If you have wounds that need to be healed by forgiveness, innerstand they are only there because you want your past to be different, but the past never changes even with the story of forgiveness…
In a world where there is so much anger towards one another, it’s only there because of the anger you have towards yourself. If you truly loved yourself there would only be love in your heart for all beings. Because of this lack of love for self it has to be passed onto others because you can only give to others what’s in your heart. You cannot give what you don’t possess so if you don’t truly love you you can‘t love another.
This leads me to the topic of forgiveness. To me the biggest mistake of this word is people think its needed; that’s where the problem lies. If you understood your own mind you would understand this. Forgiveness is simply a story created by your Conditioned Mind to hold you in captivity to the wounds of the past. Wounds you hold onto that are only there because they’re created by the lack of self love in your heart. Because of this lack these wounds aren’t allowed to heal, this all stems from not allowing yourself to truly love who you are. You think the past should be different, if you didn’t there wouldn’t be the need to forgive.
If you’re aware of the control the Conditioned Mind has over you, you’ll see there’s no need for forgiveness because you and others behave the way your mind tells you. There’s no need to forgive if you are just doing what you have been conditioned to do, and know this it’s your mind telling you what to do and the same mind makes up the story that what it told you to do now needs forgiveness. Who acts and who forgives: it‘s one in the same. My question to you, is the need for forgiveness real or is it just a story? If you truly loved yourself your wounds would have never been produced so they wouldn’t need healing because you just did what you were conditioned to do; there’s no one to forgive…

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