there will be many decisions made without knowing if they are truly beneficial. When these tools are passed on to others it equates to the blind leading the blind; very few people truly understand the Conditioned Mind. Without the discipline that provides some stillness, unquestioned energy is followed simply because it’s in place. To the Conditioned Mind there’s no need for questions because it has all the answers. Saying I’m not there yet is just crazy and it’s a created block that hampers the ability to live in a beneficial way. If you’re not there yet wherever there is, what do you think it will take to get there? What amazes me is how people settle for a place just because it’s comfortable and someone else says it’s beneficial.
To me it’s just mind boggling how a person holds onto what they have in place and not even consider there might be another way to see things. What’s mind boggling about this is how this energy keeps you in a self created prison that causes suffering; life doesn’t cause suffering the Conditioned Mind does. Unless you’re willing to sit and allow the mind to settle, the energy of the Conditioned Mind will remain in place and you’ll continue to use broken non beneficial tools that cause suffering. Here’s the real issue with this, these tools are passed on to others and this makes it as though the blind are leading the blind…
Let Go
Learn to let go of what happens so it remains where it arises from. Once something is done it is done, there’s no need to create a burden out of it, that is unless you think who you are needs to attach to it…
Learn to never hold onto the conditioning that arises which makes you act and feel in a non beneficial way. Who you think you are is not who you truly are nor are you who someone else thinks you are. This is a very valuable lesson to learn in this process of life if you’re to truly experience peace. We get so caught up in the non beneficial actions of the Conditioned Mind that instead of being able to remain present and not attach to our conditioning, we actually give it the energy needed for it to remain in place and block out the peace that’s available. Peace is always there, but it’s blocked out by Conditioned Mind energy that we ourselves allow. You may not always act in a beneficial manner that you or anyone else deems appropriate for a given circumstance, but it’s never who you are so there’s reason to hold onto it. Non attachment to who you think you are has to be let go of if there’s to be any semblance of peace.
Non attachment is critical because there’s so much non beneficial reactions due to the conditioning in place; if there’s attachment your thoughts will keep going round and round in a circle. You do something, it’s attached to as being who you are so now it’s labeled accordingly and hence there’s no peace. This is attachment energy and there’s no peace here because this energy creates bondage to who you only think you are; not who you truly are. Learn to let what happens remain where it occurs. Once something is done it is done, there’s no need to create a burden out of it, that is unless who you think you are needs to attach to it…
Automatic Decisions
A mind that’s conditioned makes automatic conditioned decisions. It’s only through a view of love that true decisions are made; decisions guided by the Universe that come from the heart…
Most decisions you make in life are made based on how much the Conditioned Mind controls you. You may think you’re making decisions, but you’re only doing what you’ve been conditioned to do. This is the way a person who is conditioned has to be, there really isn’t a choice. You may think you’re making decisions based on thinking you have free will, but this is just part of the conditioning. Look at the nonsense that goes on between your ears, it’s truly mind boggling how the Conditioned Mind is controlling ever decision made…
If you don’t think this is so, try sitting still for a half hour, if you can’t do it don’t be discouraged, not many people can. If you can’t control your own mind when you’re consciously trying to do it what makes you think you’re in control when you’re not trying. Why it’s so hard to do is because the unconscious mind has a worldly view with eyes based in worldly things.
An awakened mind is an awakened heart and with this comes the view of love. With this view no one controls you but the universe. Unconsciousness is everyone’s misgiving. With a view of love life is always exactly the way it’s suppose to be because it’s the way that it is. When it’s time for it to be different it will be; understand though even when it’s different, it’s still the way that it is.
No one controls what is, but one is controlled by their conditioning until the view of life is through the eyes of love. It’s only through the eyes of love that you can be free of the Conditioned Mind and thus have your automatic decisions be guided by the Universe. If not, there really aren’t decisions being made because there is no choice but to be automatically controlled by the Conditioned Mind. Break free of this conditioning by viewing life through the eyes of love or light, the eyes of the spirit, or the eyes of God if you’d like, or not and remain automatically controlled as if you were a puppet on a string…
Loving Heart
It’s the love of your own heart that provides the opportunities for life lessons to be learned. Judgements don’t provide this, all they do is disconnect you from the love of the heart…
Follow your heart no matter what others say. People judge, it’s what they do, but never give in to their judgements. Even if someone thinks they know you because of similar experiences, it means little because everyone has their own interpretations of the way things are. Following your heart doesn’t mean you will always do what is right, but it does mean what you do is of love and really that’s all that what matters. Even if what you do seems self serving, there will be lessons learned as long as there’s love in your heart.
I have been called a wanna be guru, a know it all, an ego maniac, amongst other things and whether they’re true or not isn’t really a concern of mine because it’s the love of my heart that judges me and provides life lessons to be learned not the judgments of people; as long as the heart is followed the lessons learned will allow for the removal of your blocks to love. By staying true to your heart you’ll stay true to yourself and your life’s base will be of love.
