Life's Purpose

Only when there’s mindfulness of the present moment is life’s true purpose fulfilled because in the moment there’s no Conditioned Mind nonsense to block the Universe from using you for its betterment…

For me, life is meaningless only to the point where I make up a purpose so it’s the way I think it should be. Look at all the so called unfortunate people in the world that need my help, to me anyway. Who would I be doing this for, them or to satisfy my purpose? If we all lived in a state of abundance and there was no one less unfortunate than me (in my mind anyway) what would my life’s purpose be? I’m not saying don’t help others, but does it need to be made into a purpose or can it just be something to do without adding a label to it?

I guess life has purpose, but whatever that is it isn’t what one makes it out to be and it doesn’t really matter what that is because it would only be done to fulfill some inner lack. Life has its own intentions and purpose and when the mind is quiet there can be alignment with it. But when there’s living for a self created purpose, one is in alignment with something the Conditioned Mind makes up, not life. Only when it’s realized to be mindful of the present moment is life’s true purpose fulfilled because in the moment there’s no time, days, years, decades, centuries, or whatever else the Conditioned Mind uses to block the Universe from using one for its betterment. The only thing needed for this to occur is to be still. Once there’s stillness you can be used as the Universe sees fit for its betterment, not to fulfill some Conditioned Mind purpose…

Security of Silence

The energy that unites and draws humanity together is the energy of silence. Because of the security of this space others are attracted to it. It’s the one place where there’s unity simply because there’s security in silence…

It’s very important to be secure in the energy of silence so people know there’s a place to turn to. Many people read my articles and it’s expected they will be there, I don’t mind this because of what has been revealed to me; I’m grateful for this energy. Everyone needs a place where they know they can go for security from the unconscious world. It does matter where you go for this security, if you go to a place that’s used as a distraction it may feel like security, but it won’t be. If you get lost in something menial, the day will go by simply because time waits for no one, but if you’re spending the same day in the state of awareness you will become secure in the energy of silence and people will turn to you.

Don’t be concerned with what others think about you, just be secure in what you know as silence energy and let no one take that away. Being secure in the energy of silence in a world that’s mostly based in “I” (ego) and this will allow others to also be secure which is needed for any transformation to occur. The unity that draws you to someone is the silence energy that becomes a part of humanity. Life is an open experience and if you’re not learning from it you most likely have your mind made up already what you think it’s about. When you truly see these made up stories aren’t needed they fall away; this falling away allows silence energy to arise. When you’re in this space others are attracted to it. It’s the one place where there’s unity of all humanity and it’s simply because of there’s security in silence…

Intention of Life

Life has its own intention and when the mind is quiet enough you’re in alignment with it, not to satisfy a self created made up intention, but strictly for the betterment of the Universe…

You do what you do because the Conditioned Mind tells you what to do. You wake up in the morning and the day begins. You do whatever it is that you do and around sixteen hours later it’s time to go to sleep so you can do it again tomorrow. We say tomorrow, but the reality of life is it’s one continuous journey, there aren’t really any breaks in it. Time, days, years, decades, centuries, are all made up concepts. They’re needed to the extent of establishing some structure in life, but we hold on to them way to much; actually they’re allowed to control life.

I’m not saying nothing matters, but does anyone living really know the intent of life and what truly matters? Life’s intention is relatively unknown, sure we can make things up and as a species we’re actually very good at it. Intentions can be made up about helping others, or loving others, raising a family, being kind, awakening to a made up intention, working on this or that, or whatever it is that‘s used to justify existence, but the bottom line is one day just like that and without permission, BANG existence ends. In the blink of an eye it’s over and whatever it is that’s used to make up an intention is let go of it…

Created Mental Structures

The mental structures that are created to form your identity of self are actually the very thing that blocks you out from being in the space of your true self…

Hold on to your degrees, roles, wealth, social status, and an array of many other labeled things; you think this self is who you are. These created mental structures are nothing more than a story and none of them are truly who you are. Whatever you do in life only matters to the extent in how it allows you to love. An individual’s so called success means little except to the created mental structure that labels its so. Ok, so you’re a doctor, lawyer, school teacher, psychologist, life coach, athlete, author, spiritual guru, or whatever label you think you need to apply to make you into something, except what is created is only a mental structure of you. You are the stillness beneath any label that’s applied regardless of the story you tell yourself.

