When your existence is based on the labels that you or society attach to, it blocks your ability to reach your creative potential and locks you into the identity of whatever label is attached to…
From the time existence in this form begins there are many different labels that are taken on. Some are temporary and some last your entire existence, but regardless of what label is used at any particular time, it’s only a label, it’s never who you truly are. It can and is made into who you think you are, but this is the great delusion of life because it blocks the ability to see things beyond the label.
The first label taken on is of a son or daughter with a name attached. From there the surface existence expands as does the labeling as school is attended and certain attachments are developed. There are labels associated with athletics, intelligence or seeming lack of, hence the label of the class clown; this labeling continues for the rest of your life. High school, college, occupation, spouse, parent, social status, and on and on, it’s a label that always defines what’s on the surface which blocks your true essence from being known.
Constant labeling caused much difficulty in my life because the labels were always associated with a role and with this surface role taken on the ability to ever get in touch with my natural creative energy was virtually impossible. This creative energy is the I AM beneath the surface that allows life to be as it is, not as the label the Conditioned Mind conjures up and makes you think this is who you are. Nothing from the surface will ever allow your creative potential to be reached because from there a label will always be applied, but and this may be the most important but of your life, if for some reason you become aware that these attached labels are nothing but an illusion, it will be at this point the surface labels can be let go of and the true potential of life becomes what’s at your core with no attached label needed…

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