Not everyone will agree with what someone does because not everyone can see the love of another’s heart; unless they have the same love in their heart. Love is the energy of the Universe not of individuality so all hearts of love are connected, but when there’s judgment it breaks the connection. Why can’t people allow others to learn their own lessons, it’s because the love of their own heart is blocked which breaks the connection to each other. This is what judgements do, they disconnect the unity provided by the love of the heart…
Adhering Mind
The Adhering Mind is noticed when things aren’t the way that they’re wanted, but even when the expectations are in your favor, it’s still the Adhering Mind that’s in control…
Let go and be free or hold on and suffer, that is the dilemma. Expect things a certain way and when they aren’t that way, the next step in the process is the reaction to the different results of what is expected. Peace or suffering, that‘s always the choice. If we adhere to the results that are different than expected it will create suffering. You are the one creating it, because you are the one who is adhering to the different results of your expectations. Disappointment is only unpleasant because it’s made so.
When there’s expectations there’s labels and with attached labels there’s clinging. The more we label the more we expect and the more we will cling; this is the Adhering Mind. Even if the expectation works out the way you think they are suppose to be, there’s still clinging, but we don’t notice it as a problem because it’s the way that it’s wanted. So the Adhering Mind clings to everything that is labeled, and it labels everything so we adhere to everything, but we don’t notice it because we mostly focus on things that don’t go our way.
The only way to be free of the Adhering Mind is to not label things. The labeling process of our mind produces clinging, the letting go process through non-judgement produces freedom. It’s a choice that needs to be made so the moment to moment expectations don’t cause suffering. Life is one continuous expectation, but because it’s only in the disappointing labels that we think our Adhering Mind clings, we are unaware of this moment by moment labeling process. When the mind quiets enough to innerstand this, the labeling process of everything as this or that will lessen, and so will the expectations. This results in a mind the is free of clinging and the effects of a Adhering Mind. Without this adhering effect it is impossible to suffer so the dilemma may be ours, but the suffering is optional…
Love Yourself to Love Others
No one harms you as much as you harm yourself and it’s done through your own thoughts. The essence of life is to truly learn to love yourself unconditionally so you can in turn love others…
For forty nine years I did things to myself that I wouldn’t allow anyone to do to me. Not all of these were self destructive actions, some were in the form of very subtle thoughts, but it was harmful nonetheless. If I truly loved myself I would have never done this, but I didn’t know any better so my self destructive behavior was normal to me. I’m not talking about lip service love here, I’m talking about genuine unconditional love where there is absolutely no judgement whatsoever. Love is a word that is given more lip service than actual action. You will never truly love your neighbor if you don’t really understand how to love yourself and this is because you can never be anything different than what you are in any given moment.
Everything that’s done are the results of learned behaviors and are either loving or not. Love yourself to the point where you don’t want to not only cause harm to others, but also you don’t want to harm you. For me although it may seem as though I share to help others, it’s only partially so. I share because it reinforces the love I have for myself. This isn’t an ego thing, it’s about learning how we are our own worse enemy, that is until we aren’t. There was no greater harm done to me by anyone than what I did to myself, but in the space of quietness I have learned to stop doing this. Life really isn’t about being good, moral, honest, or any other story that can be made up, it’s one thing and that’s to truly learn to love yourself unconditionally so you can in turn love others…
Insignificant Thoughts
The simple word “no” can be used to cut off attaching energy to a thought. In this are infinite possibilities, but these possibilities will only occur when a thought is seen for its insignificance…
Thoughts will arise, but reflecting on them instead of applying a label is the difference in learning from them or allowing them to control. Why was I born, what is my purpose, what is God, these are simply thoughts, attaching your story to them changes their dynamics from reflective energy to becoming agitated by them and applying energy needed to search or reach for an answer. When something is unknown the mind will make up answers; these made up answers are the base of most lives. We are bombarded by a barrage of daily thoughts, many arise go away and come back throughout the day. Not every thought is attached to, it’s the ones that are that cause issue; most just come in and leave, only to return.
Reflection is a valuable tool in developing the awareness to just see an insignificant thought arise and not give any credence to it. That it arises means nothing, what is done with it after it arises means everything. If a thought arises about something that happened in the past, it doesn’t have to be given attaching energy. It can simply be reflected upon and seen as an insignificant thought, nothing more. The Conditioned Mind is programmed to make a story out of it, but with discipline this can be seen and the simple word “no” can be used to cut off any attaching energy. In the simple word of “no” are infinite possibilities, but only when a thought is seen for its insignificance…
Chasing Lies
Whatever is chased after that you think is needed to be happy will be what becomes your lie. It’s not right or wrong, but the key is to understand if this lie will truly provide what you think it will…
To me, whoever is looked upon for inspiration or whatever, it should be noted that most likely they didn’t always see things as they do now. I’m fortunate to have experienced two totally different ways of viewing life, it’s where my insights arise from and the reason why I share what I do. Having lived a lie for so many years has actually become my greatest asset. When I write about something it’s always from a lie that’s been exposed, it’s never about being smarter or knowing more than anyone else; what’s there is simply what’s there and it’s what’s shared. When I talk about quietness or stillness it’s because I lived the lie which is a life full of noise. When there’s talk of attachment, it’s because attachment was the master lie.