If this is seen, space is created that’s allows awareness of this so you can remain in the space of stillness. There’s so much attachment to the labeled mental structures that this space is entered very seldom; matter of fact it’s non existence in most lives. Created mental structures are incessant mind noise. This is the never ending attachment to form; an identity to self that begins at birth as soon as one is given a name. There’s nothing inherently wrong with forming this identification until there’s no more space to be your true self, beneath all the attachments. We spend most of our life unconsciously forming an identification and wrestling with our true self. There’s mostly unawareness of this, that is until there is. Once there’s awareness of this space you will spend as much time as possible here because when you’re not in this space it results in creating the mental structure of someone who you are not…

Mental Structures

Wisdom arises when one is fully mindful because the distractions of the unwholesome mental structures fall away. It’s in being fully aware of this that the mind settles and allows you to live without distractions…

There are mental structures of the mind that arise in each moment, they are wholesome, unwholesome, and neutral. The first is the unwholesome mental structure, this would be anything that leads to suffering. Wholesome mental structures are those that lead to peace and joy. The wholesome ones don’t need a belief to be, they just need to be investigated to see the truth of their wholesomeness. The third mental structure is probably the most difficult one because it’s based in non judgement. It’s neither wholesome nor unwholesome, it’s neutral. It arises for everyone in the present moment and its function is to just see what is. This mental structure doesn’t interpret what arises, nor does it attach to it. Think of seeing a stranger on a platform at a train station, without judging there’s simply no attachment and neutral remains the mental structure of the moment. Once there’s judgement the mental structure of the moment changes.

Unwholesome mental structures arise and are attached to and although there is mindfulness of this to a degree because it is happening, it’s labeled and thus attached to for the most part unconsciously. It’s the focus of these mental structures that determine their outcome. Being fully mindful allows you to see, but without needing a label. Being neutral allows you to recognize (perceive) but not necessarily be fully mindful. Wisdom arises when you’re fully mindful because the distractions of the unwholesome mental structures fall away. It’s in being fully aware of this that the mind settles and allows you to live without distractions. Wisdom isn’t something learned, it arises when you’re disciplined enough to remain fully mindful in the present moment more often than not…

Truth or Lie Mind State

The mind may seem complex, but it’s really very simple to innerstand. It can be split into two mind states, truth or lies and everyone who is alive will be guided by one or the other…

There are a lot of things that goes on that determines what mind state you will be guided by; when it’s broken down you’ll be guided by either truth or lies. To me everything that happens is the result of previous conditioning; the results of living in a state of true or lies are vastly different. This isn’t to apply a label that one is right and one is wrong, but if investigated it can be seen how truth produces results aligned with love, kindness, peace, harmony, joy, and lies aligns you with results of anger, greed, hate, unhappiness, discontent and so on. I had a mind state of lies for many years and this resulted in much suffering of feeling isolated and alone most of the time. As a result of this I used many different things to try and not feel this way, but to no avail because not matter what the mind state of lies would always return.

Some years ago I began innerstanding the different results of these two mind states and started developing certain things that put me more in line with truth. A mind based in lies is selfish in nature and produces selfish results; desirable results if you’re based in the lie of the material world. A mind of truth has no selfishness to it and the results are obvious. This doesn’t mean the lie mind is gone for good, but it does lessen to a large degree and hence there’s very little feeling of isolation or hate. If the difference of these two mind states aren’t seen it seems the mind state of lies controls more; it’s because the lie is influenced by the material world. Even though by being alive you are part of the world when you finally wake up what is seen is you don’t have to be a slave to the selfish mind state of the lie…

Beneficial Thoughts or Not

You will go through life with two kinds of thoughts, those that are beneficial and those that are not. If you want to understand the difference your mind will have to settle enough to observe your thoughts…

Watching your thoughts is simple, but it’s not easy and will be the hardest thing you will ever do. If it can’t be distinguished what the difference is between a beneficial and non beneficial thought, it’s more likely the non beneficial ones will remain as your default thoughts. This is because whatever you frequently think about and ponders upon, that will become the inclination of their thoughts. Most people are taught to cultivate thoughts that are non beneficial because mostly what’s developed is based in fulfilling self serving desires. Developing a true discernment of your thoughts is what’s needed for the beneficial thoughts to overcome the non beneficial one’s, if there isn’t observations of your thoughts, discernment will not occur. This is one of the main reason many remain unconscious with non beneficial thoughts.

