If you’re conditioned to look on the outside for answers you’ll get locked into constantly reaching for something for fulfillment and it’s because of being unable to say no that there’s a need to constantly reach…
The other day I received a call from a place where I previously purchased pain medication I was once addicted to. I was asked if I wanted to order some more, I simply said no. The same thing happened to me with a gambling site I once frequented. It’s also been years since I’ve done any online gambling, but I received a call from this gambling site and when I said I don’t gamble online anymore, the person on the phone asked, why not? I simply answered, I don’t need to, he also said “Oh” and hung up.
The point I’m trying to convey is it wasn’t always this way for me. There was a time when I needed to reach for all kinds of things because I was unable to say no. I was conditioned to look outside myself for answers and did so accordingly. When I was taking the pain medication it wasn’t for a physical issue, I was taking it strictly to satisfy an inner craving; this inner craving was at the root of my reaching. A person with this inner craving will be unable to say no to the craving, mostly because it isn’t understood. Without this understanding, if one thing isn’t available something else will be used in its place.
The ability to not give in to these inner cravings began when I started sitting. This allowed me to develop the necessary discipline to see the fallacy my own mind was creating, the fallacy being I needed to reach outside myself to be complete; a completeness that can only be known by not reaching outside yourself. These inner cravings are at the core of why anything is needed and reached for to begin with and until this is truly understood and the mind settles, you may never be able to say no to your arisen cravings…

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