Everyone who is alive experiences life, it’s what’s done with the experience that determines if you chase a lie. An example is if you think you need to have material things to be happy, that will be your lie. It’s not right or wrong, but the key is to understand if the lie will provide what you think it will. Deep down inside having material things doesn’t change you. For me I went through a life of much suffering, always immersed in the lie of what my Conditioned Mind made me believe was happiness; today I see this for the lie that it is. When I write something it’s because I can see the lie I was stuck in; today I have been provided with a view of true liberation. I know I’m very direct in my approach, but I’m not insensitive to anyone else’s view, it’s just that I’ve lived the lie and because of this I can see that far too many are still chasing it…
Amusing Yourself
One who constantly needs to grasp for things to provide amusement is blocked out from what life truly has to offer which is to be with what’s here right now instead of constantly needing to amuse yourself…
The title of this article refers to becoming so fixated at amusing yourself with outside activity that you’re not truly living life. Probably 99% of our time is spent providing ourselves with some form of amusement; to me anything that is reached for gets the label amusement attached to it. From the morning cup of coffee, or giving up caffeine and not having coffee, both are used to provide the amusement that life being a certain way makes it better. If this was true everyone would be the same because it would be known what the best way is, but this isn’t true so we all amuse ourselves that our way is the best. If we didn’t amuse ourselves with this thought we wouldn’t do what we do; we are our own worse enemy. There’s nothing outside that does the harm to you that you do to yourself, the real issue with this is it’s done because we think we’re amusing ourselves to the point where life isn’t truly lived. We are always seeking to be amused in one way or another.
In our leisure time we are constantly amusing ourselves with things that are considered pleasurable. Food is a main source that we use for our amusement, vacation is another. Watching or going to sporting events, watching tv or going to the movies are also used. Then there’s alcohol, drugs, gambling, porn, sex, using tobacco products, golfing obsessively, the spiritual path, and so on. These are just some of the mindless activities that are reached for to amuse ourselves. Look at the past and reflect upon all the things used that provided amusement; they only exist in the mind. One who constantly needs to grasp for things to provide amusement is blocked out from what life truly has to offer which is to be with what’s here right now instead of constantly trying to fill the need to amuse yourself…
Constant Motion
Life is constant motion, it never stops. If the motion of the moment is noticed it will allow much more innerstanding of your life than if you’re blindly controlled by past habitual mind patterns…
If the motion of the moment isn’t seen, that’s when the habitual conditioned patterns from the past take over; it’s just the process in place. You can be in a state where you are happy and out of nowhere arises something that triggers one of your past habitual patterns. Depending on what arises is based in that is what will determine if you are still happy after the moment is attached to. This is how it works, we’re pulled around by patterns and the motion of the moment is unnoticed so it’s controlling energy attaches to what pattern is associated with the moment. This is where everything arises from, feelings, emotions, sensations, and whatnot, hence the puppet on a string syndrome takes hold if the motion of the moment isn’t noticed. Think about this, you can’t have any feeling or emotional swings without attachment to the motion of the moment. Most people don’t really have any inkling of this and because of this very few truly live life. I don’t say this in jest as I’m no different, although I do probably notice this a little more nowadays.
Here’s something to do to possibly innerstand the motion of the moment a little better. Make a commitment to sit for a certain time, say thirty seconds, keep it real. In those thirty second just watch what arises, watch the motion, a thought arising and just notice the motion. Just sitting, looking, acknowledging, noticing, letting it arise and pass; all of this is just the motion of each particular moment. This should help in getting a better grasp on the moments motion. Increasing or decreasing the committed sitting time is up to the individual or don’t sit at all and remain a slave to the motion of the moment as it arises and habitually controls your life. It’s the motion of each moment that makes life what it is and if this goes unnoticed so will most of your life…
Delusional Awakening
Most people are delusional with what an awakening is, but for those truly awake they are awakened to the delusion the mind that tells you to do something is the same mind that questions why it was done…
All delusions are created by your own mind; until there’s awareness of this the delusions remain. One of the most important things to realize when it comes to breaking free of your delusions is the mind that tells you to do something is the same mind that questions why it was done. Think about how it’s your own mind questioning itself, so what you’re basically doing is arguing with yourself. What’s crazy about this is it’s almost like there are two entity’s with different perspectives. This goes on in most lives every single day without ever realizing it, but don’t be fooled by the questioning because even our judgements that aren’t questioned create just as much delusion. To be awake is to be aware of this nonsense.