Watch your thoughts, don’t label them, don’t resist them, just observe them. See them arise and fall away away, wise restraint is our practice. It’s at the heart of our practice, the wisdom of saying no; see what arises with discerning wisdom. The questions to ask are what’s helpful, what’s necessary? What are the thoughts that you’re investing in? Do they further enforce I? Make it that the mind of this great being (you) will not move from what’s beneficial…

Wanting More

While you’re busy making plans life happens. If you’re not careful most of your life will be missed because you’ll be too busy wanting more to enhance life as opposed to living it as it is…

The only thing that makes a person think wanting more will enhance life is their own conditioning; until this is realized this conditioning will keep you wanting more. This searching for wanting more seems to be continuous for most, this means most are missing what life truly offers. If a person is alive life will be experienced, but ask yourself is your life being fully lived or are you under the spell of your own Conditioned Mind that makes you want more to enhance life. If this is the default setting of your mind (unfortunately it is for many) so much of life will be missed because you‘ll constantly in a state of wanting more. This is a mind agitation that keeps the search for more in place which doesn’t allow any contentment with what’s actually taking place.

Life is never personal, it just continues on regardless of what happens. Humanity has become its own worse enemy mostly because of always wanting more instead being content with what’s there. Grab more of whatever you want, but except for a few brief moments your contentment will be fleeting. Sit and visualize having all the riches of the world and being the most intelligent person who ever lived and see what this really changes in your life. It will only be a matter of time before you will want more because regardless of what you have or what’s going on if there isn’t some level of contentment with the way things are, life will constantly need to be different and the search for more of what one thinks will make life better will make discontentment and wanting more the norm…

Masked Comfort

When your comfort is pursued from the outside, it’s only a mask to keep you from knowing that your comfort can only come from within. Look within or you will always be without…

To be awake is to stop using something from the outside to provide comfort. This is very difficult to see because of the way we have been conditioned. Alcohol is something that is used by billions of people for comfort, but what if it wasn’t available what would be used? How about food, sex, working out, getting ahead in life and so on, these are all on the outside, but the need for comfort is on the inside. So why do we constantly go outside to find internal comfort? Find this answer and you‘ll discover a peace never experienced before. Even the so called spiritual journey is on the outside. The ability to look within gives the feeling that you will never be without.

The only way this truth can be revealed is by developing a mind quiet enough that allows this truth to be seen from within. I talk to many people about this as they are smoking a cigarette or are in the grip of some other form of dependent behavior, and they just don’t see how destructive their own behavior is. We can’t see our own unconsciousness because of our Conditioned Mind.

We are dependent on outside things to fill our inner discomforts. Truth revealed is ignorance removed. The world of outside comfort is a world of delusion. When you’re quiet enough to look inside and your reaching subsides, it will be innerstood how much you have been controlled by delusion. Probably for the first time you’ll be able to cut the strings that have been controlling you like a puppet on string. You will either control your reactions to life or they will be controlled for you by outside things…

Attaching Labels

When your existence is based on the labels that you or society attach to, it blocks your ability to reach your creative potential and locks you into the identity of whatever label is attached to…

From the time existence in this form begins there are many different labels that are taken on. Some are temporary and some last your entire existence, but regardless of what label is used at any particular time, it’s only a label, it’s never who you truly are. It can and is made into who you think you are, but this is the great delusion of life because it blocks the ability to see things beyond the label.
The first label taken on is of a son or daughter with a name attached. From there the surface existence expands as does the labeling as school is attended and certain attachments are developed. There are labels associated with athletics, intelligence or seeming lack of, hence the label of the class clown; this labeling continues for the rest of your life. High school, college, occupation, spouse, parent, social status, and on and on, it’s a label that always defines what’s on the surface which blocks your true essence from being known.

Constant labeling caused much difficulty in my life because the labels were always associated with a role and with this surface role taken on the ability to ever get in touch with my natural creative energy was virtually impossible. This creative energy is the I AM beneath the surface that allows life to be as it is, not as the label the Conditioned Mind conjures up and makes you think this is who you are. Nothing from the surface will ever allow your creative potential to be reached because from there a label will always be applied, but and this may be the most important but of your life, if for some reason you become aware that these attached labels are nothing but an illusion, it will be at this point the surface labels can be let go of and the true potential of life becomes what’s at your core with no attached label needed…

Inner Beauty of God

The beauty of God is the beauty of all creation. When we know ourselves we know God and when God is known our inner beauty is revealed…

The created cannot be separated from their creator so we are as beautiful as the entire Universe. Know this truth and know the vastness of the unlimited beauty and love of God. You are the only limit to knowing how beautiful you truly are; this is the eternal energy of which we are all created. To know this is to know God. If you’re to ever experience your true inner beauty you’ll need to innerstand what your limits are and how they can be overcome. At this point you’ll be able to tap into your birthright of Universal Love and not allow your limits to block you from the beauty of your creator and thus the beauty of yourself. The beauty of God is the beauty of all creation and it is where we are all from and who we truly are…

"In dust we came, in dust we shall return", as the Children of Late Archbishop Enoyiogiere Edokpolo buries mother


By Isaac Eranga

Benin City: As mother earth is set to receive Late Mrs. Josphine Amenaghawon Enoyiogiere Edokpolo, mother of Dr. Bishop Omogiade Enoyiogiere Edokpolo, eulogies have started pouring in, describing Mrs. Josphine Edokpolo as a great virtuous woman who ensured that her children succeed in their life's pursuit.

