When your comfort is pursued from the outside, it’s only a mask to keep you from knowing that your comfort can only come from within. Look within or you will always be without…
To be awake is to stop using something from the outside to provide comfort. This is very difficult to see because of the way we have been conditioned. Alcohol is something that is used by billions of people for comfort, but what if it wasn’t available what would be used? How about food, sex, working out, getting ahead in life and so on, these are all on the outside, but the need for comfort is on the inside. So why do we constantly go outside to find internal comfort? Find this answer and you‘ll discover a peace never experienced before. Even the so called spiritual journey is on the outside. The ability to look within gives the feeling that you will never be without.
The only way this truth can be revealed is by developing a mind quiet enough that allows this truth to be seen from within. I talk to many people about this as they are smoking a cigarette or are in the grip of some other form of dependent behavior, and they just don’t see how destructive their own behavior is. We can’t see our own unconsciousness because of our Conditioned Mind.
We are dependent on outside things to fill our inner discomforts. Truth revealed is ignorance removed. The world of outside comfort is a world of delusion. When you’re quiet enough to look inside and your reaching subsides, it will be innerstood how much you have been controlled by delusion. Probably for the first time you’ll be able to cut the strings that have been controlling you like a puppet on string. You will either control your reactions to life or they will be controlled for you by outside things…

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