An awakening isn’t a magical state, it’s becoming aware of the thoughts that hold you in captivity, that’s basically it. It’s in this awareness that you’ll naturally stop attaching to your captivating thoughts. Being awake doesn’t stop them from arising, but with the awareness they’re there, the nonsense of when happens when there’s attachment to them is seen. Until this is realized the mind that tells you do something will continue to question why it was done, and there will continue to be judgements of others as your own created delusions hold you in captivity…
Silence Within
It’s the surface view of satisfying self that keeps you from the inner silence of seeing your own majesty. This silence can only occur when your view comes from the silence within…
Although no one is better than another in this existence, there are some who do see things quite differently than the surface view; not sure what makes this happen for some and not others. I wouldn’t label some as special, but I would say some are more inclined to not attach to a surface view which allows for much more inner silence than if you are in the grip of a mind based surface view. I have lived both, one which was on the surface where there was much self created suffering and the one I’m living now which is a inner view in the direction of silence. The differences in the two views is one created suffering and was done in ignorance and the other is lived in awareness of the ignorance. Today my view is as it is because the surface distractions don’t control me as they once did. I’m still in the world, but I’m not as controlled by it.
The silence within is a by product of awareness as the surface view is let go of. This opens up space to allow wisdom, insights, and silence to occur. This opening is directly linked to the letting go of self. It’s the self that attaches and it’s the cause of all suffering. Ever so slowing when one begins to look inward the surface distractions of self fall away. To me this is what was revealed to the great mystic’s; they were considered special, but all they did was look inward. This looking inward is available to all, but you will have to overcome the surface view of self not be distracted from it. It’s the surface view that keeps you from the silence of seeing your own majesty and it will only be seen when you see the silence within…
One Truth
Truth isn’t something to create so life fits nicely into a mind made story of the way you think life should be. Truth is already in place and doesn’t need to be created to make it so…
Although awakening is a process of becoming aware of what blocks the heart from love; it only opens and expands each day by developing a daily mindfulness and sitting practice. For me because of this, no longer does the world revolve around my “I” it more so revolves around the “I” of others. Each day I bring a vision of how I can be a benefit to others by writing and posting a daily article, this has been done everyday for the past six plus years. There is awareness into my day to day existence and although there are some mishaps because the Conditioned Mind is relentless, the process is a continuation into the expansion of truth; with this expansion of truth comes the expansion of love into my day to day life and the life of others.
This expansion doesn’t take thought, it takes a settled mind. The subtitle of my book: You Are Not Your Thoughts was chosen for this reason. All created stories of truth are only our attached thoughts. When this was understood “I” was understood and it was the beginning of the end of the life of lies I lived. This brought me to the realm of the unknown (truth). This realm is not something that can be brought about by thought; thought blocks truth. Stillness is where the realm of the Spirit and our true nature manifest. It’s where one connects to all of life and feels the warmth and truth of the Sunlight of the Spirit. It’s our home, our place of the peace that passes all understanding; it’s the truth of existence. This needs no story to be, you only need to stop thinking to allow this truth to arise…
Undistracted Oneness
Without the distractions of the Conditioned Mind there’s no separation in what’s being observed so there’s a natural oneness that can only occur without labeling it as so…
Most people think of others as separate from themselves and to the Conditioned Mind it certainly seems that way, but when the mind settles there’s a place where not one word is needed to see this fabrication of separation is a conjured up story. The Conditioned Mind is based in thought and although there’s nothing wrong with thought itself, life doesn’t need thought to be. All that happens in life does so without any attachment to the thoughts that your conditioning puts in place, this is what separates everything and puts it into a conditioned category.
When something is observed through the senses and put into a certain category, it separates because it is seen as being out there. Once something is out there, unity, harmony, cohesiveness, oneness, and on and on is lost. This separation only happens through thought. I was walking in a park yesterday observing all that was going on; there were many pigeons close by. I didn’t make up a story of anything in particular so by just observing without applying a particular label to anything, there wasn’t separation. It’s actually a pretty cool place to be as there’s no resistance in this place of what’s happening so there’s much freedom. For me I’m particularly at peace when I’m walking in the park because there’s a focused mindfulness on the present moment and there aren’t many inner distractions, and without the distraction of the Conditioned Mind, there’s no separation in what’s being observed so there’s a natural oneness that can only occur without distractions…
Revealed Delusions
You can only see things as they’re revealed to you and although it can’t be any other way this doesn’t mean it’s truth that’s seen, it just means it’s the way you have been conditioned to see things…
Unless you truly investigate yourself to the point where you see your delusions, truth will continue to be something made up. Knowing this makes it difficult at times responding to some of the post to my articles as many don’t come from a place of stillness (truth); a lot respond from the noise of the Conditioned Mind. I don’t say this because I know everything, matter of fact I know very little, but what I do know doesn’t seem to be comprehended by some. I know this simply by the responses there are to some of my articles. This isn’t a popularity contest and what people think of me is not a concern; planting seeds of truth is all that matters. I’ve been removed from many groups because my post are misinterpreted as me stating my truth, but I never profess to know what truth is, I only talk about what remains after the delusions are revealed.