Speaking, a retired Commissioner of Police- Anthony J. Edokpolo said: "Late Mrs Josphine Edokpolo was one of my late father's wife. She was a caring and loving mother and a  disciplinarian.

Anthony J. Edokpolo- retired Commissioner of Police

"Josphine Edokpolo was a woman of integrity who taught her children values such as humility, respect, selflessness, friendship and godliness.

"Apart from her children, Mrs Josphine showed love and care to other children that came her way; we are all beneficiaries of her care and love. I pray God to grant her eternal rest as mother earth is ready to receive her," the retired CP said.

Also speaking, one of her sons- Dr. Bishop Omogiade Enoyiogiere Edokpolo reminiscence the stirling qualities his mother bestowed upon him and his siblings; he said their mother taught them that hard work pays. 

Dr. Omogiade Enoyiogiere Edokpolo who is the President and Founder of Edo Progressive Indigenous Association (EPIA), said he was using this medium to invite all Edo indigenes worldwide to the burial ceremony whose service of songs is January 27th, 2022.

Giving Everything Its Freedom

Enlightenment doesn’t make you free, Enlightenment is you giving everything its freedom. The more this is adhered to the less chance there is of returning to some previous state of inner discontent…

Years ago as my day would begin, at some point I would become discontented and reach for something to quiet it. I would be satisfied for a little while become discontented again reach for something, be satisfied again. Over and over this cycle was repeated and basically this controlled the way I lived my life. The objects mean little except in the fact that the more destructive the thing reached for is the more it affects life in a negative way. This is going on today for millions of people, it’s why I have such a passion to get the message of what happened to me out to as many as people as possible; because it doesn’t have to be this way. Young, old, male, female, ethnic backgrounds, not to many people aren’t affected by this cycle; this is the puppet on the string cycle. The origin of the discontentment needs to be innerstood if this cycle is to be halted. Its origin is the self serving mind which keeps a person entrapped to the self serving mind.

Imagine this, for forty nine years my life was spent in this cycle, but it isn’t this way today. It doesn’t mean the cycle doesn’t happen, but just the awareness of this fact is so freeing; its so important to remain aware of this fact. I have no idea what others have gone through in their life so it matters little if what I see is what someone else sees. The important thing is to know that it was my own mind that created the cycle that kept me discontented for far to many years, and its not enslaving me the way it did. I have learned many things in the last few years and one of them is to not compare my life with anyone else’s. Whatever someone sees I may or may not see, but regardless what is seen is through the view the universe has given me. What I have found as a valuable innerstanding to keep me from returning to my previous cycle is “Enlightenment doesn’t make me free. Enlightenment is me giving everything its freedom.” The more I live by this the less chance I will have of ever returning to my previous state of discontentment…

Reaching Addiction

Regardless of what occurs in life nothing makes a person reach for alcohol, drugs, or anything else. It may seem like it does, but only the Conditioned Mind makes you reach for anything…

What happens in life happens, good, bad, or indifferent, but as you allow what happens to control you, a void is created and this is why the need to reach for something occurs; this is the reason everyone on this planet is an addict to a degree. Most just don’t use many of the devastating things as alcohol, drugs, gambling, cutting, and so on to fill their created void.

If you really want your reaching addiction to end, the real issue needs to be addressed and that is stop creating the void and the reaching addiction will be no more. Until this message is addressed, your reaching we never end. People will continue to die and suffer because of the ignorance of those in control of the information being put out to the public. I may begin working on my next book and the title: The Ultimate Truth: Freedom From the Self Centered Perspective. This is the only truth needed to break free from the hold of addiction. This is the freedom from the bondage of self. This one and only truth will eventually be seen and that’s when the reaching addiction will end…

The Story of Forgiveness

If you have wounds that need to be healed by forgiveness, innerstand they are only there because you want your past to be different, but the past never changes even with the story of forgiveness…

In a world where there is so much anger towards one another, it’s only there because of the anger you have towards yourself. If you truly loved yourself there would only be love in your heart for all beings. Because of this lack of love for self it has to be passed onto others because you can only give to others what’s in your heart. You cannot give what you don’t possess so if you don’t truly love you you can‘t love another.

