The senses are directly linked to the bondage of self as is the wanting view. If you really want to understand your life from the spiritual realm you’ll have to get very quiet and become aware of just how subtle the wanting mind is…
Through the senses life is labeled, and those labels are constantly being applied. Everything is judged, even labeling a pen on the desk is a judgment, not a harmful one, but a judgment just the same. When you learn not to label you can become aware of the distractions that keep you from going beyond wanting. With this new awareness your mind finally settles enough to notice the deeper view. This is the initial awareness, but it will require much more quietness to go deeper yet. The deeper you go, the more you will have to let go of wanting which is the sensory world. And the more the material world is let go of, the more you will understand the deeper view and the freer you will be.
The only reason life is viewed wanting (materially) by so many people is because the quietness that’s necessary to view it differently isn’t in place. Wanting isn’t something that’s wrong, it’s just limiting. Without discipline to understand the difference between a wanting view and a deeper view, there will be no difference and the wanting view will be the only view that you have. Not wrong, but limiting, and what’s limited is how the wanting view is never satisfied and is always seeking which blocks out a deeper view…

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