The other day someone wrote there are seven billion truths in the world because there are roughly seven billion people, but this is the major issue with humanity, everyone perceives things their way and because of the conditioning it’s thought to be truth; there’s only one truth and no I don’t know what it is. Just because you think it, see it, or someone else writes it and you attach to it and believe it, it means nothing. Truth can’t really be known, but one can see the delusions in place. When this happens creating truth isn’t needed because it naturally arises; no individual story necessary. Whenever I write about emotions, forgiveness, hope, and so on, it always stirs up the conditioning in others because it usually reveals some delusional attachment. I will never waver from what has been revealed to me because I can’t. Popularity is not what I seek, selling books is not what I seek, matter of fact there’s nothing sought because I know there’s only one truth and when seven billion people stop making up their own, just maybe there will be peace on earth…
Guiding Light
The brightness of your inner light will shine to the degree of your surrender that allows God’s loving energy to be your guide. The brighter the light the more it will be seen…
I know for many years I wandered aimlessly through life controlled by a Conditioned Mind that led me around like I was a puppet on a string. My entire existence was based from a self-serving mind and until this changed nothing was going to change; society is out of control because of this self-serving mind. Until there’s awareness of how conditioned and controlled and that it’s your own mind makes this happen, nothing will change regardless of what is done. I am not sure if anything can be done to instill this change in a person, but we must try. Although it has to come from within the individual seeds must be planted or there won’t even be the chance for someone to change.
I can love the person by understanding the conditioning is not them. This may not change them, but at least I will not be pulled into their conditioned world; I could write another book on this pull alone. Watch very closely how subtle the Conditioned Mind is. I know for me it is not my responsibility to change anyone. I have an obligation because of the insight that has been bestowed upon me, but I know I can only change myself. When I change that‘s how others change, not because of me, but because of the degree of surrender that allows Gods loving energy to be my guide. All I can do is be willing to keep looking within to expand this surrender. When we quiet the Conditioned Mind, the love that is in our heart will be our guiding light and thus we will be healed, and when we are healed we can be the guiding light to help heal others…
Natural Truth
Truth isn’t a created story nor is it something that can be manufactured. There‘s only awareness of it when your lies are exposed so expose your lies and natural truth will arise without creating it…
To me it’s clear what truth is and here’s why, fourteen years ago I started to look in a different way to live my life and at the core of this looking was the revealing of my lies. I didn’t know much about anything at the time (still don’t) but I do know I needed a different way to view life. I understood one thing, my own mind was the cause as to why there were lies so I set out to find out why this was and if it was possible to change it. As this process of self inquiry proceeded, my lies were slowly being revealed; as this happened my life become less and less about the lies. It didn’t become about anything else, it just wasn’t all about the lie of needing to fulfill my wants and desires; when this happens awakened qualities (truth) arise. This doesn’t mean everything goes your way, it doesn’t matter how it goes because there aren’t the created lies of wanting or needing things a certain way; without a created story truth is revealed.
Truth is difficult to describe in words because people create versions of it, but I have found truth is in the space of what is without labeling it; although what is has many labels it’s only dependent on what’s occurring at this time. It can be horrible, beautiful, or neutral, the label doesn’t change the truth of what’s actually occurring. Being in the space of what’s occurring now changes it and that’s because without a label there’s aren’t lies, there’s only space. In this space there’s no creating a lie and without a lie is when truth is revealed. It’s not a created version of truth, it’s the truth of just being in the space of what’s here right now and not needing to add a lie to it. In this space is where you’ll become aware of truth, but it has nothing to do with you creating it; it’s a natural truth that arises when your lies are revealed…
Process Awareness
Nothing arises randomly so if there isn’t awareness of the processes in place that determine your view of life, you will blindly live your life as if you were a puppet on a string…
Awareness of your processes in place is what allows you to be aware of what’s truly going on in your life. It’s very difficult to decipher what’s real and what isn’t, but it’s not all that difficult to innerstand the processes that make you view life as you do. Most people are led around blindly without any awareness of why and this is the reason most never break free from their Conditioned Mind; as the same energy patterns remain in place. If something has you in its grip and you don’t have awareness of the process in place that causes this, you will not have the tools to break free from it; it will mostly fluctuate throughout your life. This unawareness of what’s truly going on makes you pursue things that are not truly beneficial to your own well being, and as stated before this is strictly because the process in place isn’t allowing it.
None of our behavior is random, it manifest in the way that it does because it’s what’s in place, you can’t get oranges from an apple tree. Certain Universal Laws are in affect throughout life and regardless if the behavior associated with them is wanted or not, it will arise depending on the process that’s in control. If the process in place makes you see things from any place other than love, this will cause problems. The world is exactly the way it is because the processes in place make people act as they do. Until the processes change that make it this way people will continue to get apples from the apple tree even though oranges just may be better suited…
Delusional Attachments
Understanding the nature of delusion is an attribute of waking up, but it’s not the delusion of the world that you get entrapped to, it’s the delusion that runs your own life…
Most people are unaware of the delusion that runs their life; this delusion manifest as one attaches to their thoughts. The first thought about something is inconsequential, it’s the attachment to the second thought that forms the delusion. To understand delusion there must be awareness of attachments, desires, confusions, and the way your mind works, without this the puppet on string pattern prevails. Certain practices turn you inward to see this, if what you’re doing doesn’t turn you inward you’ll remain entrapped to your delusional state of mind. This is why nothing from the outside truly changes a person because anything from the outside is part of the delusion. A broken mind can’t fix itself and as long as it’s reaching for something on the outside it remains trying to fix itself and thus it remains broken. Until this truth is seen things have to stay as they are because nothing is being done to change it.