This leads me to the topic of forgiveness. To me the biggest mistake of this word is people think its needed; that’s where the problem lies. If you understood your own mind you would understand this. Forgiveness is simply a story created by your Conditioned Mind to hold you in captivity to the wounds of the past. Wounds you hold onto that are only there because they’re created by the lack of self love in your heart. Because of this lack these wounds aren’t allowed to heal, this all stems from not allowing yourself to truly love who you are. You think the past should be different, if you didn’t there wouldn’t be the need to forgive.

If you’re aware of the control the Conditioned Mind has over you, you’ll see there’s no need for forgiveness because you and others behave the way your mind tells you. There’s no need to forgive if you are just doing what you have been conditioned to do, and know this it’s your mind telling you what to do and the same mind makes up the story that what it told you to do now needs forgiveness. Who acts and who forgives: it‘s one in the same. My question to you, is the need for forgiveness real or is it just a story? If you truly loved yourself your wounds would have never been produced so they wouldn’t need healing because you just did what you were conditioned to do; there’s no one to forgive…

Velcro Expectations

Velcro expectations are mostly noticed when things aren’t as they are wanted, but even when your expectations are in your favor the velcro mind still controls because of how it clings…

Let go and be free or hold on and suffer, that is the dilemma. Expect things a certain way and when they aren’t in that way the next step in the process is to react to the results of what is expected. When there’s expectations there’s labeling and when you attach labels you cling; this is developing a velcro mind. The more you label the more there’s expectations which is the velcro that makes you cling. Even if expectations work out the way you think they’re suppose to be there’s still clinging, but it’s not noticed as a problem because the situation is as it’s wanted. The velcro mind clings to everything that’s labeled and it labels everything so there’s clinging to everything, but it’s not noticed because you mostly only focus on the things that don’t go your way.

Life is one continuous expectation, but it’s only in the disappointing ones that you think your velcro mind clings; most are unaware of this moment by moment labeling process. When the mind quiets enough to innerstand this the labeling process of everything as this or that lessens and so do your expectations. This results in a mind that is free of clinging and minus the effects of velcro expectations; without this velcro effect it’s impossible to suffer…

Revealing Silence

 Revealing Silence:

There's a silence beyond noise that reveals all that life has to offer. If this silence isn't observed you will live in a world of noise and in this world the revealing silence won’t be heard…

While I was observing our first snowfall of the season in NJ the other day I had to take out the trash from the evenings dinner. As I went outside there was a silence that was revealing. How can silence be revealing you may ask, but it was a silence so quiet that it revealed all existence. I was very much aware of this silence and it was eerily still outside except for the snow coming down. It was beautiful and the revealed silence was equally as beautiful. Noise doesn't reveal beauty it reveals noise, silence doesn’t reveal beauty because silence itself is beauty; without revealing silence beauty cannot be.

To innerstand silence it is imperative to innerstand noise. The noise needs the silence for without silence there wouldn't be anywhere for the noise to arise from, but the silence needs nothing to arise, it is self sustaining, it reveals itself. This is why meditation is so valuable in our human evolution because without it we are a society of noise. All you need to do is look around and see evidence upon evidence of this. It’s nearly impossible because of the lack of practice for most people to be still for even five minutes in their daily life so this equates to life being strictly run by noise; this is not a perception, this is truth. Silence is revealing, noise can't reveal. If you live a life filled with noise there won't be much peace because silence won't be revealed. In silence all of life is revealed, in noise there's noise and not much else…

Potential of Life

The potential of flowers to provide beauty is the essence of their nature, but without the right conditions their potential remains dormant and their beauty remains only as unseen potential…

A person actions whether they’re agreed with or not, can only do what is within them. We are always human as a flower is always a flower and certain things are needed for both to grow and provide beauty to others. If the seeds of a daisy are planted that will be the result of what grows. The essence of the daisy seed will always be in relation to a daisy because that's it's true nature and it's what's there. It has to be of its essence, something different isn't possible if daisies are what's planted. A daisy can never be a rose, but that's not to say a rose can't grow, it's just that rose seeds will have to be planted instead of daisies; both provide beauty because it's their true essence.

