Only when there’s mindfulness of the present moment is life’s true purpose fulfilled because in the moment there’s no Conditioned Mind nonsense to block the Universe from using you for its betterment…
For me, life is meaningless only to the point where I make up a purpose so it’s the way I think it should be. Look at all the so called unfortunate people in the world that need my help, to me anyway. Who would I be doing this for, them or to satisfy my purpose? If we all lived in a state of abundance and there was no one less unfortunate than me (in my mind anyway) what would my life’s purpose be? I’m not saying don’t help others, but does it need to be made into a purpose or can it just be something to do without adding a label to it?
I guess life has purpose, but whatever that is it isn’t what one makes it out to be and it doesn’t really matter what that is because it would only be done to fulfill some inner lack. Life has its own intentions and purpose and when the mind is quiet there can be alignment with it. But when there’s living for a self created purpose, one is in alignment with something the Conditioned Mind makes up, not life. Only when it’s realized to be mindful of the present moment is life’s true purpose fulfilled because in the moment there’s no time, days, years, decades, centuries, or whatever else the Conditioned Mind uses to block the Universe from using one for its betterment. The only thing needed for this to occur is to be still. Once there’s stillness you can be used as the Universe sees fit for its betterment, not to fulfill some Conditioned Mind purpose…