We can only know what we know if there’s awareness of it. What this means is you have to develop mindfulness of what you’re doing as it’s being done so there’s awareness of what is being done. If you know what you’re doing as you’re doing it, it leaves little room for delusion to arise. Mindfulness is probably the most important discipline to develop as it anchors you in the moment that what is being done occurs. Delusion only occurs when you live in the story that there’s a past or future. These mind made constructs keep the delusion alive. The present moment can be seen without making a story, even though it passes as quickly as it arises, but the past and future can never truly be seen without a story. Because most people lack the discipline to be present, most lives are lived in a delusional state of existence…
Spiritual Nonsense
Sit often and watch your thoughts come and go, eventually there will be more and more space between them. It’s in this space that you see all the spiritual nonsense holding you captive…
With the emergence of the internet there’s so much information available on spirituality that it really needs to be investigated before you consider using any of it to assist in your development. Here is the definition of Nonsense: Words or signs having no intelligible meaning. Absurd behavior and or subject matter, language that’s foolish. To see if the information you’re using to develop is authentic and truly beneficial, there can’t be anything associated with it that forms attachment. Methods, programs, guru’s, life coaches, teachers, or any other form of propaganda that is used to keep you attached, just keeps you entrapped to the very thing you are trying to break free of. Just as there’s a lot of “fake news” out there today, there’s also a lot of fake information on spirituality. Being held captive is not something that’s truly understood by many people and because most of the information out there is nonsense it holds you in captivity in some way. Those telling you to buy their book, pay for retreats run by paid speakers, or follow a program (instant captivity) are clever to a fault, with the fault being keeping you in captivity.
The only thing you need to do is look within yourself so one millisecond of space is created between your thoughts. Once this occurs and there’s awareness of it more and more space will slowly be created; it takes nothing but awareness to create this space. The nonsense out there that a program, book, method or whatever has your answer, will keep you held captive to the very thing you trying to break free from. I know people defend their so called guru or people they follow adamantly, but it’s only because there’s no awareness of the captivity they’re in. Sit often and just watch the thoughts come and go, eventually there will be more and more space between them. It’s in this space that you will see all the spiritual nonsense holding you captive…
Know Your Mind
Learning to be still is how you get to know your own mind. This is something that first occurs while you begin sitting, and as this is innerstood its knowing slowly expands into your daily living…
The most important thing you can learn in life is the innerstanding of your own mind. This priceless knowledge reveals truths that all the money in the world can’t buy. One of these truths are it’s your own mind that creates its own agitations by wanting what is occurring right now or what has occurred in the past to be in some other way; hence the created agitation. And this is done so many times throughout the day that it literally seems the mind is in a constant state of agitation.
Red lights, favorite teams not winning, traffic, spouse, Facebook post, money, job, boss, coworker or workers, children, government, waiting in any line, weather, people in general, someone who’s religion is different than yours, the next right thing, wishing for this or that (this has a list all its own), opinions not agreed with, and so on. Although it may seem constant, no agitation is. Some last longer and some have more affect on what’s going on, but the bottom line is a mind agitation usually occurs because one doesn’t know their own mind. It’s difficult to stop something that isn’t known its happening and one way you can make the truth about your own mind become known is by sitting in quiet and just observing your thoughts. Don’t judge them or attach to them, don’t make up a story about the sitting, just sit and observe the thoughts; seeing how they come in, drop off and repeat the cycle. Through this process, slowly you’ll get to innerstand your mind and how it operates. This is something that first has to be known while you’re sitting and as it does become known it will slowly expand into your daily living…
Autopilot Reactions
Most reactions that occur in life are automatic and are put in place by your own conditioning. If your life isn’t lived to its fullest potential of love it’s your own autopilot ideas that are blocking it from being so…
Although things appear to be a certain way it’s not always as it seems. It’s difficult to see beyond your own mind when autopilot ideas are brought into play. So much of what the mind holds onto becomes automatic and is put in storage to be used at particular times; this is how most lives are lived. It’s as though we already have in place the way things are going to be handled; automatic reactions are formed in this way.
Advertisement is a billion dollar industry because of this. Politicians have people write speeches using certain words which they know are going to sway people in certain ways. Supermarkets know exactly where to place products. It’s all based on putting things in a certain place so automatic reactions are triggered .