We too are like flowers, the potential beauty of life can only emitted when conditions make it so; the Universe provides our essence. We all have the same essence as a flower as far as what's in place when existence begins (the potential is there to provide beauty to others) but unless like the flower our potential is cultivated and given the ingredients needed to grow, it will not be able to reach its full potential and provide its true essence of beauty to others. Each flower has potential to emit beauty because that's its true nature, and it's this way for our human existence as well, but even though beauty is our true nature, it will need the proper cultivation for our potential to be reached. Beauty is the essence of all of life, but it will only be so if that's what's cultivated…

"I"dol Bondage

There are many different versions of God that are used and regardless of what your version is it keeps you in bondage. Although it may appear that God creates the bondage, the bondage is from making God an “I”dol…

There are many traps that keep you in the bondage of your own mind and none of these traps are used as much as the word God. A “False Gods” is no different if it’s an idol as stated in the Bible or simply attaching to some image. To me this “False God” description is right on. Here’s where this gets tricky because anything that is made into a story and is attached to is a “False God” because it becomes a prison to the one who is attached to the story; God is made into an idol by most people and becomes a prison although most don’t see this. Just look at the different religions and how all the followers of a particular one think their God is the right one. Many of these religions have beautiful teachings, but how they’re attached to actually takes away from them. This isn’t to say there isn’t value in them, but there’s never value in attaching to something because it enforces an I am right and you are wrong narrative.

I found this “False God” attachment happening to me yesterday, someone didn’t agree with my article so right away I felt I had to defend it, after all I wrote it so it has to be right, lol. I always have to look at myself so I can identify what form my “False God” is taking on. I’m not saying there is or isn’t a God, this is just to show how attachment to anything becomes bondage and blocks the heart from remaining open to allow everything its freedom. “False Gods” take over when they get control of “I“. I am right is an idol as is anything reached for. The world presents many “False Gods” disguised as idols and until these “False Gods” are identified, the idol of “I” will remain and so will your bondage…

A Core of Love

Find the missing piece in your life so your wants and desire are not selfishly pursued. Reflect on being happily and usefully whole with love at the core of your very being…

For forty nine years there always seemed to be something missing in my life, I’m sixty three now. What I found was missing was love; the love in my heart, not the love I was given. Today I know this love to be most important thing in life, but I was so unconscious for forty nine years that I never really gave this much thought; I didn’t have the means to. I am aware today of the answers to many of the questions I had, but I am just sharing what arose from my reflections. The one thing that I keep going back to is “What changed me” My answer is love. It isn’t that love wasn’t always there, it was a lack of understanding that kept me in the dark to this love. This love is the view that’s here today, and it allows for the beauty of life to be seen.

This is my understanding of the missing piece that caused my mind set and my life to be what it was. This missing piece (love) caused all my problems until I was transformed. This is how I went from being unaware of my destructive behavior, to being a person who just wants love to be at the core of my being. Without love there is no life. It matters little what is accomplished in life without love. So I will try and convey this message to people ” Go for the gold, but if love isn’t at the core of your being, the gold will not provide you with what you so desire, which is to be happily and usefully whole with love at the core of your very being…

Ego Logic

Anytime something is done that’s not beneficial it’s the ego that makes this so. You can say “I shouldn’t have done that” but you cannot not do what your own mind tells you…

It’s not always easy to see life as a gift, there are reasons for this. It’s not to deny that sometimes unpleasant or horrific things happen, but who labels the thing unpleasant and who does the unpleasantness happen to? Although the human form does exist, it doesn’t exist in the way that it appears, it’s ego logic that puts a label on things so it makes sense. The logic of the ego has to have an answer for everything and if it doesn’t it will go searching until it either finds one or makes one up. Life isn’t about having all the answers, or even needing all the answers, but the way the ego has been conditioned that’s exactly what it makes it all about. Attaining, accomplishing, achieving, all to satisfy an ego that is never satisfied; no wonder the world is as it is.

Life is continuous, the ego has been conditioned to make up all kinds of nonsense to avoid seeing this. It uses time to make you believe life needs to be broken up in time slots, but what time is really needed for is to simply keep track of things. The Here and Now is where life always occurs no matter what time it is or what’s going on, but understand as you’re in one of these created time slots waiting for this or that to occur as the logic of the ego makes it seem as though life is incomplete, life is passing you by.

