Having a useful life is being aware of your energy and utilizing it to benefit others. If your energy is used selfishly it won’t even benefit yourself. Energy freely received should be freely given…
A useful life is gauged by the affect it has on others. The gauge being, if you’re a blessing to someone. The more aligned you are with being a blessing to someone, the more useful their life will be and the more you’ll be blessed. Be a blessing in everything you do and everything you do will be a blessing. Even if someone isn’t very nice and their behavior is disliked, for your own sake it would behoove you to be a blessing to that person. If not, you will be the one who will suffer.
The energy given out is the energy of the life you will live. If you always give out love, your life will be one of love, always. If not, it will be limited by whatever conditioning limits your ability to love. The base of any life is determined by the base of the energy in place. This isn’t a philosophy, a philosophy is just some theory; this is energy, it’s physics. You cannot put out discord and not get it in return, because that’s what’s there, but you’re not really getting it in return, you’re just being with the energy that’s there.
Any discord in your heart is your block to the love that is of the same heart. It seems as though what you put out you get in return, but what really happens is the energy that’s put out is the energy that’s there so it has to be what you get, because its what’s there. You cannot plant apples seeds and reap the benefits of growing oranges.
This is the way physics operates, love equals love, laughter equals laughter, gratitude equals gratitude, and so on; it’s the same for negative energy. It has to be this way because it’s what’s there. Energy is neither created or destroyed, it’s only transformed and can only be what it is; and what it is, is what you will be. So be very careful of the energy that is projected out to others for what is put out is the energy that you will live your own life by, it has to be because that’s what’s there.

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