This goes on constantly because the Conditioned Mind makes it so. If you had no previous conditioning none of the above methods would work, but this is not the case. One of the keys to not living an autopilot life is to a develop some way to be anchored in the present as much as you can because the more you’re present the more you’re with what life has to offer. When this occurs there’s peace because the autopilot ideas put in place by the Conditioned Mind are no longer making it appear that things are different than what they are…
Now Reality
Many get stuck seeking because the lie of “I” is never innerstood and life becomes about the story that’s made up as the reality of Now is missed…
The definition of emptiness is a lack of inherent existence. When it comes to the mind this is its true state, the reason I say this is because there is nothing in the mind that is inherently there. In this emptiness arises the conditioned nature of “I” but there also is no substance to “I”. It exist strictly from the story that’s made up; there’s no inherent existence. There’s the body that exist and all it’s labeled components, but if each component was unlabeled, the body would still exist, just not as an “I” form. Look deep within to see if you can truly find where “I” is. Form is emptiness and emptiness is form. It doesn’t mean if the form is reduced it disappears, it means in its reduction is the form itself; these are opposites sides of the same coin. Everything that makes up “I” ideas, concepts, memories, feelings, emotions, judgement, likes, dislikes, opinions, experiences, is attached to as the body, hair, limbs, ideas, and so on, but if you look for “I” behind all this it’s doesn’t inherently exist. This is what stillness is truly all about, stripping away the layers of all the false identification. We identify with all the wrong things and ignore the reality of Now .
The only reason to look within is to expose this lie of “l” there’s no other reason. A reason can be made up, but this is why many remain stuck seeking because the lie of “I” is never innerstood. Life becomes about whatever story is made up, but the reality of what’s here Now is missed. “I” is a story nothing more. It’s seen as real, but the realness of it can never be grasped. It just creates story after story with itself always at the core. Truly investigate this to see if you can find “I”, remember though not the story of “I”, but the reality of Now…
A Viewing Heart
When there’s awareness of the heart view instead of the mind view and you don’t engage in what comes from the mind, it makes for a view of life that is much different than the view of most people…
A view from the mind is very different than a heart view; the mind has a much different agenda than the heart. Every conflict known to mankind has been because of the mind. Even when Jesus trashed the market place, it was from the mind; the proof of this was that he didn’t like what was going on; you cannot have a conflict from the heart. The heart aches at times and all compassion comes from the heart, but there’s an understanding from the heart that the mind just can’t grasp. Mind seeing is strictly from the way one is conditioned. Heart seeing arises from the space of stillness. I can tell right away when someone comes from their head because there’s attachment with what’s being said. Usually the sentences starts with my, I, me or it will be said, I see what you’re saying, but.
Seeing from the heart doesn’t make you smarter than anyone, all it means is you’ve been granted the ability to see from the heart. It’s difficult to see from the heart because of all the mind based distractions in place. These distractions keeps you entrapped to the reaching of a view from the mind. Reach, reach, reach, the heart needs no such reaching, it realizes it’s completeness as it is. When your view is from the heart you become more of an observer than a reactor, at least that’s been my experience. I’ve lived a mind based existence for many years, and even today the old conditioning tries to resurface, but because of the awareness of the different mind views there’s no engagement with what comes from the mind and this naturally allows a view from the heart to arise; when you live from the heart it makes for a view of life that’s much different than the view of most people see…
Inner Space
It’s the outer view of satisfying “I” that keeps you from the inner space of seeing your own innate beauty. This space will only occur when your view comes from the inside out…
Although no one is more special than another in this existence, there are some who do see things from inner space instead of the outside view. What makes this happen for some and not for others? I wouldn’t label some as chosen, but I would say some are more inclined to not attach to a outside view which allows for much more inner space than if you‘re in the grip of a Conditioned Mind based view. I have lived two existences, one which had an outside direction where there was much self created suffering and the other that I’m living today which is in the direction of inner space. The differences in the two views is the outside view created suffering and was done in ignorance and the inner space one allows awareness of the ignorance. Today my view is as it is because the outer distractions don’t control me as they once did. I’m still in the world, but I’m not as controlled by it.
The inner space that occurs is a by product of awareness as the outer view is let go of. This allows wisdom, insights, and space to occur. This is directly linked to the letting go of “I”; it’s “I” that attaches and causes all suffering. Ever so slowing when you begin to look inward the outer distractions of “I” fall away. To me this is what was revealed to the great mystic’s; they were considered special, but all they did was look to their inner space. This inner space is available to all, but you’ll have to overcome the outer view of “I” to not be distracted from it. It’s the outer view that keeps you from the awareness of your own innate beauty and it will only be seen when you’re aware there’s inner space…
Truth Revealed
If you’re to have the truth revealed of who you are, you’re going to have to study the Conditioned Mind and have the willingness to sit so the process of revealing the layers of your conditioning can begin…
Nothing will ever change as long you continue to blame others and look outside yourself for answers. If you don’t become aware of all the conditioning in place, having the truth of existence revealed, which requires nothing but being in its space, will be just about impossible; this is only because the Conditioned Mind doesn’t allow it. Using the onion analogy substitute the onion with humans and the core is truth. Every onion has layers, but unless the onions layers are peeled, its core will never be exposed. It will always be there as it’s a natural part of every onion, but without actually peeling the onion the core will remain hidden. The natural process of an onion is to cover its core; humans have evolved the same. The Conditioned Mind provides the layers that need to be peeled so the truth can be revealed; truth is revealed for very few people.