Life can never be any more complete as it is right now, except to an ego that has been conditioned to be everywhere except here, and although your ego has made you think you have developed a logical mind, there really isn’t any logic to it; until this is understood the ego controls the show. Think of this, anytime you do something that isn’t beneficial to you, your ego is making you do it. This is something that needs to be realized if you’re to truly live life and not wait for it to be perfectly logical (only to the ego) to enjoy the temporary gift of life that we have been blessed with…

I AM Abundance

Abundance is a state of Being. You can have it all, but yet have nothing or you can have nothing, but yet have it all. All of life revolves around the things that you cling to…

When your place of existence is based in love than love is the base of whatever is done. With the understanding that nothing you do will ever complete you, that completeness is already within, you will not have a need or lack for anything. If there is no need or lack you have abundance. When love is at the base of existence you will love all that you do. Love is enough.

Love is our state of I AM. It’s the place when Universal conditions were right and our manifestation in this form began. It’s a place of non judgement, non bias. A place where there is no prejudice. In this place there is only love. There isn’t a place to go back to because this is where we already are. There’s just so much noise going on between your ears that you don’t know this place exist. When we learn to stop the noise, what is left is our I AM. Practice diligently so you can be in the only place that truly exist; the delusional state is where most exist.

You do not have to be any place except where you are. It’s your own mind that keeps you from this place because of your conditioning. Recondition the mind to remain in the Present Moment (I Am) and you will never leave your place of abundance. When you don’t want, you don’t need, when you don’t need you will be have abundance. In this state anything’s possible because in this state you’re in alignment with love and in harmony with I AM…

Spiritual Laws

Spiritual laws put you in harmony with life, so take heed that life really never does anything to you, but if you break one of its spiritual laws it will certainly seem like it does…

Spiritual laws are in place to put you in harmony with life and they’re also in place to offer protection against certain behavior. These laws when adhered to within their boundaries allow for life to be lived to the fullest, but the mind has to be open and free flowing for the adherence to these laws to take place. There are also man made laws that align to these spiritual laws, but many of them are broken which blocks them from being as beneficial as they could be. The more you adhere to selfish behaviors, the less chance there is to be in harmony with spiritual laws. When things are used and abused to satisfy self, this blocks life from being spiritual. The animal realm adheres to these laws naturally and that’s why there’s perfect balance. Unfortunately the human conditioning relies too much on the intellect and not enough on spirituality.

Life will mostly be lived in one of two ways, acting in ways that allows alignment to spiritual laws or not. A quiet mind can see this to a degree and slowly stop doing the things that block the spiritual laws from being adhered to. As long as you’re alive life will be lived, but in what way determines your actions and consequences. Go fifty five mph in a twenty five mph zone and regardless if you get a speeding ticket or not you’ll be out of harmony with the law that’s in place. So take heed and understand life never does anything to you, but if you break its spiritual laws it will certainly seems like it does…

True Existence

As we watch a world that’s in such distress with people in such misery, you may wonder how can a person sit silently and joyfully…

If someone is suffering from an illness does the doctor have to lie down beside them and suffer too? Do you have to get the doctor to stop feeling compassion and lie in bed with the patient who is ill? Will that help the patient? In fact, where before there was only one sick person, there will now be two, the world will be doubly sick! The doctor does not need to be sick to help the patient; the physician has to be healthy to help the patient. The more healthy is better; the more healthy the more help you can offer.

I am not against working for what’s best in the world. Anyone who is doing hunger-fighting, fighting for the ecological balance, fighting against poverty, exploitation, oppression, fighting for the freedom-of anyone that is your work at the material level which will benefit many immensely if you become more spiritually rooted, focused, calm, calm, calm, because the quality of your work will be enhanced. You will then be able to think in a more serene manner and it will be possible to act more gracefully. Your understanding of your own inner being will be immensely useful in helping others and that is the true meaning of existence…

Energy to Benefits Others

Having a useful life is being aware of your energy and utilizing it to benefit others. If your energy is used selfishly it won’t even benefit yourself. Energy freely received should be freely given…

A useful life is gauged by the affect it has on others. The gauge being, if you’re a blessing to someone. The more aligned you are with being a blessing to someone, the more useful their life will be and the more you’ll be blessed. Be a blessing in everything you do and everything you do will be a blessing. Even if someone isn’t very nice and their behavior is disliked, for your own sake it would behoove you to be a blessing to that person. If not, you will be the one who will suffer.

The energy given out is the energy of the life you will live. If you always give out love, your life will be one of love, always. If not, it will be limited by whatever conditioning limits your ability to love. The base of any life is determined by the base of the energy in place. This isn’t a philosophy, a philosophy is just some theory; this is energy, it’s physics. You cannot put out discord and not get it in return, because that’s what’s there, but you’re not really getting it in return, you’re just being with the energy that’s there.

