As we watch a world that’s in such distress with people in such misery, you may wonder how can a person sit silently and joyfully…
If someone is suffering from an illness does the doctor have to lie down beside them and suffer too? Do you have to get the doctor to stop feeling compassion and lie in bed with the patient who is ill? Will that help the patient? In fact, where before there was only one sick person, there will now be two, the world will be doubly sick! The doctor does not need to be sick to help the patient; the physician has to be healthy to help the patient. The more healthy is better; the more healthy the more help you can offer.
I am not against working for what’s best in the world. Anyone who is doing hunger-fighting, fighting for the ecological balance, fighting against poverty, exploitation, oppression, fighting for the freedom-of anyone that is your work at the material level which will benefit many immensely if you become more spiritually rooted, focused, calm, calm, calm, because the quality of your work will be enhanced. You will then be able to think in a more serene manner and it will be possible to act more gracefully. Your understanding of your own inner being will be immensely useful in helping others and that is the true meaning of existence…

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