Underneath all the conditioning is the truth of existence; there’s no looking for answers anywhere but within this space. When the conditioning lies are peeled away one layer at a time, truth gets revealed more and more and your true nature takes hold, but if there isn’t awareness of this truth will never be revealed because it can’t. It’s like a force field is around the truth; without awareness it’s as though it’s impenetrable. But take heed because it’s not impenetrable, it’s just going to take studying the Conditioned Mind and having the willingness to begin the process of peeling away the so called onion (lies) of your conditioning so you can get to the truth of who you are…
The Elusive Now
The body is an anchor for the Now, when this alignment occurs there’s harmony, but if the body isn’t used as an anchor, the mind will continue to reach for objects and the Now will remain elusive…
Although life only happens Now, Now is probably the most elusive place for one to not only remain in, but also to get to. To me the reason for this elusiveness is because of trying to get there with the mind and most minds aren’t disciplined enough to get there, let alone stay there. Because of the way we have evolved as a species most minds are in a state of constant flux trying to figure out how to make life more pleasurable; although pleasure is attained at times it never last for long. This is how the mind views Now, it knows it’s where life happens intellectually and there’s much pleasure here, but it doesn’t fully grasp what this means so it never settles. It’s one of the reasons objects are used and until there’s a shift that allows Now to be seen through the body, the Now which allows peace remains elusive.
The body becomes the source of light for the awareness of Now when this shift happens. There’s nothing more to do with this shift except to practice becoming more aware of the source of light of the body. There are many objects the mind uses to keep Now elusive, but the body regardless of the object the mind reaches for is always in the Now. When a thief cases out a place to rob it’s happening Now, but he’s in the mind. The body is what anchors you in the Now; when this alignment occurs there’s harmony. This is as natural as life itself, but if the body isn’t used as an anchor for Now, the mind will continue its reaching for objects and Now will remain elusive…
Thinking Addiction
If there’s awareness of how much you think about yourself you just may be able to settle in a place where your emotions aren’t in control and hopefully you’ll come to realize life isn’t really about you, you just think it is…
As long as you’re alive life happens, actually life happens even if you’re not alive there just isn’t awareness of it. Life isn’t really about what happens as much as it’s about how much you relates your thinking about what happens. This is where the conditioning steps in and determines the relation to what happens next. It can be of love, it can be of hate, but for most it teeters between the two. Very few go to the extreme of either one of these emotions so the results for most humans are balanced. When these emotions do hit an extreme level the results are very noticeable and this is all contingent how much you’re conditioned to think about yourself; this thinking is what manifest as emotions. If you had love as the main influence in your life, obviously you will love more than a person who had hate as their influence. This all arises from inside the individual so if you truly notice the base of your actions you may be able to alter those actions, besides relying on divine intervention which will probably not occur, it will take some practice to allow the mind to settle so this is noticed.
The true addictions in society is thinking and when you’re the main subject of that thinking, it makes your existence very irrational. Now multiply this by billions of people and hence you have the world we live in; billions of people constantly thinking about themselves strictly for personal gain. There’s no one to blame for this because it arises from within each of us. From the mass murderer to the person who is a people pleaser, it’s the thinking mind that causes extreme emotions and everything else in between. So sit often with the intention of developing the ability to notice how much you think about yourself and you just may be able to settle in a place where your emotions aren’t in control and hopefully you’ll come to realize life isn’t really about you, you just think it is…
Unconsciously Stuck
If you’re stuck in a thought based world, most likely you’ll be stuck in an unconsciously based existence. This is a prison that you will only become unstuck from by going beyond your unconscious thoughts…
It’s impossible to be unconsciously stuck in your life unless your own mind allows it to occur. When there’s awareness of this it doesn’t mean things won’t occur that you don’t like, it just means that regardless of what happens it’s your mind that creates the unconsciousness about it and it comes from within yourself. Lots of things happen throughout the day and each time there’s a choice to hold onto it or not. Everyone has the ability within to cease creating their own unconsciousness, it just takes a certain amount of discipline for this to occur. What discipline does is it slows down the thought process that runs continuously. This slowing down is the beginning of truth being revealed. Without it the necessary quietness that allows less unconscious attachment will not happen.
If there’s continuous thought and no quiet all there will be is thought and this will not afford you the ability to watch your unconscious thoughts unfold. If this isn’t seen your mind will never slow down and there won’t be any space created between your thoughts. Life will simply be thought based and you’ll remain stuck unconsciously. When life slows down you’ll see how it’s your own mind that takes something that happens and puts it into a unconscious category. When there’s awareness of this you can break free of the hold your mind has over you and you’ll innerstand you’re not the mind, you’re beyond the thought base of being unconsciously stuck….