Any discord in your heart is your block to the love that is of the same heart. It seems as though what you put out you get in return, but what really happens is the energy that’s put out is the energy that’s there so it has to be what you get, because its what’s there. You cannot plant apples seeds and reap the benefits of growing oranges.

This is the way physics operates, love equals love, laughter equals laughter, gratitude equals gratitude, and so on; it’s the same for negative energy. It has to be this way because it’s what’s there. Energy is neither created or destroyed, it’s only transformed and can only be what it is; and what it is, is what you will be. So be very careful of the energy that is projected out to others for what is put out is the energy that you will live your own life by, it has to be because that’s what’s there.

Influence Yourself

We’re all products of influences so no one can state a belief, idea, concept, or view can truly be called their own. These are all derived from some outer influence so you mostly live someone else’s life…

The view that’s developed over the course of time makes life what it is, but this isn’t to say one view is right and another is wrong or that one is better than the other. I’m just stating a fact that we’re mostly a product of influences and what view we have in place is only there because of those influences in our life. Not one single moment that’s in the past can be changed so there’s no reason to ever give that view a second thought. Giving it a second thought is just a waste of our limited precious time, unfortunately that’s the base of the view most people have. The past will always be the past and nothing will ever change it, but we don’t have to view life from there.

There comes a time in every life when you know the only place to find what you’ve been looking for is within yourself. When there’s awareness of this, what’s usually revealed is that what’s been sought has always been there. This is the inner view that needs to be cultivated if you’re to ever be free of a view that was put in place by others. There are so many influences that mold and shape your entire existence and until there’s awareness of this the view in place will be someone else’s. Truly look at this, mom, dad, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, teachers, friends, tv, radio, and so on, everyone of them had some influence on our current view; no belief, idea, concept and view can you truly call your own.

The only thing that makes me different than you is I’m more aware of my conditioning. I’m not less conditioned, just more aware, but it’s in this awareness that it can be seen how the influences have controlled. This is the importance of awareness, it allows the breaking free of this conditioning. How you do this is by sitting and allowing a settled mind to become your influence, this won’t happen overnight, but with perseverance the influences in place will slowly lose the grip and the influences of the heart (love) will become your new conditioning. This just so happens to be who you truly are without the influences of anyone else, and this is the view where you can begin to truly live your own life…

Energy is Life

Life is energy more so than it is form. Form can be individualized energy cannot, so when the form of “I” isn’t conceptualized life can be lived as it truly is…

Although it’s better to give than to receive, the less deserving we think a person is to receive the more difficult it is to give. What I mean by this is the more unconscious a person is, the harder it is to not judge them as with each judgement it becomes harder to not place them in a convenient category of this or that. Any label blocks you from giving love and it makes you see people as individuals, this is a block to loving them unconditionally.

To not be drawn into this energy takes much discipline. It’s so easy to hate, it seems almost effortless, but it’s not. It really takes a tremendous amount of energy to hate, but unfortunately this is the energy of unconsciousness. That’s a problem because this is the energy that far too many people are guided by in their everyday decisions, but regardless of this and as difficult as it is, if you’re truly conscious you’ll do what’s necessary to love all beings because it will be what’s in your heart. The only reason there’s fluctuation between love and unawareness is because you’re not fully conscious; the more conscious you are the less you’ll cause harm because the less you will want to…

The Slightest Push

An awakening can be likened to a snowball on a hill, nothing else is needed than the initial push to get it rolling, and it will just keep on building momentum until something gets in the way to stop it…

Once a snowball is placed at the top of a hill and it’s pushed ever so slightly, it naturally begins rolling in the only direction it can go and its momentum builds without one ounce of doing. It does take some effort in the beginning to get it going, but not much more than a little push. It’s this way when one wakes up from the sleep of unconsciousness, there’s not much that needs to be done for the awakening to expand, as a matter of fact most people don’t wake up fully because of trying to hard. If you are awake the push has already occurred so all effort is futile. So many books, programs, videos, and whatnot and although they make one knowledgeable, none of it makes you anymore awake than the initial push.

This is one of the reasons I emphasis using the body as an anchor in the awakening process, because it doesn’t take effort, it only takes being with what’s actually here, which is the present moment. All kinds of stories can be made up about what needs to be done, but it doesn’t expand the initial push one bit. Either you are awake in the quietness of the present moment or you’re asleep in the noise of somewhere else, the initial push is what reveals this truth. And as with the snowball, nothing else is needed than the initial push to get it rolling, and it will just keep on building momentum until something gets in the way to stop it…